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now can we have a monorail?

a monorail going right in between reliant stadium and the astrodome with stops there, at the other reliant area locations, then six flags/astroworld, parking, and back around to the stadium/hotel complex. it could tie it all together nicely, especially if one stop was near the light rail line.

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With the rodeo and football season and hopefully a superbowl every now and again, I can't imagine the hotel suffering. Also, OTC is in town every year. I think this project (if it comes to fruition) would do quite well. Astroworld could benefit by adding new attractions and cleaning up the place.

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With the rodeo and football season and hopefully a superbowl every now and again, I can't imagine the hotel suffering.  Also, OTC is in town every year.  I think this project (if it comes to fruition) would do quite well.  Astroworld could benefit by adding new attractions and cleaning up the place.

Well, you named off 37 days. I'd like a little better than 10% occupancy if I was blowing $450 million.

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I wonder if the Romans had this kind of debate about the Colosseum in 900 AD.

"I say Et tu Colosseum! I thrust my sword of fire in thine side!"

"Domitian has left us with an elephant of whitness!!! Death to Domitian!!"

Or maybe some joe blow said, "Aw shut your pie-hole, this place is going to be a HUGE tourist attraction one day! Imagine the income from shops, hotels, restaurants, bars! It's a genuine relic, dudes! I'm talkin future cash cow!

Just a cautionary tale from the past.

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Can you imagine the Rodeo doing something in the new Dome-Hotel to corrdinate with the events in Reliant Stadium?!

I think Reliant Park would be an ultimate convention powerhouse. There's nothing the Park couldn't offer.

Do you really think the county will push for an Astroworld improvement if this plan goes through? I'm also curious if the County or City of Houston would ever put in money for a revitalization of the area around Reliant like they're doing downtown or Uptown, 'cause if they really do go through with this plan, that area will desperately need it. Desperately. Astroworld, Old Spanish Trail, Kirby Road, the strip centers, the whole shibangabang.

Personally, I think they should push for a Midtown-type urban development located by Reliant Park on the same side as the Radison Hotel and Texans Practice facility.

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Personally, I think they should push for a Midtown-type urban development located by Reliant Park on the same side as the Radison Hotel and Texans Practice facility.

Seems your best bet in the immediate future is the empty(ish) parcel(s) of land to the east of Fannin. You could add an urban-style village but you would also have to buy out some already occupied parcels, like the BK at the intersection with the South Loop.

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I think this type of development would be great for entertaining super bowl guests. The Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys are working on financing some sort of town centre with entertainment and shopping around the perimeter of the new Cowboys stadium, Ameriquest Field, and Six Flags.

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"I think Reliant Park would be an ultimate convention powerhouse. There's nothing the Park couldn't offer."

Except anything else, besides asphalt parking lots, within a half a mile. And we all know how much conventioneers and tourists LOVE those.

Well they could always take the lightrail to the musuem district and get cultured.

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There are a few reason why I love this plan....

On game day for the Texans, I can easily envision this place with retail and eatery's being a hub for pregame and postgame activities.

Furthermore, look past Texans games. Broaden the scope if you will. Reliant Stadium is A facility that can attract Super Bowl's and Final Four's to town easily by itself. With this plan, Reliant Stadium now has an entertainment attraction with over 1000 hotel rooms next door to it. Talk about sweetening the pot....this makes any future Super Bowl bid near unbeatable as this is what owners look for in bids, hotel rooms and entertainment close by. Nothing gets closer then this.

This is what Jerry Jones dreamed of for the Cowboys in his failed JerryWorld proposal to Dallas, and he's NOT getting it in Arlington, only a stadium. This is what Eddie Debartolo tried to build, a mall-stadium for the 49ers at Candlestick Pointe, what Bidwell tried to build, a mall-stadium for the Cardinals at Rio Salado Crossing....i.e. sports and entertainment complex. All have failed in there attempts due to financing. It appears Houston will be the first in sports history to build a true dream sports and entertainment complex.

Even better, unlike the Cowboys, Cardinals, and 49ers unsuccessful plans of adding mall-like development to the stadium complex, the Astrodome/Hotel/Riverwalk project would be a totally different concept. It would be likened to being a "city inside of a bubble" that would evoke memories of the "Jetsons." A bizarre project like this is sure to pique the curiousity of many around the world, making the Astrodome an attraction once again. And if cities in the future try to copy Houston's successful plan of adding enterteinment around the sports venues to sweeten their Super Bowl bid, no city's Super Bowl bid will ever offer a city inside of a bubble next door as part of there package. Its an attraction that will make any future Super Bowl bid by Houston unbeatable.

Its not just about having conventions people....its about making Reliant Park a premier cant-be-passed-up destination for major events like the Super Bowl and the Final Four. If this plan succeeds, which I believe it will now that they have a solid financing plan, Houston can punch its ticket to the Super Bowl rotation. Guaranteed.

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How humid will it become in the dome with a river walk in it?

Imagine the Super Bowl and Final Four coming here every six years.

i am thinking the largest air conditioning system in the world! heh

or else, we'll have a new natural science museum...ick :unsure:

and would a potentially kitschy dome attract the superbowl and final four every six years? (hell, it might - i definitely wouldn't know...).

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What all is this thing suppose to have anyways? I know the article compared it to some other places around the country, like Grapevine, but I don't know what those places have. Would there be movie theaters, IMAX, IMAX rides, roller coasters, etc..? I think it said there would also be retail, but what kind do you think would work there, it would have to be able to survive when no game or convention is going on. I know London has their big dome, the Millennium Dome, what's all in that? I think if they're going to do this, they should just go all out, balls to the walls. And as for that river, I think it should start at Reliant Stadium, and flow to the Astrodome, with a scenic walkway along it, then when it gets to the Astrodome have it flow inside, then a waterfall (the Astrodome does go below the surface, right?), then at the waterfall is the start of the river in the Astrodome, with the San Antonio river walk stuff. This thing probably isn't going to turn out like I have it in my head, but instead some kind of kitschy nightmare.

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So they're planning to build the Opryland Hotel in a Dome. Or a glorified Holidome?

Are they going to put meeting space in the Hotel? Or will conventions just use the Reliant Center?

Also, the Final Four? Why would the Final Four be at Reliant. Wouldn't it be at Toyota?

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not only would there be the potential for a Super Bowl every 6 years or so, but yes the Final 4 would be another HUGE draw.... and on the off years the facility could host one bracket of the Sweet 16/Elite 8 like San Antonio often does... you also can expect the Big 12 Championship every couple of years as well... with soccer becoming more popular on a large scale in Houston you would also have the ability to pursue more international frendlies... think of the big matches like Argentina/Columbia, Mexico/Brazil etc that currently are played in NYC, LA and Miami... perhaps an upgraded college football bowl game...

all of those events coupled with the 10 guaranteed Texans dates, the rodeo and the current soccer events could be huge...

I think the dream scenario for Houston is to have this project go forward as well as the downtown Pavilions.... then find a way to connect these two areas with the Galleria via mass transit.... we've got one leg done, lets make this a golden triangle of tourism and life in Houston.... tourists could take the rail to nightlife and shops downtown, high end shopping and dining in the Galleria, family fun theme park stuff at Reliant and in between there are the stops at the Zoo and museums and perhaps around Highland Village?

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They already are working on a way to connect the Galleria. The East-West rail line.

A little hotel math might be helpful here. A rule of thumb in the hotel industry is that the daily room rate is 1/100,000th of the total cost of building the hotel complex. Since this one is proposed at $450 million, the average nightly room rate would be $450...almost TWICE the most expensive room in Houston. Do you really think that they will fill up a hotel in the middle of a 25,000 space parking lot, that is not near any of the cultural offerings of the city, at that price? Will the FFA familys pay those rates to stay during the rodeo? How about the Mexicans and the Columbians?

I only have this to say. If they want to build it, great. But, something that is so skewed by the numbers like this one, better not cost the taxpayers a penny...because it doesn't add up....not even close.

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Since the Hotel thing might night be a good idea, I would like to see some kind of ski mountian place inside. Or some other thing like that like lets take the new title that Atlanta is about to get and build the worlds largest aquarium.

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Red Scare,

Are you sure the $450 million doesn't include the construction of the shops and restaurants as well? If so, we may be looking at the hotel costing maybe half or less of that. Still, $200 - $250 a night is expensive but not quite as galling.

Do I look like an expert on that damn thing? B)

The number I saw was $450 million, which I would assume includes every hokey, disney, san antonio, gaylord, fertitta tourist attraction under the dome. If the assumption is that the other kitschy things will pay for themselves, then the room rate would be lower.

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On radio station KTRH, they were discussing the proposal to remodel the Astrodome into a hotel. The host said that if that did happen, the nightly rate for a room would be about $375. Would any of you out there be able and/or willing to pay that amount for only one night?

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On radio station KTRH, they were discussing the proposal to remodel the Astrodome into a hotel.  The host said that if that did happen, the nightly rate for a room would be about $375.  Would any of you out there be able and/or willing to pay that amount for only one night?

I think that would be the highest in Houston. I am not sure the nightly rate on the Four Season, Hillton Americas, Houstonian, or St. Regis, but I would be pretty suprised if you told me they were north of $225 (special engagements aside).

I was married at the Houstonian and we got a group rate of $129 a night. Of course that was also weekend rates.

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