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  1. It's a pipe dream, but that would be an awesome building to add to downtown's skyline.
  2. A&M has a couple of really beautiful old buildings. The rest are 1970's modern crap.
  3. These are some really cool pictures.
  4. "ZaZa" reminds me of a name for a birchon frese, lasa opso, or other puny little "faux rich" queer dog name. And please note, I'm not calling homosexual people queer. I'm just calling the name ZAZA "queer." If there was ever a use for that word, describing "ZaZa" is it!
  5. Perhaps "faux rich" would have been a better way to describe it. "Warwick" is much more classic. Even though it reminds me a little of Diane Warwick's psychic network -- it's still more sophisticated than "ZaZa."
  6. We're in the Dallas district of the federal reserve. There are only 12 branches of the Federal Reserve Bank. For some reason, the government assigned a city name to each of the branches instead of just a simple number. If you have any old greenbacks, they were stamped by each federal reserve bank. Some say Dallas, Chicago, New York, etc...
  7. DT Houston is really going in the right direction. It's by far my favorite area of town. Hopefully we will be able to get some affordable residential down there soon.
  8. Yeah, most of the downtown eateries are shut down on the weekends. I tried to do the same thing once.
  9. My understanding of the nuances of architecture are not as refined as you folks. It looks nice to me. I liked the first design better, but this design will be fine.
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