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I need Memphis tonight to win for bracket purposes ;) .

Either way it won't be an easy road for Texas if they win tonight. Michigan St. already beat them this year and well, Memphis is awesome. But we could just hack-a-shaq them and let them beat themselves.

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I need Memphis tonight to win for bracket purposes .

well, you are doing better than I am then, I lost my first final four team last night when Tennessee went down.

I have three of four left but don't hold out hope for taking the pot this year, now I can just root for the easiest road for Texas to the title. Stanford is going to be a very tough test for us tonight, the Lopez twins present a unique challenge.

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well, you are doing better than I am then, I lost my first final four team last night when Tennessee went down.

I have three of four left but don't hold out hope for taking the pot this year, now I can just root for the easiest road for Texas to the title. Stanford is going to be a very tough test for us tonight, the Lopez twins present a unique challenge.

Two of my teams are still in it as of now, Texas and Wisconsin. I stupidly chose Tennesse going to the Final Four too. I have no idea why b/c I thought they were overrated the entire year. They lost to Texas by 20.

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If you only have two teams left, I think you can stop worrying about your bracket too.... ;)

Tennessee peaked at the wrong time, they hadn't played a good game since the Memphis win, I thought they would turn it around, my loss...at least I had them losing to Kansas in the Final Four...

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I have Kansas, UCLA, Texas, and NC in the Final Four. UCLA beats Kansas for the championship. My bracket too a big hit when Davidson beat Georgetown. That sucked. I'm only at 40% now (have 40% of my bracket right according to ESPN).

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I have Kansas, UCLA, Texas, and NC in the Final Four. UCLA beats Kansas for the championship. My bracket too a big hit when Davidson beat Georgetown. That sucked. I'm only at 40% now (have 40% of my bracket right according to ESPN).

I just hate the way UCLA has been winning. Their luck is running out. You can't keep winning like that consistenly against good teams they're about to face.

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I just saw about 20 Memphis fans leaving Morton's downtown and walking towards the Hilton. I wished the Pavilions had been finished b.c. they were going to be walking right by it! But on the other hand the Reserve bar had a nice crowd so maybe they will stop in there!

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we met a couple of attendees at the darkhorse yesterday afternoon. they said they were from vegas. i asked what do you think of houston so far? they started talking about the $60 cab rides from downtown to reliant. :wacko:cab driver expletive deleted. then they mentioned that someone else told them about the train which they used the last time they went down.

they were very polite. they asked the patrons whether they could turned the volume of the game down so that they could play the jukebox. we thanked them and bought em a couple of micheladas.

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Went to the game and sat in the club area which was still a great seat and view IMO. Best sporting events to go to IMO are pro football games. There are no other fans like those. Since it was a neutral stadium there wasn't a flashy graphic to tell the UT fans when to cheer, as if it ever needed to stop in such a game.

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Went to the game and sat in the club area which was still a great seat and view IMO. Best sporting events to go to IMO are pro football games. There are no other fans like those. Since it was a neutral stadium there wasn't a flashy graphic to tell the UT fans when to cheer, as if it ever needed to stop in such a game.

I don't think pro football can touch college football in terms of atmosphere and great fans. Then again it depends on the experience you had (or didn't) in college. Geaux Tigers!!!!

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Pretty unbelievable that with a Final Four berth on the line, this game was 11,000 short of a sellout in this stadium configuration.

It's probably pretty clear to Barnes that UT is a football first school. There've been rumors he's been looking elsewhere.

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I think they capped it at either 40 or 45 thousand tickets, can't remember the exact number now. The crowd yesterday was actaually pretty full, but it was Sunday afternoon, and the fans weren't quite awake yet, which is something we had in common with our team. Pretty embarrasing performance all around.

And kinkaid....I don't think Barnes is going anywhere, but after yesterday's performance he can do what he wants, our offense was completely worthless and our defense just didn't have the bodies...Callepari absolutely schooled Barnes on the x's and o's yesterday.

Memphis looked unbeatable this weekend...they are playing ball like I have never seen a team play...I would be shocked if they didn't win it all.

PS - Rick, I didn't mean that, I was talking out of anger, PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!!!

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I don't think pro football can touch college football in terms of atmosphere and great fans. Then again it depends on the experience you had (or didn't) in college. Geaux Tigers!!!!

That may be true since the only college football game I've ever been to was a Rice and a Texas Bowl game. All I know is that a Texans game is awesome. It gets so loud in there you'd think they're feeding noise in through the speakers. And that's before the game even starts.

edit - and that's for a barely .500 team...not a title contending lsu, ut etc.

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Pretty unbelievable that with a Final Four berth on the line, this game was 11,000 short of a sellout in this stadium configuration.

It's probably pretty clear to Barnes that UT is a football first school. There've been rumors he's been looking elsewhere.

Old chicken-Rick was exposed. Too bad he chose to end the series with UH.

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I think they capped it at either 40 or 45 thousand tickets, can't remember the exact number now. The crowd yesterday was actaually pretty full, but it was Sunday afternoon, and the fans weren't quite awake yet, which is something we had in common with our team. Pretty embarrasing performance all around.

And kinkaid....I don't think Barnes is going anywhere, but after yesterday's performance he can do what he wants, our offense was completely worthless and our defense just didn't have the bodies...Callepari absolutely schooled Barnes on the x's and o's yesterday.

Memphis looked unbeatable this weekend...they are playing ball like I have never seen a team play...I would be shocked if they didn't win it all.

PS - Rick, I didn't mean that, I was talking out of anger, PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!!!

Yeah, UM played well and UT didn't. It really was that simple I think. I don't think Texas played bad necessarily because of Memphis, because we missed plenty of open looks and shots we normally hit. But I'll give credit to them because they played well and played pretty good defense.

One thing that annoyed me about this Texas crowd is that they thought anytime we missed a shot or something went wrong for the horns it was supposed to be a foul or it was a bad call by the refs. I hope they're better fans at the football games.

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Old chicken-Rick was exposed. Too bad he chose to end the series with UH.

Don't get me started on Penders, if you wouldn't kill to have Rick Barnes coach your team you are not a real Cougar fan...But agree Rick didn't draw up his best game plan, or make his best adjustments....

One thing that annoyed me about this Texas crowd is that they thought anytime we missed a shot or something went wrong for the horns it was supposed to be a foul or it was a bad call by the refs. I hope they're better fans at the football games.

Well, Texas got shafted a few times early in the game (a blatant five second call nearly gave me a heart attack) and that got us off on a bad note with the officials...it went downhill after that with the mounting frustration...

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I am only spekaing to Rick's comments about not coming back to Houston and play UH. The series between the two schools is tied. One would think...I

Instead keep playing Texas State, UC Davis, and TSU, et. al.

Agreed, wish we could have kept that series going...I guess Rick just thought we didn't need to make the trip to Houston for recruiting, we could do without it. Also, lets not get started on out of conference schedules, we played UCLA, Tennessee, Michigan State, Wisconsin, St. Mary's, Oral Roberts....all tournament teams, there are probably others I can't think of off the top of my head...

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Agreed, wish we could have kept that series going...I guess Rick just thought we didn't need to make the trip to Houston for recruiting, we could do without it. Also, lets not get started on out of conference schedules, we played UCLA, Tennessee, Michigan State, Wisconsin, St. Mary's, Oral Roberts....all tournament teams, there are probably others I can't think of off the top of my head...

Rick definitely likes to come to Houston for recruiting purposes. That's why they schedule games with Rice. It's the same thing with football.

Of course, by playing Rice, UT is able to name the venue (HINT; they don't play at Autry or Rice Stadium) and be almost 99.9% assured of a win.

What happened last weekend was Memphis absolutely DOMINATED two of the best teams from the Big 10 and Big 12. Michigan State and Texas just found out what the rest of the CUSA has known for the past 3 years; when the season starts, you are only playing for second place. Unfortunately, for the rest of the CUSA teams, that just means the national media thinks you are crap. That's why UAB and Houston didn't even get a whiff of the NCAA and were passed over by a team like Kentucky despite the fact that both UAB and Houston massacred UK this past season.

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It was a shame they didn't play in Toyota. I went to both games, and the venue is less than ideal for basketball. Friday's game was reasonably loud, but the crowd was completely inaudible when I watch the game on Tivo. The ground-level seats where way too far away, and there was almost no slope in the seats, so when one person stood up, everyone had to stand. I'm alumni; I don

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What happened last weekend was Memphis absolutely DOMINATED two of the best teams from the Big 10 and Big 12. Michigan State and Texas just found out what the rest of the CUSA has known for the past 3 years; when the season starts, you are only playing for second place. Unfortunately, for the rest of the CUSA teams, that just means the national media thinks you are crap. That's why UAB and Houston didn't even get a whiff of the NCAA and were passed over by a team like Kentucky despite the fact that both UAB and Houston massacred UK this past season.

Calipari would agree:

"This is how we play," Calipari said. "We've played this way all year. People just haven't seen us. They want to say that it's our league, but our league is much better than it was three years ago with the breakup. Way better. Next year my prediction is that we'll get three teams in the NCAA Tournament. Three. So our league is not the issue. The issue is that we are really good."

So, which are the other two teams that Cal thinks will join his Tigers in the Dance?

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It was a shame they didn't play in Toyota. I went to both games, and the venue is less than ideal for basketball. Friday's game was reasonably loud, but the crowd was completely inaudible when I watch the game on Tivo. The ground-level seats where way too far away, and there was almost no slope in the seats, so when one person stood up, everyone had to stand. I'm alumni; I don't have to stand anymore. :angry: Also, they didn't sell any booze.

I understand that NCAA just wants to sell more seats, but I can't imagine Toyota is too small considering half of Reliant was closed off. What are we San Antonio? No, we're H-Town and we have more than one sports venue.

I was in the club level so I can't directly relate, but I thought the seats were great and offered a great view. I'm not sure how good it was for the people way up top though.

But yeah, it seemed like the Memphis fans were louder than UT's, but they were also on the other side of the stadium from me, so maybe that's why. But I'm guessing it was probably pretty loud for the coaches and the players in the middle of it all.

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