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musicman last won the day on June 11 2013

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About musicman

  • Birthday 03/03/1967

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    SE Houston
  • Interests
    Houston, music, home improvement, genealolgy, biking/skating around Houston. Checking out the food and drink. Art cars. Avoiding places ending in Creek.

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  1. Vik your influential person in planning misled you on sidewalks and the ADA. centerpoint obtains an easement to place poles. in the instance, METRO chose to obtain the easement to widen the corridor. at this point, METRO is responsible for moving the power poles out of the old easement. since they didn't have enough money the poles remained. to blame centerpoint is wrong. the city of Houston residents are not required to build and maintain sidewalks and curbs. there are many areas that don't have them currently. if they want them, they can petition the city to build them and the neighborhood can pay for them outright OR they could get lucky with a capital improvements shot of funding. if they have sidewalks currently then yes they want citizens to maintain them.
  2. I'm actually headed there this afternoon for a mooners happy hr. dec 7 is bad. all the Christmas parties are already on peoples' calendars. sorry for not logging in more often. lot less to look at nowadays.
  3. nothing. the time I went there it was loud, not the type of place i'd want to go with a group to talk.
  4. just have to look at historical data. increased spending doesn't increase test scores.
  5. Gotta be honest winetopia is lame. At voodoo now. So far so good. Reasonably priced too.
  6. What about voodoo queen on the east side? Near milby and Harrisburg. Heard drinks are robust.
  7. Yes but eliminates certain areas of town completely. Is your last name sebelius?
  8. Since my power is out I am craving a drink. We need another happy hour before 2014! No hipster or doucheois places though. Before or after thanksgiving?
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