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TowerSpotter last won the day on March 31 2017

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About TowerSpotter

  • Birthday 12/26/1996

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    El Salvador - Houston
  • Interests
    Architecture, Designs, Superbikes, Traveling. Life

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  1. Tons of renewable energy companies have made a move to Houston within the last year, mainly solar power companies. Now we are moving into battery companies. Italian based Flash Battery is opening it’s US office and manufacturing hub in Houston for its lithium batteries. https://www.powerprogress.com/news/flash-battery-opens-u.s.-subsidiary/8039765.article
  2. I am proud to announce these maps will soon be launched on my site for anyone to see. Unfortunately all my progress was lost but I will be adding them back in by the day.
  3. Some good news from a month ago, positive for the Houston office market. Houston based start up Fervo went from 5,185 sqft of office space to 23,782 sqft in One Shell Plaza as it continues to grow. https://houston.innovationmap.com/fervo-energy-downtown-houston-office-2668903411.html
  4. In other news, Summit Next Gen has acquired their site in Houston. JETI incentives have helped bring the company into Houston, if it wasn’t for that they would have gone to Louisiana according to the company. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/summit-next-gen-closes-acquisition-130000320.html
  5. Thats good news, there has been quite a few solar companies bringing operations down here recently. Its good to see clean energy companies arriving, definitely the diversification we need.
  6. Google opens office in San Salvador Cool new library in San Salvador’s historic downtown
  7. This may be far fetched and I don’t know how reliable this source is, but I heard a rumor from someone who said he has connections and said they were planning to build a casino near Margaritaville. He would not go into detail on the who. Apparently gambling could be legal in Texas soon. I don’t know. Could be why Las Vegas Sands has a vision for a casino in Dallas, maybe another reason why Tilman is gobbling up more properties. But anyways, does anyone know anything about this?
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