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nate4l1f3 last won the day on November 24 2021

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  1. Correct. Jim Crane was proposing to the church that he would build and pay for the garage himself for the church to use in exchange for permission to build on top of the garage.
  2. So i guess Crane wasn't able to convince the nuns. They're no longer allowed on the big screen at the games!! Seriously tho this sucks because that just means the ballpark village will be a smaller than planned.
  3. I think this one is actually good news. If I’m correct it means that the church agreed to let Jim Crain build them a new parking garage in exchange for building on top of the garage.
  4. I knew my guy Crane wouldn’t let this space sit as is.
  5. hmmm i recall him wanting to specifically build an underground garage so that he could build on top of that land. He was still working to convince the church of that the last tie i heard
  6. Does this mean Crane was not able to buy this block for more space for his entertainment development? I know he mentioned he was hoping to build them an underground garage or something so that he could build on the lot.
  7. I went here Saturday night and it’s a big step down from Brass Tap IMO.
  8. I randomly drove by Saturday night and they had all the windows opened to the outside and this place looks badass from the street. Definitely exceeding my expectations.
  9. I give Jim Crane the full benefit of the doubt. Something has to be coming to this space.
  10. Welp. Guess it’s not the same one as before. I hate it.
  11. The king has returned
  12. Yeah they do those mini concert things up there that do well (I went to the Beatles one), but hopefully they add something more permanent. You seem to have more faith than me so I’m hoping you’re right.
  13. I’ve honestly mostly been disappointed with the rooftop. After going up there once what’s the appeal to go back up there again? There’s really nothing to do but stroll. They could easily replicate the lodge at Bryant Park in NYC up there and that would do wonders.
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