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  1. A thread about this building was the first thing I ever posted on this forum, which was the second-ever internet thing I ever signed up for, in 2005, when I was in 11th grade. Now I am 34 and on the same forum I am still seeing pictures of this POS. When are they going to blow it up.
  2. I love stuff like this, it looks like west LA or a suburb in Japan. The key would build like 500 more of them inside the loop* *I don't mean this particular building, its not architecturally my taste, but I mean like the general form factor of a 4-5 apartment that has minimal tuck-under parking that's only like a 1/4 acre and replaces a house, and there could be several of these on any given block. This is the next evolutionary step after those 3 story townhomes.
  3. This is probably a really dumb question, but do these TMC developments which are private sector oriented and not necessarily just hospitals pay normal property taxes? To the city? Just curious.
  4. I suspect that the traffic people are concerned about there is east and west, not north or south. There is really nowhere to put such a thing that wouldn't involve condemning large amounts of private property or ruining the natural amenities that make The Woodlands desirable in the first place. The idea is a nonstarter.
  5. The latter thing is Colony Ridge. It was fairly controversial. The guy who bought all the land and built it is a libertarian of sorts and his arguments in favor of his right to build it are sound. It's just that he's going to create a concentration of like 50,000-60,000 extremely poor people a large proportion of which are undocumented, don't speak english, have no education, etc in a location that's extremely far away from practically everything. It's going to be weird. Also not a lot of long term provisions to pay for services and infrastructure. Understandable why so many, especially in today's economy, would take the offer to buy a cheap lot and put up a trailer and DIY yourself some kind of homestead, but man, I think going forward 20-30 years that place is going to be rough. I think the only other similar places in the US would be the deserts north of LA, where there are huge settlements of people living in trailers and it's really bleak and weird.
  6. To save money they should close down their offices in Midtown. That would be a big space to be redeveloped that's not a ugly wall on the sidewalk. Crime Stoppers would be a better fit for Greenspoint, I think.
  7. The mall looks like it was pretty nice up until a few years prior to its demise. I had a thought, it seems like nowadays the "pace of change" for places like malls is slower. Like, many malls of the 1960s and 1970s only lasted about 30 years. 30 years ago was 1992, there aren't as many dead shopping centers from 1992 around today. I wonder if the retail industry was more volatile back then, when it was a new and growing thing. Nowadays there are only a handful of major chains, a lot of malls have vanished, so of course that means what remains are regional or flagship stores operated by giant publicly traded corporations that have deep pockets. Kind of like how when the internet was young there were a lot of different search engines and a lot of major websites and a lot of different brands of PC's and early smartphones and many of them came in a flash and vanished. Now there's just a few giant social media platforms, and a handful of companies that sell the majority of mobile devices.
  8. That's a pretty heavy duty phase 1. It looks like they shifted from being many small buildings to being a handful of big ones?
  9. So, actually there is a severe paucity of publically accessible ones outside the city proper. The HOA pools, which are residents only, tend to dominate. I disagree completely. Other metro areas usually have municipal or county run aquatic facilities.
  10. So it's like a normal apartment complex, but with big chonker 6 story buildings. Interesting.
  11. I feel like I am raising the dead here, but I have a similar childhood memory and associate those things with Kmart too. Also older Krogers would have the intake vents in the middle of the store that would suck up all the mylar balloons that escaped the floral section. They'd float there and spin around helplessly like prey.
  12. They have an ongoing project (recently went through permitting phase, no ground broken yet) in central Fort Worth to build three individual midrise apartments and then an 8 floor garage shared amongst them https://www.dfwi.org/go/1000-weatherford https://www.fortwortharchitecture.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6596&page=5#entry138136 I would expect this thing in Houston would be very big with loads of units.
  13. I love it, it kind of takes density in that area to the next level and hopefully there will be more. I'm glad its modern looking and not some "old timey heights" design.
  14. That fedex used to be a kinko's and had a subway conjoined to it. Oh well, a highrise would be much better.
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