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august948 last won the day on May 26 2021

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  1. So, ditch Kamala and nominate Mark Kelly for president? He'd poll higher than Kamala for sure.
  2. Apparently, it wasn't just how she looks that got her going...
  3. Surprised no one has already created this thread since she's the presumptive nominee...
  4. An obvious fake...he's not orange. Someone needs to work on their photoshop skills.
  5. Awesome! It's great to watch Fox with the sound turned off just for the scenery. Definitely can't do that with the "ladies" of MSNBC.
  6. Only Comcast customers know what Comcastic truly means.
  7. News is saying Harris has the delegates needed for the nomination. Now let's see them put in Hillary or Michelle as the vp nominee. Harris Hillary-ous 2024?
  8. Time for him to collect on his rather late endorsement of SJL for mayor.
  9. Good points all. Some think he checked out before the end of his presidency.
  10. For unrelated reasons, we've decided to give starlink a try. Anyone have experience with starlink during the storm?
  11. Neither has Obama at this point. What's up with that? So... Whitmire doesn't toe the party line like the others? Welcome to the Democratic party, comrade.
  12. The way she's riding a battery powered shark is going to take a dark turn in the meme-space very soon.
  13. So... we're saying Kamala has jumped the shark already? 🤣
  14. Maybe that would remove some of the Friday night racers from Westheimer? It'd be a public service.
  15. It's usefulness, like any transit project, depends on where you are going. As for adding lanes, the Katy Freeway west of 610 is 26 lanes wide, including the feeders, so there's still plenty of lane width that can be added to all the freeways around town. The Katy should be the standard for the metro area.
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