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You spoil sport! You Scrouge!

No, in all seriousness, I agree with RS about the hotel. All you would be doing is putting the nearby hotels out of business. The shops idea is a novel one but how many people do you think will go out of their way to shop at Reliant Park in late winter/early spring when the Texans are done playing and Astroworld isn't even open until late March?

I still say an observation tower with some restaurants/gift shops/etc would be a better draw, especially since Reliant Park is going to be the home of some future major national conventions.

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I thought the GWB was so that it could hold future conventions. Unfortunately the Dome is one of the biggest white elephants anywhere. It's hard to see how a hotel or just about anything else could be profitable, which is an issue here because the county still owes a bundle on the bonds that were used to finance the renovations to keep the Oilers from leaving. :blink: Is anyone aware of any stadium anywhere being adapted to another non-stadium use? Lacking alternatives, it makes sense to use it for soccer until the new soccer facility is built. After that, who knows?

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I thought the GWB was so that it could hold future conventions.  Unfortunately the Dome is one of the biggest white elephants anywhere.  It's hard to see how a hotel or just about anything else could be profitable, which is an issue here because the county still owes a bundle on the bonds that were used to finance the renovations to keep the Oilers from leaving.  :blink:  Is anyone aware of any stadium anywhere being adapted to another non-stadium use?  Lacking alternatives, it makes sense to use it for soccer until the new soccer facility is built.  After that, who knows?

You mean other than The Compaq Oasis of Love? No.

Wait! The Seattle KingDome was adapted for use as a parking lot!

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Helicopters to the Gulf, then bam, an instant reef!


Agree too. Don't think they'll make a decision b4 my birthday :mellow:

But if it were temporarily a soccer place, wouldn't that just lose money? Why not just make it permanent?

I think a convention hotel is the best idea for this instance. If Harris County pushes Six Flags to remodel Astroworld completely and make it would-class, AND if they push to revitalize the area AROUND Reliant Park, it could be a cash cow for everyone.

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Yep. Say hello to even higher hotel vacancy rates. Well, at least that will match up with our 6 million sq ft of empty office space.

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This actually may work! And it doesn't have to become another KingDome either!! We actually have 1,200 hotel room IN the Reliant Complex!! Should be a HUGE plus for Reliant Center and Reliant Arena!

If they ever do redevlop Astroworld, I think AstroHotel could be a boom waiting to happen (but it won't help them if Astroworld stays in it's current condition.)

Finally, Bob McNair has talked about possibly selling the land where the Texans hold practice. Wouldn't it be cool if the new MLS stadium were located there instead of the East End? It'd be the ULTIMATE Convention Complex!

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I would think that if it is a solid 'go', that the SB boosters would work it into their presentation, as a sort of 'if you thought we were great last time, wait till you see this' thing. It would have some usefulness in that regard.

At $450 million, it's going to be one pricey hotel room, though. That's four times the cost of the Hilton Americas, for the same number of rooms.

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The glass/clear panels are already there on the dome. They just need to take the black paint off

As wikipedia says "The dome's ceiling was made of clear plastic panes. Players quickly complained that glare coming off of the panes made it impossible for them to track fly balls, so all of the panes were painted over, which solved the glare problem but caused the grass to die from lack of sunlight."


But..yeah, interesting concept. It's too touristy, though, and the sub-par quality of Astroworld nearby needs to be addressed as well.

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Yep.  Say hello to even higher hotel vacancy rates.  Well, at least that will match up with our 6 million sq ft of empty office space.

Not necessarily. At least in theory, these types of places generate their own business, "new" business, if you will, that would not otherwise be in Houston at all. This is very similar in concept to (but smaller than) the giant Gaylord Resort in Grapevine, Texas. It just opened a year or two ago. It does not seem to have hurt the D-FW hotel market, but I'd be interested in knowing...

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Not necessarily.  At least in theory, these types of places generate their own business, "new" business, if you will, that would not otherwise be in Houston at all.  This is very similar in concept to (but smaller than) the giant Gaylord Resort in Grapevine, Texas.  It just opened a year or two ago.  It does not seem to have hurt the D-FW hotel market, but I'd be interested in knowing...

I think this is a great idea personally. I don't want to see the Dome taken down, but I don't want it mothballed either. There was a study in the Dallas Morning News that showed the Gaylord Resort was not taking rooms for Dallas. Where Dallas seems to be more convention and business travel, Gaylord is drawing many families. Not to say Gaylord is not getting convention business, which it getting a lot of. This type of resort was something I personally never envisoned myself visiting, but I went a few weeks ago. I must say, I was really impressed. They had a huge sports bar with flat screen tvs and you got to sit in these awsome Lazy Boy type chairs. I think something of this caliber would work well in Houston.

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I would think that if it is a solid 'go', that the SB boosters would work it into their presentation, as a sort of 'if you thought we were great last time, wait till you see this' thing.  It would have some usefulness in that regard.

At $450 million, it's going to be one pricey hotel room, though.  That's four times the cost of the Hilton Americas, for the same number of rooms.

The Hilton Americas was around $300 million.

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