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RedScare last won the day on July 10 2013

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  1. I leased office space on the 19th floor of the Great Southwest Building for 5 years back in the early 2000s. My offices ran along the north side of the 19th floor, along the setback. There was an 8 foot wide balcony that was inaccessible due to windows that did not open. I had my cabinet maker remove a window and knock out some brick to install a door to the balcony. I am sure that it is still there. It would be the first window in the northwest corner of the balcony. At one time there was an apartment on the east side of the 19th floor. It also had a door that opened to the east side balcony. My law partner leased this space. We used to throw huge parties when the Grand Prix was run on the streets of downtown. The balconies held dozens of people without a problem. We also threw parties at various other times. GSW was a wonderful building. I watched the baseball stadium being built from that balcony, and of course, threw a party there on Opening Night. I am glad to see it being renovated, though I feel bad for my many friends being evicted to make room for the apartments.
  2. Your data appears to be incorrect. There were 319 burglaries in the Heights police beat during 2011. That increased to 266 in 2012, a 14.7% increase (nowhere near double). Almost all of that increase occurred during January 2012, when approximately 60 burglaries were committed. The burglary rate has plummeted in 2013, from 30.5 per month to 22 per month, a 27.9% DECREASE. Burglaries overall increased for a 4 month period from October 2011 to January 2012. Otherwise, they have stayed in the 20 per month range.
  3. Only a couple of hours to the first game. Anyone wanting in needs to sign up quick.
  4. That does suck. I am still trying to figure out why they felt the need to put the height restriction bars over the entrances. It is an open parking lot, not a garage. Unless...
  5. The engineer lied. As for all those great over engineered houses? Look at how many are gone. Those are the ones that didn't make it. But, again, people try to make these houses sound like something they ain't. One day, maybe you'll pull back a wall and see for yourself. I enjoy working on my house, but I will not lie about how they are built just to sound like an old house homer. My garage, built in 2009, is twice as strong, level, engineered, wind resistant, and everything else compared to my 107 year old house. And it ain't even close. When I added a porch onto the back of my house, the City would not even let me do the same foundation as the house.
  6. Haha! Sounds like we have a Heights homeowner who hasn't yet had the pleasure of peaking behind his walls yet. You are in for a HUGE surprise...assuming you even know what to look for. Even with the added load capability of old growth hardwoods, our roofs are supported with 2x4s, as are our rafters. Floor joists are 2x8s, spaced 24 inches apart. Blocks are spaced up to 14 feet apart. These homes are not over-engineered by any stretch of the imagination. That is a myth perpetuated by those who love old houses and cannot justify why they spend so much money on them. The one place where they are as strong as new builds is the fact that they used shiplap inside instead of drywall. This has the same effect as putting OSB on the outside of new homes for wind load strength.
  7. Wow! I've never seen this many people sign up. This may be a fun year. For all you new guys, don't let sowanome fool you. She may be a girl, but she always kicks our butts! Good luck to everyone.
  8. Funny that you should mention Caceres. Check it out. Million dollar 4700 foot homes. $280 psf. That's 30 bucks a foot LESS than this Heights house...a house that is WEST of Heights Blvd, by the way. http://search.har.com/engine/130-Calle-Catalina-Pl-Houston-TX-77007_HAR78961173.htm http://search.har.com/engine/114-Calle-Catalina-Pl-Houston-TX-77007_HAR90047404.htm
  9. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you may be the only person I've ever met (or not met) who thinks a house on 18th street near Shepherd is more attractive than a house bordering Rice University. And, I am not surprised that you think that price is close to correct. I remember when you were bragging about what you payed for your house a couple of years back.
  10. The first house is overpriced by at least $200,000, maybe 250.
  11. There are worse people to be compared to than Bob Slovak. Like the Unabomber. Or Billy Ray Cyrus. I must protest, however. I am not polish/czech. And my hair has not been that color since I was 14. Other than that, I'm good.
  12. No problem. It literally took 30 seconds to rename the group for 2013.
  13. Yeah, missing a week really kills your interest. Maybe we can PM each other if there are no entries by a certain time.
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