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seems like we heard something about this a little while back in another thread.. a mixed use development is supposed to go here i thought? or maybe we were just speculating. i think it might of been discussed in The Kirby Collection thread?

Edited by cloud713
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seems like we heard something about this a little while back in another thread.. a mixed use development is supposed to go here i thought? or maybe we were just speculating. i think it might of been discussed in The Kirby Collection thread?

A brochure for the sale of the property was posted in another thread a few months ago.

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Yep, this 3.7 something acre site has already been under contract for a bit, now. Dean Patrinely - Patrinely Group - has the entire site tied up. For redevelopment. Residential, no surprise. Over 200$/ft.

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Yep, this 3.7 something acre site has already been under contract for a bit, now. Dean Patrinely - Patrinely Group - has the entire site tied up. For redevelopment. Residential, no surprise. Over 200$/ft.

Residential as in a high rise?

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Ha. Was never much of a sushi king fan either, swtsig.

At least there are several mixed use projects with retail u/c or planned in the immediate vicinity. Kirby Collection, Levy Park, West Ave Phase III, and maybe the those office building around the corner of 59 & Kirby. Wasn't there also a large project at the SW corner of Shepherd & W.Alabama discussed some time ago?

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Unfortunately the University Line won't be coming down this far.. Culberson is forcing it to turn south off Richmond/out of his district before Shepherd.. Assuming it ever sees the light of day.

So this will likely be more mid-rise apartments/maybe a west ave style development? I was hoping for a mixed use with high-rises. Lol

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Yes we need to add bike lanes and the university line, those two things would help a lot. If there are alternatives and people still insist on driving oh well deal with the consequences.


No, we don't. It's far easier to get around by car when those pesky rail lines aren't using up valuable road space.


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People who use bike lanes in car oriented urban environments need to be placed in institutions where they are no longer a threat to public safety or to themselves. Driving in Houston without killing anyone is hard enough!

Edited by Metro West
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Eh?  Pretty sure it goes out on Richmond through here before cutting south west of Greenway plaza... or am I lost?


well that was the plan after '08 or whenever the Afton Oaks debacle was. but a few months ago Culberson said federal funding wouldnt be allowed for light rail ANYWHERE in his district. which includes parts of both the University Line and the Uptown Line.. Richmond west of Shepherd, and Post Oak. unless they move forward with a BRT system down that same path on Richmond before crossing at Cummins then its looking like METRO will be forced to cross 59 east of Shepherd and run the light rail along their Westpark ROW for most of the way.


People who use bike lanes in car oriented urban environments need to be placed in institutions where they are no longer a threat to public safety or to themselves. Driving in Houston without killing anyone is hard enough!

i cant tell if you are being facetious or if you are serious. unfortunately i think you are serious, in which case i cant disagree more. if more people rode bikes instead of cluttering the streets with one person in a giant 2 ton vehicle, then maybe traffic (and pollution) wouldnt be such a madhouse in this city and it wouldnt be so dangerous to navigate on foot or on bike. you are advocating for less people walk/bike and more people drive? ughh.. as for being a threat to public safety.. you have that all backwards. its the vehicles who are a threat to public safety of the bicyclists..

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No, we don't. It's far easier to get around by car when those pesky rail lines aren't using up valuable road space.

There are parallel roads, deal with it

People who use bike lanes in car oriented urban environments need to be placed in institutions where they are no longer a threat to public safety or to themselves. Driving in Houston without killing anyone is hard enough!

That's why we need more bike lanes and trails

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Uncivil discourse will be removed.  Please use the Off-Topic threads to rant or go off.  A simple statement of fact is all that would be necessary to make a point.  Cursing politicians and "going off" is not appropriate here.

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Uncivil discourse will be removed.  Please use the Off-Topic threads to rant or go off.  A simple statement of fact is all that would be necessary to make a point.  Cursing politicians and "going off" is not appropriate here.


Thank goodness, as well it should. Earlier, someone pretending to be a moderator "went off" on a rant about a comment regarding development off Richmond/Kirby. They cursed me, called me a fool…just “went off” on several commenters, and was Off-Topic saying nothing about development at Richmond/Kirby. Anyway, good comment, and glad things are on track along Richmond and Kirby. Houston’s definitely on track: full speed ahead…ain’t no stopping us now.

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The strip center is lot of commercial lost...will there be a retail component at all?


That's what I'm wondering. You would think with the developments going up across the street that this would be in mind. I remember there being a post about Office Max or which ever store like that is in that strip center (can't seem to remember) was starting to downsize their stores overall so maybe that was a contributing factor to this? I know it was the largest tenant in that strip center.

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