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cloud713 last won the day on January 10 2017

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About cloud713

  • Birthday 02/09/1989

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  1. I didn’t realize it until coming up to 45 from 59 today but the colors of this mesh very well/are respectful to the other buildings around that part of the park. The exterior columns and painted blank walls on the back side match the red brick of OPP and the glass matches Hess tower.
  2. I’m wondering this too.. how many feet is this supposed to be? The initial renderings didn’t seem as tall as it looks in person.
  3. Any idea when a conversion is planned to start? This building will be a big part of my view this semester. Hoping they retain the design and don’t try to reclad it like shorestein wanted to do.. wish those fins were structural enough to put glass walled balconies on.
  4. Are there plans to renovate or at least repaint the old Hilton building to match the new one? They don’t mesh at all..
  5. I still can’t believe they would want to/are going to build an apartment complex there 😳
  6. Ugh, I was selfishly hoping the recession would can this project. 🤣
  7. Even worse sign is the current economic conditions/recession were possibly heading into..
  8. So glad to hear that.. I was recently wondering about this/was afraid they fell victim to the BRT.
  9. Apparently im even more late.. just stumbled onto this architectural travesty by means of the TMC3 thread. WTF, this was by far the best tower in the TMC, and one of the best designs in the entire city. This seriously saddens me way more than it should. What a disgrace to Pelli.. RIP.
  10. It really is. By far the best toll road/highway layout in the city now. I’m moving to Katy and not looking forward to swapping 288 for i10.
  11. https://fb.watch/7ov0gp_ZLo/ The last 30 seconds they talk about potentially adding residential and/or office developments on the surface lot spaces, and more connections to the bayou/city in the future. I also noticed this on a Facebook ad. Hoping 713 Music Hall isn’t the official name, but saw there are 5 other concerts scheduled in addition to the 2 Rufus shows. http://713MusicHall.com
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