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Luminare last won the day on February 18 2020

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About Luminare

  • Birthday 11/03/1989

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Salt Lake City, UT
  • Interests
    Licensed Architect

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  1. Nice to see this one getting started. Feels like forever when the first images dropped. Downloading some consultant models for a project, so had a little down time today. Hope all y'all are doing good. Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. Y'all know how life works.
  2. Happy New Year everyone! 2023 was definitely a grind. Hopefully I can hang around more this year! Good Luck to everyone in 2024!
  3. I'll give it my best shot. They won't know what hit them haha. Thanks!
  4. Same here. Looks like some work has been done? If you compare the recent photo to the posts in February it looks like they have started adding some metal coping to some of the parapets? From looking at the photos it looks like everything has been floated decently on the roof, the larger deck on the next level, and the balconies, but the bigger problem is this project, unfortunately, stopped before most water protection elements like flashing and gutters were finished. I think the "community space"?? on the left will need be refinished since that one wall still has its studs exposed. My biggest concern in a building like this that's unfinished are all the connection points of materials. Would there be anything in this structurally that would be a concern? If I were running this project the first thing I would do is take all that stucco out. Some of it has held up okay, but I will always be against using stucco in this region. There is just to much moisture in the air in Houston, for stucco to hold up well. Though it wouldn't look the nicest, to keep the budget lean, and to get this back up as quickly as possible, I would probably just go with a fiber cement panel. I'm just wondering what was going to be the finish material that would have been applied to the CMU. Anything could go on that. The CMU doesn't look load bearing, but instead looks like infill. Again water would be a concern right? I don't see a lot of flashing to prevent water from entering any parts of that wall. I just hope they have hired a good Building Envelope consultant to evaluate everything before closing up this baby.
  5. Better than the "AIA" title anyday! I'm honored! Cheers to everyone who liked, commented, and the kind words!
  6. Greetings fellow HAIFers, I've been on this forum for over 9 years! My first post here was on May 10th, 2014 in the Hannover Southampton thread: Remember when we were all excited about that project? Incredible how much time flies! As of yesterday, HAIF's very own Luminare, is officially a licensed architect! My first license is in the state of Colorado. But wait, aren't you in Utah? Yes I still am in Utah. That license will come soon, as that and many others require a few more things to take care of which I can follow up on in this thread if people are curious. Yes I do plan on nabbing that Texas license at some point as well! I just wanted to tell this community, thank you. For years this forum was a great home for me to talk to everyone interested in Houston construction, development, architecture, and design (among many others). Thank you for taking an interest in what I'd had to say, whether extremely long word salads about specifics in architecture, to fun meme's, support for the currently discontinued Project Astropolis (which I had to sideline for my licensure efforts and move to Utah), to support throughout this process going back all those years. This forum is an important place, and I hope it continues to remain so in the years to come! Special Thanks: @editor For giving people a place to have these discussions! To the entire mod/admin team! In particular @Urbannizer @Subdude @Montrose1100 @Triton @Highrise Tower @lockmat To all those whom continue to field report, fly drones, investigate, provide information which keeps those in the construction, engineering, and architecture disciplines, and laymen informed. Please continue your great service! I certainly appreciate it! @hindesky HighriseTower @Paco Jones Urbannizer @IntheKnowHouston @cityliving @ChannelTwoNews @trymahjong brijonmang, among many many others as well as the many who post on the more local neighborhood threads! Keep it up! To those whom I've meet in real life! @BigFootsSocks @mollusk @bobruss @brijonmang @Purdueenginerd To all those whom I've had very good, and even not so good conversations with haha. I enjoyed all of them! You know who you are! To those who helped with Project Astropolis before being discontinued! purdueenginerd urbannizer hindesky highrisetower channeltwonews triton subdude brijonmang @BeerNut pacojones. And don't worry for those on that list who were interested but couldn't because of other obligations (same with me) just your interest was enough. Thanks for those who supported. If I left anyone out, I didn't do it on purpose haha! Just let me know! Finally, if you're a young aspiring architect reading this on the forum, and wondering if you really can do it, to be licensed, just know this guy did it! The only person that can hold you back from getting licensed is yourself! Long live HAIF! As for me, I'll continue to post, give my perspective on the industry, post silly meme's, and conversations with any who want to have them! Take It Easy everyone, Luminare, Architect
  7. The first part is probably true, which I pointed out a while back. The second part is half right. At this point they probably have rebid the project and selected a new contractor, or if that hasn't happened then the current contractor / owner have renegotiated the existing contract. As for the last part, thats not what would take place. Often times that info is simply passed on to the next contractor, though I could be wrong in specific circumstances. It is true that if the project has been rebid then that means a bunch of sub-contractors, possibly manufacturers for products which will require a new round of submittals for most things anyway. Everything that has already been processed though should be backed up by the Architect, so it can crossed referenced if their are any questions. No doubt whatever is going on its a mess. Changing Contractors mid-project is always crazy and a mess.
  8. Interesting. Looking at photos posted here in May, it looks like they choose Butt Glazed Curtain Wall. This is when the Curtain wall is supporting the glass structurally from the inside and the glazing on the outside is married together with a kind of epoxy that binds both ends of the glazing. Its a much more expensive form of curtain wall than your typical standard curtain wall. There are a number of reasons why they could be dismantling the system: - During the process of installation, costs to erect the rest of the system would go over budget, and now they are in the process of subbing this system with a move cost-effective system. - During the process of installation, it was notified to the architect that while part of the order arrived on time, the rest of the system still has a long lead time which would further delay the project, and in order to get the project on schedule it might have been decided between the Architect, Contractor, and Owner to sub the system for one which has less lead time. - Upon installation of the system, the architect reviewed the system, found that either the system was installed not in accordance with the contract documents (construction documents) (this can be for any reason btw), and has ordered the system to be dismantled either to be reattached or find a system that matches better with the contract documents. - Upon installation of the system, the structural engineer reviewing the system, found either structural deficiencies (bad connections, poor quality construction, or the construction was not in accordance with the contract documents, and has ordered the system to be dismantled. - There are so many RFI's related to the erection of the system, or how the system is attached to the framing, that the architect has concluded that the contractor does not have the staff or experience to finish the system and has chosen to replace it with a system that is easier to construct. - There are so many RFI's related to the depiction of the system or its details (either because there is a lack of details, not detailed correctly, or there was a failure in coordination between architecture and structure), that the architect has decided to replace it with a system that is easier to construct. - Upon review of the system, or glazing, or structural connections via submittals, the architect has noticed that either the system itself, or the glazing, or the structural connections do not meet the requirements noted in the specifications, and has rejected the submittals (which in this case would have included shop drawings.) - The owner on a whim (yes this does happen), after seeing the partially constructed system, has decided to unilaterally replace this system with another system to there liking. It could also be that even though everything is on the up and up construction wise its not just the owner who wants to replace this system on a whim, but also the architect wants to replace the system on a whim. These are just a few of possibly many different reasons why this might be dismantled. While this is a pain to watch for everyone in this forum, including myself, take this as crash course in building construction, both what to do, and what not to do. With all this being said, I have no internal knowledge of what is going on. All of what I have said is an educational guess from inferring what I see in photographs, and from my professional experience. It could be all of these, other less common reasons, or none of the reasons.
  9. wow. Buffalo Bayou is FULL. Y'all been getting that much rain?
  10. They have to cover that roof with something. Remember you are using a drone, and are seeing in a perspective that most people will never see, especially in everyday life. The structure is interesting, sure, but it is there to serve the purpose of that space, and service the architecture finish that the architect, and client want. Lightweight concrete is used a lot in combination with metal decking for both floor and roof. Its also relatively easy to poor concrete to float the slope needed to drain water off the building. So I'll get back to your question with a question? If not concrete, what else? Do you have a greater affinity for extruded polystyrene rigid insulation sloped with a single ply membrane on top? Nothing at all and rain just leaks through the deck, then the structure, and then onto people below?
  11. hmm I don't know why I never saw this one, been pretty busy since January. I actually don't know much about insurance related to cities or institutions. I do know a little bit about insurance regarding architects, consultants, owners, and contractors. There is such a thing called "Fire Districts" which cities will impose on a particular district. Usually the central business district is labeled "Fire District 1", and typically is the most highly regulated in terms of fire protection, such as you can only design buildings of a certain type of construction (of course if you go a certain height you are already likely doing Type I or Type II construction anyway w/ fire sprinklers, so not like it matters what restrictions are set by a "fire district"). Thats about the extent of my knowledge at this moment. Simply haven't looked into it, but I could look into it another time. Might be interesting.
  12. I'm not. A lot of people flooding into those cities. Denver last time I drove through felt a tad crowded. An amazing city, but growth is outpacing development. Atlanta has always been hot. A lot of entertainment studios are setting up shop.
  13. Wow. That is a very strong red brick color on that big boy haha
  14. Its pretty crazy how dense these few blocks have become. Those traditional styled townhomes seem to look better to me each year too.
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