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Amlaham last won the day on November 27 2021

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  1. If it is still according to the initial plan, it's supposed to be this building. I count 13 floors. That street is Caroline st, and the building directly south/ to the left is where the current Greentown labs sit. There are still quite a few buildings on that block. But also according to their website, they don't own or plan to develop the entire block which contradicts the above renderings 😂 Also, this location would be phase 3, meaning they ultimately skipped phase 2 which is for the plaza in front of the Ion building. In short, nothing is concrete and everything is up in the air https://iondistrict.com/connect/leasing/
  2. Just noticed Cullen Blvd finished its rebuild and its looking VERY nice. Huge plus for the university! Lane reduction from 4 lanes to 2 lanes, much needed expanded side walks, and sooo many TREES! Just look at these 10 year differences!! 😍
  3. Some good news, Metro will be upgrading the traditional bus shelters, much needed in my opinion, the current ones look depressing. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/transportation/2024/07/22/494171/metro-transit-authority-to-begin-installing-new-bus-shelters/
  4. Reservations are now open for November! Rooms start at $303 and reach up to $664 per night https://houston.culturemap.com/news/city-life/hotel-saint-augustine-reservations-available/ https://www.bunkhousehotels.com/hotel-saint-augustine
  5. Looks like this one may be moving forward with the remodel
  6. I really dislike the "it is what it is" attitude. There is always a solution. America is one of the richest countries in the world, it can make anything happen if it really wanted to. Texas has the nation's second largest GDP, representing 10% of the US's GDP. We're overhear question if burying power lines is financially do-able. Listing insignificant excuses as to why the energy capital of the world was without power for more than a week after a Cat 1 Storm. Also, it's common knowledge that power lines lower your property value, surely most if not everyone would welcome getting rid of a power line eye sore on your property. Florida seems to be doing better than us and they're hit with almost double the amount of hurricanes that we get. They have a higher power grid reliability and experience less power outages than we do. For reference, Texas's power grid reliability is ranked at 28th nationally, Florida ranked 6th. Lets not say "well its just the weather" https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/infrastructure/energy/power-grid-reliability https://propertyclub.nyc/article/should-i-buy-a-house-near-power-lines#:~:text=most electrical lines.-,How Much Does Living Close to Power Lines Impact Home,a power station is nearby. https://www.mroelectric.com/blog/us-power-outages-by-state/
  7. Quite a large lot, but because of its location, I think it will just end up being townhomes
  8. New dog park! Curious how large it will be, nonetheless, great place for a dog park.
  9. Or maybe we can start burying some power lines. The pros are far outweighing the cons at this moment
  10. I'm confused I thought there were no parking minimums required anymore in this area
  11. A "Family Experience" kids store is opening up at the Galleria. You can host parties for your kids, they have all sorts of interesting activities for kids. Really interesting concept, this will for sure be a hit for kids. Hope they have an entrance from outside the mall. https://camp.com
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