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About HoustonIsHome

  • Birthday 11/05/1915

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  1. I WANT IT NOW! Well yesterday. Why isn't it built yet? Just overly excited about movement in that area. The only new build we got do far is a pretty imposing garage. Any idea on ballpark height of the student housing? If this is going to be visible it is going to have to be a bit taller than the garage. They should over do it. Build more then they need right now. With the Ventana and the garage the beginnings of a canyon will start to form
  2. When is Skanska going to start on the other blocks? Get some new buzz in this area.
  3. Almost all of those comments were against this project. The way I look at it, the price is about a little over average for an apartment, but the selling point is the perks. I started of my adult life with zero help from anyone. I went to school, worked, socialized and everything in the core without a car. If you told me at 18 I could pay just a little over average rent, but all my bills were paid, with cleaning service twice a week and didn't have to worry about long commutes to school and work...I would jump on this in a nanosecond. My first appt was a shared two bedroom apartment off of Westheimer near Gessner. My portion was $350 a month. Utilities was about another $300. So that's about $650 without the cleaning and kitchen restock. I'm today's dollars you might as well double it. So we are already at the ballpark for this place already at $1300 for a shared room. But remember I didn't my have my own car then, and getting to UH or my job from my apartment was 30 minutes longer (both ways) than it would from this development. To monetize location let's just factor in commute times 2, times hourly salary, times 25 days. So (30 x 2) = 1 hr x $12/hr x 25 days comes out to $300 per month at the minimum for location. And that was back then. Multiplying by 2, which is on the very conservative side for today's dollars, adds another $600. That puts us close to $2k. So yeah, It would definitely be worth it to me if I was 18 and just figuring things out. Houston is very spread out, so we place less value on location. But to young folks who are just staying out and limited by transportation, location definitely has value. This concept is new to Houston. I hope it does catch on. Maybe future iterations will be more affordable.
  4. Wait a minute... These are new builds? Looks like some of the ancient apartments in Montrose. Definitely not what I think of when I think of Binz.
  5. What am interesting looking property. I'm going to have to look up the story behind it
  6. How many more floors for this one? I thought it was 8 but it looks like they already went passed that.
  7. Well for me names are easier to identify the project. I'm not too good at putting a face, or facade, to an address. Even common ones downtown. So names helps me out. This particular name, thought I do not care for. Doesn't sound catchy.
  8. He must've had his red cap on too tight.
  9. That's a money shot of the city right there. You and HiNDeSky and the others on here catalog this city's changes so well
  10. Although I agree, I could also say that there was also a lack of demand to build around the area that would become Disco Green and yet look how those lots have fallen. But that's a lot of wishful thinking as there will be no capping of the freeway in that area
  11. I'm loving it. More residential and taking off old hotel space off the market opens up opportunities for new hotels
  12. Yeah, Texas Tower or 609 Main could easily have been 2 additional supertalls for Houston had they added residential/hotel components. Wouldn't have taken a lot of units to get there either. 300 units and either tower would be part 1000ft. Texas tower would have been a beautiful super tall. With high vacancy rates downtown and the office market not so hot, I don't see Houston cracking 600ft unless it's a hotel/residential combo. Austin's UC super tall is only slated to have 700sq feet of office space compared to Texas Tower's 1.2M. Houstons tallest, Chase has 2.2M, and 1.8M at Wells Fargo. Even 609 Main has well over 1M sq feet of office. Austin's super tall will only have 352 residential units. Less than the 373 at Brava. A Texas Tower/ Brava combo could easily have been 1300 ft tall, but I guess that would have exceeded FAA restrictions? Still I could easily see two 1050ft floor buildings on Texas Tower and Brava sites had they been mixed use.
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