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Triton last won the day on September 2 2020

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About Triton

  • Birthday March 18

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Woodland Heights/Glen Park

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  1. Yup. Whether they want to admit it, couples with kids are the ones keeping this place going. It didn't feel family friendly when we went there last week. In fact, our son and his little cousin were the only runs running around. Just a few months ago, this place was overflowing with kids running around. Perhaps it's just the heat that's stopping parents from coming here... guess we will see this fall, but it definitely felt unwelcoming.
  2. I think I have to agree. The writing is on the wall for all mass transit projects at this point with this administration. What I wish Whitmire would do (though I've seen no indication of this) is to at least provide alternatives to all of these plans.
  3. So is there any portion we can build? What does this mean for the BRT line along I-10?
  4. The superneighborhoods haven't mentioned any decision by the mayor's office but I think that's an inevitability now. It's incredibly clear that his plan everywhere is car centric and judging just how controversial the 11th St project was/is, he would probably view it as a big win to remove the bike lanes.
  5. Wonder if they'll stretch it to Yale eventually. https://communityimpact.com/houston/heights-river-oaks-montrose/transportation/2024/06/04/second-phase-of-shepherd-durham-improvement-project-to-continue-with-new-compromise/
  6. Hi everyone, Let's please return this topic back to the road project. Thank you.
  7. Does anyone have the rest of this video? What else is said?
  8. It was incredibly clear that we didn't want this to be a highway going through the Heights anymore. Lane reduction plus better walking and biking areas on both sides of the road. I think it will be a huge blunder on his part if he brings this back to its previous configuration.
  9. Hey I'm just the messenger. lol In my view, his words don't match his actions. He can try be on everyone's side but at the end of the day, he's already hinting that he plans to pull bike lanes that "people that don't represent the community" put in place. I don't know, my community seems to want them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Based on what he said in the interview, the TIRZ received $50 million from the city? They'll seek additional funding from Metro for the sidewalks. He's saying he's working with the flood control district to make sure this area actually needs the drainage project or if the money would be better used for a more flood prone area... because that's what initiated this project in the first place... better drainage.
  11. So I listened to it with an open mind. He's saying he's correcting the wrongs of some of these TIRZs directing money to their areas (Montrose being an example) while other areas that have far more pressing issues are cast aside. I think it's a good thing he is doing it and that's the reason he has paused the Montrose Blvd rebuild. Perhaps there are drainage projects that are needed more immediately while Montrose can wait. He also says biking and pedestrian crosswalks are top priority for him as well and he says he's working to get a Westcott crossing built. Whitmire says a lot but so far his actions have indicated otherwise. As I've said before, time will tell whether anything that he is saying lines up with what he actually does. He mentioned he has a major sidewalk project incoming. Well let's see it then!
  12. I think you should reread what I wrote. I think with Whitmire the general trend of making projects more bike and pedestrian oriented is over while he's in office. That's what I meant by I don't think this is hyperbolic what I'm saying. I have serious doubts now that the city will press forward with the bike lane improvements along N Main and Airline in the Northside and Heights area, and there's a stronger possibility that he'll reverse bike lane improvements if it improves vehiclar congestion. That's what I meant by, time will tell. He keeps saying that these projects are paused and under review for the good of the city but his actions indicate he's focused on improving things for one group... Drivers. Look, he could surprise me but so far he's been a major disappointment that I voted for.
  13. Time will tell whether this is hyperbole or not. So far, the pictures not too bright.
  14. Not sure it's motive as opposed to mindset. He's used to wide open lanes where cars are the main source of moving people around. But most people live in the loop because they like that there are alternatives to getting around town now. Sure, not all of them are commuting to work on a bike, but they sure are walking their dogs and pushing their child in a stroller down many of the walking trails we've added around the city. If Whitmire had his way, he probably would have thought the MKT trail was a waste of taxpayer's money. Whitmire doesn't see that many of the people moving in are people who want these type of amenities/options and that's why they are willing to spend more money on a home to have them.
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