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About BigRed

  • Birthday June 5

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Houston Heights

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  1. Really excited to see what happens next in the space in 2025. So much potential.
  2. I am SOOOOOO insanely excited about this.
  3. I AM GIIIIIDDDDDY for Magnol.
  4. I was super hoping all of those front parking spaces for the center would be removed... they are pain's to get into no doubt (never personally tried) and just having some planters and bikes racks would be lovely. I mean hell I would settle for a dang formal sidewalk.
  5. I do appreciate that this Starbucks is seemingly leaning into a much more stay and hang vibe than so many others in the city. It's a big chain so its always a bit of bummer to see them come in BUT if they maintain a good store and try to design for the space and neighborhood its not a bad thing for 11th.
  6. This is legit great news. I love that the Heights has gotten some AWESOME Za in the last few years. No one here should be sleeping on Gold Tooth Tony's, Gypsy Poet, and Zalat - in addition to the longer standing old faithful like Pinks
  7. This may be dumb, but whats euro-tex food?
  8. Man oh man I am LOVING the Shepherd improvements. Going to be such a huge quality of life improvement when everything is done.
  9. Love this so much. Its amazing what some art can do to make a place feel more homey.
  10. So as a Grubb Volvo client it has been hard to see the work for a while even though it was going hot and heavy for at least 6 months, but finally this week you can now see inside and obviously outside and its really well done. They are truly showcasing an old building and doing some awesome work.
  11. Yeah this is awesome to see
  12. Oh this is awesome. Love this sort of day to night concept
  13. I do hope and I think its very possible that bike and pedestrian access around white oak and this development will continue to ramp up. Every day it gets a bit better and I am super optimistic about the future.
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