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  1. I don't think so, WLN is a good idea but I think it started because all the Katrina refugees brought the idea over from NO. Seems like the Heights Street Festival was just as big, though my memory may be playing tricks. Totally different crowd, of course. The "old" part of 19th seems to have been relatively stable over the years with most of the growth coming from the "new" part west of Ashland.
  2. Went into Cricket's the other day, and it's been sold to a group including Scott Tycer from Kraftsmen. I talked to the new owner/manager and talked for awhile. He said they were looking into a bigger kitchen, more food options , and possibly staying open later.
  3. It looked like three lots to me, just starting construction on the first two.
  4. Saw a TABC notice in the window of the old Harold's in the Heights for "The Heights General Store". Anyone got any info?
  5. http://swamplot.com/selling-a-midblock-modern-blockade-in-the-heights/2012-07-13/#more-43595
  6. Sorry for the relatively fact-free content of this post, but I'm hoping someone with more knowledge on the topic will supply details. I've heard that the City is now denying almost all permits in the historic districts that alter the exterior and even just move interior walls. The company Nine Lights has done some very nice (IMHO) jobs nearby that have taken bungalows and removed almost all the interior walls (reinforcing the structure through the roof) and then adding large additions in the rear. From the street you almost can't tell they've been modified. I hear that the Board feels that these violate the spirit of the Preservation Ordinance and they're denying new permits.
  7. Hmph. Saw the tour go by my house Saturday night: http://ghosttourstexas.com/locations/houston-height/ Take a chilling journey through poor spelling and factual errors if you dare to open....
  8. We've used Carlos Cruz at 713-256-7499 a couple of times. Highly recommended.
  9. Still vacant, going on twenty years now? I'm resurrecting this thread in the hopes that one of you internet sleuths can shed some light.
  10. I'd be a little nervous about the bayou...how did it fare during Allison? Timbergrove got nailed just to the South...
  11. I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I do know from personal experience where I have seen Walmart pressure entice encourage its drivers to violate regulations or strongarm their suppliers into doing it for them. Just my opinion, but they wouldn't take action against a driver unless it could be traced back to them. I had assumed that their trucks would be taking the road further up the feeder on the West side and not crossing the bridge, but if they're coming from the ship channel area then I guess that doesn't make sense.
  12. So, I saw a flyer up in Jenni's Noodles about the city deeming the Yale Street bridge unsafe and demanding its replacement. Is this a sneak attack on Walmart? http://blog.chron.com/heights/2011/05/yale-bridge-demonstration-planned/
  13. Tiko

    350 W. 19th St.

    Hey, I was just four years too early. Sad to see Phil's close, too.
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