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j_cuevas713 last won the day on November 28 2021

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  1. He's an idiot. Time and time again he keeps getting proven wrong. He's so out of touch with what Houstonians want.
  2. If they move forward with what they originally proposed I really think it will be transformative for downtown as a whole. I feel like it will be the catalyst for the shopping district we've been wanting for a while.
  3. I used to live off Braeswood and I would see nurses riding their bikes along the Brays Bayou trail to get to work. There's some really nice connectivity because of the Bayou Greenways
  4. Cool! I wonder what the rendering will look like
  5. The original name was so much better. Just keep the name and update the "experience"
  6. Yeah I just got word that the Black family is also building a boutique hotel at the site and they're requesting input from the community
  7. Here is a video of the Spring Branch segment and the Sharpstown groundbreaking
  8. The Black family recently disclosed plans for a hotel at this site. The BBQ restaurant will anchor the hotel. They're wanting input from the community before submitting plans to the city. The neighborhood is becoming a haven for pedestrians and cyclists. That's one of the main reasons developers are being drawn to the area. A development in a sea of parking would be a major disappointment.
  9. The Sharpstown trail is in the works and had a groundbreaking this year. The Spring Branch trail finished Phase 1 from Blalock to Wirt Rd. Phase 2 is supposed to be complete by the end of the year. I'm not sure if there will be delays due to the hurricane.
  10. I went to the Stros game yesterday and I won't say downtown was just a disaster but I was a bit disappointed in the overall cleanliness. I know we've been through a lot the past couple of weeks but idk maybe I'm just being hypercritical but some areas need some serious TLC.
  11. Any word on a hotel/restaurant tenant near this location?
  12. Anyone have info on a hotel/restaurant coming to the Heights on N Shepherd between 13th & 14th?
  13. That's one of the trees the SaveTheMontroseLiveOaks group fought for to get historical designation from the state to kill sidewalks on that side of the boulevard. The cemetery owner also supports the Montrose Boulevard design and wanted the healthy trees moved and the dead one removed.
  14. Perfect spot right next to the bike lane that leads to the University of Houston (SARCASM)
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