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phillip_white last won the day on January 11 2017

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  1. Why stop at a pool. A downtown rooftop Schlitterbahn would be crazy.
  2. The silliest part of the neighborhood opposition is that this will get built no matter what. They're essentially downgrading the property at their own expense.
  3. https://www.loopnet.com/viewer/pdf?file=https%3a%2f%2fimages1.loopnet.com%2fd2%2fc5pWiuvnN4tuyNXHcYGc7aZnMelmOkQ0m-q7szoPFtM%2f2710%20McKinney%20St%20Flyer.pdf
  4. I find it hilarious that all of the issues presented only affect the affordable housing. Somehow the million dollar townhomes surrounding the lot are unaffected by these issues. And he never even mentioned the radio tower (of terror).
  5. @k5jri radio I was just trying to make sure we're all on the same page with regard to the GDN article. Is that the same one you were talking about? As a Galveston property owner, I've already been bent over the barrel enough the past few years that I would consider selling if they stuck out their hands for more.
  6. Forgot to link the article I was referring to: https://www.galvnews.com/news/galveston-central-appraisal-district-begins-treating-vacation-rentals-as-businesses/article_b3d7e8d6-4b9e-59c2-8844-909172092456.html
  7. This article mentions taxing fully furnished rental properties at the market value of the land, improvements, and contents (this is already a rule for commercial properties). But it doesn't exactly fit the tax structure you described. With Texas not having a state income tax, I find it hard to believe that Galveston (city or county) could target specific industries with a tax on income.
  8. "There's not enough parking for everyone in my household to park our single-driver cars within a block AND I refuse to empty my two-car garage of all my hoarded junk." Midtown is a joke. Developments like this should get automatic approval.
  9. Another person fell from a balcony at this building. We were walking by as they were loaded into an ambulance, but I haven't seen any reporting on the incident.
  10. That's correct. The three story building is a conversion of the current gymnasium. The high rise would be built on the empty lot between the church and Pierce elevated.
  11. Quite a few of the townhome residents around this property use a portion of it for parking. Not sure if they have permission or not, but there's even a gate installed into the fence. https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7399211,-95.3727447,3a,75y,206.17h,76.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s94mLAUUzi2SVcktbecQm9g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
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