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  1. think I noticed the printing museum was closed. or at least for lease.
  2. interesting. CNN had an almost identical article today. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/17/business/greyhound-buses-transportation-cities/index.html
  3. anyone know any updates? Was considering donating to BCycle but not if it's just flushing it down the toilet.
  4. Didn't know this JJ had closed. They refused to specialize my sando last time I went. Good riddance.
  5. cool - I hope they make it known where all this is available. ^Chicago is awesome and I usually don't take busses, but their system made it so easy (just swipe your credit card)
  6. Went around 2:30. There was almost nothing grocery-wise, but a lot of wine left - and it was now 50% off as well.
  7. Signage says it's leasing. Website still says "coming soon" https://www.carolineloftsapts.com/
  8. Causation and correlation and all that but I sure hope it doesn't mean we're done for when they shutter!
  9. I "won" a lifetime membership with BCycle last "Tour de BCycle." I will miss it. I would be thrilled for Metro's development but they're all e-bikes and I use the system for exercise. Maybe it's time to buy a bike...maybe.
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