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Everything posted by j_cuevas713

  1. I think you're focus is "How is this going to ease congestion on Post Oak?" You have to almost think in reverse as to how this will help. The way we've been taught to think in this city is wider freeways/roads means we can now fit more cars and this will somehow help move more people, "ease congestion." The problem with Houston is there are too many people in their cars because the options of how to get around efficiently are few. If you begin to give people options, over time those systems change the culture and mindset of the city. It's funny how we always look at cities like NY or Boston and are a bit envious of their subway system but even those cities had humble beginnings. Now you can't think of NYC without thinking about the subway. So while BRT won't show immediate results, the impact affects many generations ahead of us. I already see it with how current college students use the light rail. They grew up with it as kids, and as young people their focus becomes, "How can I get to class cheaper/easier?" It's one giant ripple effect. The bus system is great in this city, but what would make it even better is a link to that system so busses could shuttle people faster on their routes, much how our light rail works now. Well Uptown BRT can be that future connection. An east/west light rail/BRT line would really connect the city once this project is finished.
  2. The biggest difference is a dedicated bus lane with zero cars. GreenLink has to fight traffic and other obstacles like any bus. BRT is way more reliable and has the ability to easily become light rail in the future.
  3. You're comparing two different services. The GreenLink is used a lot during the weekend and runs on it's own circular with traffic. BRT is much like rail in that you provide dedicated lanes and give buses the ROW. If fewer people have to come down Post Oak and can instead take the NW or Hillcroft Transit Center to get to Uptown, then people will use that option. You can't be the 4th largest city with minimal transit options. Whether you feel it will ease congestion or not, it def gives people a better option to get around without being stuck in traffic.
  4. Expect some massive changes once the Post Oak BRT project is finished. Developers are just waiting.
  5. This picture does NOT look like Houston! I love it! Now let's fill up those 2 parking lots near that parking garage lol
  6. Do you have any documents or images you can post?
  7. This was really smart by Skanska to get a head start on this while they waited on a tenant.
  8. Damn... Do we really need zoning in this city?
  9. John Culbertson is a complete moron. I fully understand representing your constituents, but he mainly represents himself and his pockets. It amazes me how he "struck a deal" with Metro to have commuter rail to Mo City yet he couldn't help Metro find a new route for the University Line. Yeah if you don't want rail in your neighborhood that's one thing, but to make sure no more rail projects are part of our transportation plan is the Republican thing to do. What a jerk for a lack of waaay better words. I did see some work beginning on West Alabama today. Getting a walkable connection to Upper Kirby from Midtown/Montrose is going to be great.
  10. Well from what I understand, Houston voted YES on a pay as you go system. While it's great to prevent additional debt, it slows down progress. I feel like I'll be dead by the time this city get's all the pieces in place lol
  11. I get all the studies and meetings but damn we have to wait till 2020 for them to start construction on this? And West Alabama hasn't even started yet. What I don't get is when we have a massive event (Super Bowl) somehow the money finds a way to fix an issue quickly.
  12. Nooooo way... while the humidity can be downright exhausting here in Houston... the heat in North Texas literally stings and hurts
  13. This might be one of the best developments of it's size that I've seen in a while. Incorporating that entire strip as a pedestrian area is brilliant. You would almost guess a developer would make it parking.
  14. I'm glad Metro is forking up some of it's own money outside of waiting on the city to fix things.
  15. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/transportation/article/Metro-tries-to-smooth-mass-transit-woes-for-11058074.php#photo-12684803
  16. It maybe isn't the most beautiful thing in the world but it sure as hell will fill a need and kill surface parking. If we can pack more people into a smaller area then I'm all for it. Not NYC small but small.
  17. I'm actually excited that all the street repaving and new sidewalks for that general area are happening at the same time as this. Those streets were falling apart.
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