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Everything posted by j_cuevas713

  1. Last thing I heard was Campo was a go for this project. That's why he put the downtown project on hold until this one was complete and the economy got better.
  2. Very good point. Ultimately these school upgrades benefit the kids going there. But on the flip side as a development I hope it gets built for the sake of downtown. If Urbannizer is correct, it's a 4th quarter start, so hopefully we see some dirt move soon.
  3. Well they're def lame now since they don't even operate well. Who is in charge of those things, the Downtown Management District?
  4. Ok well let me use a different choice of words.... This school was clearly designed to be noticed. It isn't a typical development for any school. Now while it's no Juilliard, it's def for some of the most talented, most creative young people in the city. So yeah I didn't read it from some article, it's an opinion. I think if any school is going to gain attention for being built, it's this one. It's mean't to stand out.
  5. What? Anyways, no my point is it would be ridiculous to think politics don't play in to this, and if they're going to use any money it will be on this project for sure.
  6. I honestly believe that HISD sees this school as a crown jewel for the district. Didn't they finally find a contractor?
  7. Anyone who came to Houston for the Super Bowl in 2004 aren't gonna recognize the city.
  8. Ok I know this picture sucks. I was having to rush to work across the street this morning. Anyways, if you look closely you can see a white truck and a ladder posted up against the abandoned restaurant building. I have no clue what's going on, but I saw 2 business men go inside a few weeks ago.
  9. Hahaha sorry sorry... I mean up close the building looks nice but from a distance, idk what it is... it just sticks out to me.
  10. Easily the most urban city in TX. Such an awesome shot.
  11. I wanna try that invisible coffee Carolyn was drinking
  12. Yeah actually I do... 800 Bell isn't nice from a distance but up close it's nicer. Either way the redevelopment is needed for that building.
  13. For anyone who believes the rail isn't creating a lot of this development, read the part about how it's being built strategically next to the Metro rail line.
  14. It's crazy how the only two things that stick out like sore thumbs in that first pic are the old Holiday Inn and the needed redevelopment of the 800 Bell site. Other than that, things are looking very nice.
  15. Yeah and I don't get that. Why can't the city at least force developers to build to wide sidewalks. Like at least that.
  16. I don't get why this city doesn't just focus on better sidewalks. I mean I like how the TIRZ designated neighborhoods get funds for these improvements, but I mean if Houston just had great sidewalks everywhere to everywhere, we would have so many more people willing to walk in this city. Better crosswalks, etc.
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