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adr last won the day on November 18 2020

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  1. 915 Franklin St. is the Bayou Lofts, not the Franklin Lofts. And this thread does not have anything to do with that building, please correct.
  2. My understanding is that this opened this week.
  3. Way to go stupid shack guy! Keep up the good work and thanks for doing what you do with style!
  4. I was told that it is to be a Las Vegas style club, with full LCD walls and ceiling.
  5. The District Bistro (Texas and Main) has re-opened as the District Market - and now is a pretty stocked mini-grocery store with a premium version of just about every pantry staple, along with a freezer and fridge section. Great alternative to the "What can I get at CVS?" option for the neighborhood.
  6. Glad you had fun in Downtown. It's a great neighborhood in the evenings whatever your interests. My advice to anyone riding these downtown is to mind the one-way nature of the street-grid, and keep your head on a swivel for the cars (I see them daily) going the wrong way down streets - they cannot see the traffic lights (none are pointed towards wrong-way drivers) and they absolutely blow through intersections at full speed. Have fun and be safe!
  7. I have definitely had to fight monsters made by a sketchy corporation with a name like that in a building like that in a video game.
  8. Speaking anecdotally - seeing a significant uptick in move-ins in my condo building downtown. Some are rentals, but others are sales.
  9. This bar may not end up being my scene, but have high hopes for it moving the center of gravity for entertainment in this part of town. Especially for pre-post Astros game, I think they will draw big crowds considering how much cheaper and plentiful the parking is over here. Already lots of folks park and take the easy walk from here.
  10. I continue to be made crazy by the blank concrete exterior of that parking garage. Throw a mural on it or something, anything FFS.
  11. Note that they are opening this weekend. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQd-qUgFt6n/
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