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mollusk last won the day on August 14 2014

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    Enjoy every sandwich.

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  1. It would be wild to have the immersive art museum in the pool... 🥷
  2. My AT&T cell service was so lousy in the Heights that it almost always used the wifi link, but AFAIK we're about as far from a tower as you can get there. T-Mobile worked OKish (and costs 1/2 what AT&T did). If my internet went down it was for less than the couple of days the power was out.
  3. It was a gorgeous building, but my old dog really didn't like going there. The parking was on its own level, and to get to or from the vet office there was the choice of stairs with open risers in front of a window or being shut into the little room that moved.
  4. Whitmire just doesn't know when to butt out. The owners of the property are asking for the designation (yes, the tax incentives are probably part of that), and that's exactly who is willing to limit the scope of allowed alterations for themselves. Sheesh. 🤯
  5. It's not terribly unusual for an independent shop to take weekends off, particularly the higher end ones.
  6. Most likely, in order to be replaced with double pane insulated units
  7. The Americana Building was an office building on the south 1/2 of the 1200 block of Travis; the office portion was taken down right around the time that Hilcorp was built on the former Foley's / Macy's site across Travis. The Americana parking garage remains in place, although the Americana sign is now on what was built as Foley's parking garage. The two garages have been somewhat accessible from one another for as long as I can remember, but the ramps allowing movement between the two weren't consistently in the same place, IIRC.
  8. Shared kitchen when they're targeting Italian and sushi? Sure, Houston specializes in collision cuisine (boudin banh mi, anyone?), but still... 🙈🙉🙊
  9. Which culture will win the clash? The very nice neighborhood that likely contains campaign contributors, or the doctors / medical residents / Rice students commuting on their leisure bicycles?
  10. Nope. Modern downtown buildings (including their windows) are designed to take wind loads in excess of anything we're likely to see. Debris hits caused the broken glass - which was much more dramatic after Alicia when flat roofs generally had gravel pressed into the tar. I was in my 48th floor office when the derecho came through. Although the building was certainly swaying around (to the point that it was difficult to walk) I wasn't particularly worried, but I did make sure that whoever was still here got out of the perimeter until it blew past.
  11. It's sad that they lost a wall, but it's reassuring that they've already pulled a permit to at least fix the roof - presumably the things under it like the currently collapsed wall will also get taken care of.
  12. I am so ready for these septugenarians to get their claws out of positions of authority.
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