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Another Bar On Washington Ave.


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I heard from one of my neighbors that the former Milam Elementary School at 1100 Roy Street is in talks to be bought by a private school. Not sure how or if that will affect the bars along Washington Ave... but it would be interesting.

My grand idea was to buy it and convert it into a boutique hotel & restaurant kinda like McMenamins has done in Portland with some old elementary schools. :)

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I heard from one of my neighbors that the former Milam Elementary School at 1100 Roy Street is in talks to be bought by a private school. Not sure how or if that will affect the bars along Washington Ave... but it would be interesting.

My grand idea was to buy it and convert it into a boutique hotel & restaurant kinda like McMenamins has done in Portland with some old elementary schools. :)

I am not 100% sure, so don't quote me, but I believe the 1,000 foot rule only applies to HISD schools. Therefore, if the school is sold, only the 300 foot 'front door to front door' rule would apply. Looking at the map, it doesn't look like a private school would affect any properties on the major streets. Any liquor licenses already issued would be grandfathered, in any event.

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Nice, I actually feel a little bit better about myself for not knowing what "Ed Hardy" is.

i laughed when i saw that pic and someone else overheard and asked why i was laughing. when i showed her the pic she got concerned cause her kids have some of the clothing. lol

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i laughed when i saw that pic and someone else overheard and asked why i was laughing. when i showed her the pic she got concerned cause her kids have some of the clothing. lol

he he --I'm not sure when exactly Ed Hardy stopped being cool, but I'm guessing it was sometime before logo'd preschooler's backpacks and the Costco pallets of sequined ladies hoodies.

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It's a design label that makes graphic t-shirts that are supposed to look like tattoos. They go for $75+ a pop. Just as lame as the dragon and skull MMA related shirts.


Sort of reminds me of "No Fear" shirts from the junior high days. I guess d-bags never really change, they just have more money to spend now that they are older.

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It's a design label that makes graphic t-shirts that are supposed to look like tattoos. They go for $75+ a pop. Just as lame as the dragon and skull MMA related shirts.


I see clothing like this at pretty much all the Washington bars, mainly girls wearing the hats thinking they are trendy for hanging out on Washington. At first I thought it was kind of hip, but now that I realize how popular it is, (i.e. kid's backpacks, bathing suits, being sold at TJ Maxx) I'd probably never buy it. It's too bad that there are not other clothing trends at the bar scene that are deemed respectable.

Did The Drinkery really put that on their sign out front, or was it just a joke for their facebook page?

Edited by PureAuteur
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could be worse


no velour!

What the F is electric denim? I really shouldn't start asking questions, I don't know what any of the trendy stuff is. Ed Hardy. Nope, don't know the guy. I don't think I've paid for a tshirt, ever. Maybe someone has bought me a tshirt, but the majority I can think of right now are freebies from blood drives or college stuff. $75. Wow. I'd much rather spend that on scotch.

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I just wonder whether they'll be able to get customers. People who would go to a place like Rebel's probably don't hang out inside the loop.

I think what we need is a bar that has live polka bands at night. As someone with Czech heritage, that would be a lot more fun than another cowboy themed bar.

apparently you've never been to whiskey creek

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Country is too niche, they should go polka. :huh:

Well Texas polka is country also, probably more fitting of that genre name than what is played at "country" bars, but I can't complain about the bars themselves. They usually have the best looking girls. I just think they need a little Texas Czech polka, like you'd hear out in the country. That stuff is really fun to dance to if you know how.

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Well, I finally checked out Rebel's Honky Tonk last night. The place is very clean! Even the restrooms were the cleanest I've ever seen a bar. The music was mostly all country/western with only a brief 30 minutes or so of other music. I like how they didn't do an rotation of country/western and hip hop like at other country bars. That's lame. It had a pretty good girl to guy ratio, slightly more guys than girls, not very many douchebags at all, and some nice looking girls. The place is set up with good flow for moving around the club. Even when it got crowded around midnight, it was mainly just the bar areas that felt really packed. There is a patio outside, ground level, not rooftop. Tip: get your drinks before midnight and brush up on your dance steps.

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sorry if this has been discussed but what happened to reign lounge? I noticed their sign is gone and there is another small sign announcing something new coming - couldn't read it while driving.

I only just noticed that it appears Reign Lounge hasn't closed. Their original sign was removed but only to be replaced by a new one. (It does look better IMHO.) Also there's a yelp post from someone who was just there a few days ago. So it looks one of our favorite places to hate (from some posts) is back!!!

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