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Downtown Skyline Update


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He means we need to infill all those empty lots with smaller buildings than get 1-2 60 or 70 floor tower.  I'll gladly take what is proposed currently for Downtown over just 1 or two "signature" buildings.


And to who ever did the rendering - Shanghai Tower would be DOUBLE the height of Chase Tower.

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What do you mean? Like sprawl?

We are talking about a picture of the skyline of downtown proper, where do you get sprawl from??

I mean exactly what I said, and what other posters have clarified for you, I would rather see the downtown skyline grow sideways instead of just a few tall buildings added to the interior of our downtown boundaries.

Anyway, I dont know why Im even typing this, you're just trolling.

Edited by Howard Huge
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The individual towers, apart from INT tower, don't impress me much; but the combination of those three market square towers are very impressive.

I live how they tame the mighty chase.

Can we start a petition to move PP up front. It can switch places with that white building in the front right corner.

Anyway, nice pic Metro West

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The Capitol Tower is not a masterpiece, but it has good height and it will look good at night.  I want it built.


Since Skanska tends to self fund projects and is already taking down the Houston Club building, I strongly suspect you will get your wish.


As best as I can map out, there will be a somewhat unobstructed view corridor in the vicinity of the 10/45 merge, as well as here and there coming down 59/69 (generally those places from which you can currently see Pennzoil or Esperson, though it's going to pretty much tuck behind Pennzoil once you get even with the post office).  The blockers that aren't already there are the Market Square project that's getting its foundation dug right now to the north/northwest, and the Marriott/6 Houston/CoC project to the east.  

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Hmmmm, I changed my mind on my previous position. Looking at that pic, it seems a supertall on the east side of downtown won't be so weird looking from that angle. In my opinion it would balance the skyline out since chase caps the center; WF, and Boa caps the west, a nice tall building in the east wouldn't be so bad.

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The view from Minute Maid Park should improve dramatically in the next few years. 609 Main and the Capitol Tower (which I believe would be seen from the ballpark if one sits down the right field line) will have interesting light-up features. If One Market Square breaks ground as has been indicated, that would also improve the view from MMP.


I am hoping the light-up feature on 800 Bell may change colors. It would be really neat to see Downtown colored red, white and blue for Fourth of July or Red and Yellow for when the Rockets make a playoff run. 

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Having One Market Square at only 41 floors, I would say no. The western, taller side is THE view.

I disagree. It is the more iconic view, but it a crappy view. It only showcases a handful of buildings. Granted, those are Some of the more interesting buildings, but you can't see much behind this primary wall. Makes our skyline look small/ insubstantial

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I disagree. It is the more iconic view, but it a crappy view. It only showcases a handful of buildings. Granted, those are Some of the more interesting buildings, but you can't see much behind this primary wall. Makes our skyline look small/ insubstantial

It would be silly to say our western skyline view is anything but our signature. The closest view to it is the south view on I-45. There is a reason these views are shown most. Cliche and tired? Maybe... The other views are great too and to me also sometimes more interesting. But when I picture downtown I immediately picture the western view.
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It would be silly to say our western skyline view is anything but our signature. The closest view to it is the south view on I-45. There is a reason these views are shown most. Cliche and tired? Maybe... The other views are great too and to me also sometimes more interesting. But when I picture downtown I immediately picture the western view.

I like the view coming in on 288.

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