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LTAWACS last won the day on November 11 2012

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  1. I saw her on the other day... she is cute. Was there speculation she might leave or what?
  2. They also do this to annoy the hell out of non-toll-road users in order to frustrate them to the point where they DO purchase an EZ tag. Eff them.
  3. moo... She was always a little annoying... I think it was the way she would look to one side of the studio/off camera and kinda smirk...
  4. I think she will likely leave town... I think she just had a kid a year or two ago... I find her segments... benign and... almost too wholesome. To the point where she is un-noticeable. Don't get me wrong... she's not bad... just... invisible.
  5. About time... I like channel 13's weekend morning newscasts. However, I think it is nice to try another newscast from time to time. Refreshing.
  6. Yay! That's 347 ppl a day moving to our region! :-) :-)
  7. Creole Country Soul? My my... that sounds interesting... I think I'll tune in to check it out... Last interesting genre thing I've heard on radio was GangstaZydeco on some other station a while back.
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