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Memorial Park At 6501 Memorial Dr.

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Memorial Park Master Plan Public Meeting - January 12, 2014

Please join the Houston Parks and Recreation Department and the Memorial Park Conservancy for a Public Meeting on the development of a new Master Plan for Memorial Park: Memorial Park Tomorrow.

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Moody Park Community Center

3725 Fulton Street

Houston, TX 77009

The meeting will focus on use of and improvements on spaces and places within Memorial Park.

For more information on Memorial Park Tomorrow, please visit www.memorialparktomorrow.org or contact Suzanne Landau at 713.863.8403 extension 2.

For more information on Memorial Park and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, visit www.houstonparks.org or write to Askparks@houstontx.gov.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is incredible news. Probably the most exciting component in this isn't the land bridge or the trails, etc.... (although those are pretty awesome), but it's the reason why this place is called Memorial Park in the first place, and by creating a dedicated portion of the park to represent those that served our country in war and tell more about Houston's history is what really hits home for me. This really shows a huge potential shift where we might see a sort of restoration in civil pride for our history, those who came before us, and our city in general which has been sorely lacking. Great master plan overall. Now could they use these same city planning skills elsewhere too? Seriously!? Please!?

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  • 1 month later...



I can't believe how closed minded some people!


If you have fears of what might change....it's got to make sense -.-


Oh yeah lets not build the hills because we want to keep the park as natural as Ima Hogg wanted it. Because Memorial Drive the most natural thing in this park *sigh*


The one that slays me is this one guy the park enthusiast of 49 years who is all bent out of shape because they want to move the fields around and because he is against it has created some conspiracy that it's an effort to completely get rid of the fields all together to stick it to Hispanics. Absolutely pathetic.


I say this anytime there is opposition to anything and that is; where is your plan then? Because unlike you two "enthusiasts" the Conservancy is actually taking the entire park into mind and not one persons selfish interests. Did any of those two or the opposition do any research of their own to come up with a better plan? Nope. Do they have their own plan to restore this park after a decade of being ravaged by Hurricanes, drought, and a recession? Nope. Their nostalgia is clouding their minds and keeping them from seeing the overall picture.

Edited by Luminare
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Has anyone else seen this:




what are your thoughts?


I was pleasantly surprised, I thought I would absolutely hate the whole thing, but it's tasteful and doesn't lose the spirit of what the park is.


I heard someone the other day arguing against the land bridge, but I think if they did nothing else, the land bridge is just about the best idea for the whole thing. call it a tunnel for memorial drive if you like, but it's really a terrific solution.

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I'm sure this will be moved to the other Memorial park Master Plan thread, but yeah I agree I don't understand the opposition.


I wrote in the other thread yesterday that I simply could not understand the opposition to the land bridge by that one Frank Smith person. Well in that article he makes himself look like more like a fool by these statements.


"Frank Smith strongly opposes that part of the plan. Smith is a retired engineer and founding member of the Memorial Park Conservancy.

'I don’t really think that the golfers and tennis players on the north have any particular interest in walking over Memorial Drive to get to the south side to picnic and bird-watch,' Smith said.

He called the plan a waste of taxpayer money."

That is probably the most inept reason to oppose something ever. Why are engineers these days so darn safe? (save the explanation because I know why)

He seems to still be looked into a older modernist planning idea that was all about the separation and singularity of land uses which is completely opposite of today's ideas of multiplicity, diversity, and cohesion.

This Master plan is excellent and it really is a comprehensive plan that aims to turn memorial park into a park for everyone! The land bridge is a major symbol of this and is something that not only bridges different park users together, but also helps bridge a long standing void that was created by Memorial Drive.

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I think we need to get rid of golf courses inside the loop at Memorial and Hermann Park, and also turn Gus Wortham into an actual park. They just take up so much space and I would personally prefer to see more soccer and baseball fields with more basketball and tennis courts. I think Hermann Park would become very active if they converted the golf course into things I mentioned in the previous sentence. 

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I think we need to get rid of golf courses inside the loop at Memorial and Hermann Park, and also turn Gus Wortham into an actual park. They just take up so much space and I would personally prefer to see more soccer and baseball fields with more basketball and tennis courts. I think Hermann Park would become very active if they converted the golf course into things I mentioned in the previous sentence. 


From the plan I'm looking at they balanced out all potential activities that this park would hold including the golf course. I mean that is an enormous area to fill. Not something easily done by just throwing in more baseball and soccer fields. I mean look at all the new amenities that they are adding to this park WITHOUT slashing any part of the golf course. That's a fantastic job. The golf course should stay as it now with other uses actually enhances the park as something else for others to do. Now if the golf course was like some virus that leaching life and attention away from other areas then I would agree or if it was dying in of itself, but from what I know it's a very popular course. Good luck trying to get rid of it though...

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ugh, I didn't even think to look in a neighborhood section, as I think of the park system, and memorial park especially as part of the whole town, so didn't think to look outside of the "Houston and the Environment" area. thanks mods for fixing.


I'm sure this will be moved to the other Memorial park Master Plan thread, but yeah I agree I don't understand the opposition.



"Frank Smith strongly opposes that part of the plan. Smith is a retired engineer and founding member of the Memorial Park Conservancy.

'I don’t really think that the golfers and tennis players on the north have any particular interest in walking over Memorial Drive to get to the south side to picnic and bird-watch,' Smith said.

He called the plan a waste of taxpayer money."



Yes! This guy!


What a horrible reason. I hope he is strictly offering opposition because you've got to have dissenting opinion to properly vet an idea.


I suspect though that he is an avid golfer and doesn't care about anything else that this park does/has. It says he's a founding member of the conservancy, I hope he isn't a current member of the conservancy, it would seem to me that he is far too closed minded to be of any real benefit to the community that group should be serving. I guess it was too much to hope for, just checked the website, he's a life member so I guess he can safely say stupid stuff like this without fear of not being asked to come back.


Anyway, his opposition is (should be, at least) irrelevant. The main jogging loop will always be on the north side, since joggers can't park in the golf lot, they have to park on the street, or the south side parking lots and cross Memorial. Making joggers cross Memorial at grade because you don't think golfers and tennis players care about the south side of the park is a really weak argument.


This land bridge will make what is essentially two parks separated by a major arterial road a single park with a major arterial road that goes through it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The city has really made some incredible course altering decisions this past week. This park unanimously being voted in favor of as well as the plan for the Astrodome! Definitely an important week we will certainly be looking back on as a turning point.

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so is there anything else this has to go through,  and now we just wait 20 years for the unveiling?


They are doing the project in stages. That's why it's just a master plan. They approved the plan that has the projects that are inside the master plan. When each project in the master plan becomes a little more developed and is ready to move forward with construction then they might each need to be approved individually (i'm speculating). I think what most people assume is that the the council along with approving this master plan also approved the exact budget of this. The figure that they put out the press and is being reported is an estimated figure of the potential costs of the project, but it is neither the budget or the amount of money that the project will get. This master plan is simply the first step! It still has a long way to go, but this is an important first step and I think this is very revealing in terms of the current state of the council where they are shown that they are willing to bankroll large civic projects such as this. Everything will be constructed over the next two decades, but it's not going to be like the park will close for 20 years and then boom 20 years later is ribbon cutting time.

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  • 4 months later...

from Cohen enewsletter

The Memorial Park Conservancy will host a public meeting to provide updates on the Memorial Park Long-Range Master Plan and related traffic studies and upcoming projects in the park. The meeting will begin at 6PM on Tuesday, August 25th at St. Theresa's Catholic Church (MAP). Attendees are asked to please RSVP to Natchaya Wanissorn at nwanissorn@uptown-houston.com by Monday, August 24th.

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  • 5 months later...

According to the Memorial Park Conservancy Website, work has already begun on the Eastern Glades project:




Also, work has either begun or is about to begin on the Houston Arboretum:




The projects should go a long way in helping to undo damage caused to the park by Hurricane Ike, drought and daily wear and tear. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Holy Shit.


Kinder Foundation donates $70 million to fast-track the largest projects of the master plan.


https://www.chron.com/local/article/Memorial-Park-restoration-gets-a-70-million-boost-12863707.php?utm_campaign=twitter-premium&utm_source=CMS Sharing Button&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=twitter-desktop&utm_source=CMS Sharing Button&utm_medium=social



Call them Mr. and Mrs. Green.

Super-philanthropists Nancy and Rich Kinder, who have already donated $106 million to various greenspace projects across Houston in the past decade or so, have offered the Memorial Park Conservancy a $70 million grant, the largest single parks gift in the city's history.

Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the proposed gift during a press briefing Wednesday before the conservancy was to present an amended agreement to its master plan to city council's quality of life committee. The matter will then proceed to full council for a vote next week

The Kinders' grant, through their Kinder Foundation, will be "top-loaded" to fast-track the largest, priority projects of a master plan designed by the landscape architecture firm Nelson Byrd Woltz and approved by the city in 2015. The goal is to finish those projects within ten years.


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