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Camden Conte: Multifamily High-Rise At 1515 Austin St.


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Yall need to chill for real. You can't just cry about wanting "cool tall buildings!" to go up in Houston. There are a hell of a lot more economics involved in all of these projects that almost none of you, besides someone like swtsig, would even begin to understand.

This thread is just turning into a ssc or ssp page and that's so unnecessary.

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Says a lot about our city that this guy's heading the organization that's "leading the effort to promote Houston as one of the great cities of the world." Guess parking lots, projects that reject mixed use and literally block important parks from fully developing, and subpar apartment complexes are what some feel makes Houston one of the great cities of the world. 


I think Camden's presence on the NYSE was reason enough to pitchfork Campo into that position.

Edited by toxtethogrady
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Yall need to chill for real. You can't just cry about wanting "cool tall buildings!" to go up in Houston. There are a hell of a lot more economics involved in all of these projects that almost none of you, besides someone like swtsig, would even begin to understand.

This thread is just turning into a ssc or ssp page and that's so unnecessary.

I don't care if it's tall or not. I am more a fan of filling up empty space and adding activity. What is erring With wanting downtown to be less dead?

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I don't care if it's tall or not. I am more a fan of filling up empty space and adding activity. What is erring With wanting downtown to be less dead?

That's not what I said, don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying it's a hell of a lot more complicated than just saying "I want downtown'so be bigger" and jumping to weird conclusions like getting rid of Campo. You have to take into account the economics of a project and whether or not it's viable to throw in thousands of new units here when there's no clear guarantee that it will all work. This isn't China where we can build empt cities and wait for the people to come live. This is Houston and we have to actually think about these things.
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That's not what I said, don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying it's a hell of a lot more complicated than just saying "I want downtown'so be bigger" and jumping to weird conclusions like getting rid of Campo. You have to take into account the economics of a project and whether or not it's viable to throw in thousands of new units here when there's no clear guarantee that it will all work. This isn't China where we can build empt cities and wait for the people to come live. This is Houston and we have to actually think about these things.

so Hines, BMS/Woodbranch, Novare, Finger, Alliance, Marquette, Resolution, Leon, etc. aren't thinking things through, and are merely throwing up apartment complexes just to save 15,000 per unit on empty apartment units? right... i guess Hines is stupid. :rolleyes:

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Holy crap you're taking everything I said out of context. I didn't say literally anything you just posted so idk why you think any of that is relevant.

I'm saying it's extremely naïve and childish to call for this man's job when none of you actually work in the industry. There's so much that goes on behind closed doors that we'll never know.

Besides, wouldn't you think it a little suspicious to see the man in charge of Houston First push his projects before others?

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Holy crap you're taking everything I said out of context. I didn't say literally anything you just posted so idk why you think any of that is relevant.

I'm saying it's extremely naïve and childish to call for this man's job when none of you actually work in the industry. There's so much that goes on behind closed doors that we'll never know.

Besides, wouldn't you think it a little suspicious to see the man in charge of Houston First push his projects before others?

I wouldn't think it was suspicious at all. He'd be putting his money where his mouth is.

It's pretty sad that Houston's main cheerleader, who touts to everyone about Houston's "robust economy", doesn't believe in Houston's economy.

His company gave Houston a B minus grade, when I'm almost CERTAIN he's selling everyone else that Houston is an "A+, world class city with jobs and a booming economy."

Edited by Howard Huge
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Yeah you're right, we do, but we're allowed to disagree on one thing right? I said what I said because most of the people here are very smart when it comes to these projects. I'd rather this forum not turn into the classic ssc or ssp post of "LET'S BUILD IT BECAUSE IT'S TALL" while ignoring any sense of economic responsibility. Not to say you did that, I just feel like it's unfair to simply say "we should fire Campo because he hasn't built his projects yet", I'm just saying there are a lot more reasons behind the why he hasn't built it yet...

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do you not understand what Houston First is or the importance of their mission for downtown...?


Given their origins, Houston First is supposed to bring new businesses, new residents, new conventions and other new things to Houston by whatever means necessary. Including beatdowns of the Perots. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Drove by this block this morning, and it looked like there was a green construction fence up around half of it.  Don't know how long its been up though. (The block facing the park, north of Leeland)

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Drove by this block this morning, and it looked like there was a green construction fence up around half of it.  Don't know how long its been up though. (The block facing the park, north of Leeland)


It's been there since this post: http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/29372-camden-conte-21-stories-x2-2-phases-downtown/?p=488858

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I wonder how this affects the downtown building incentives? I knew we hit the limit last month on the number, but if he's not going to be building does this mean technically a new party could come in and claim the incentives if they build first?

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