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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. Interesting topic, bro. I will delve into it later as I have to get to the poker table in the All American activity of taking all the cash I can from my best friends. Seriously though, I will reply thoughtfully but seriously I have to redeem myself from last weeks lashing from my Cuban American best friend card shark.
  2. Golemon & Bolullo Architects. Mario Bolullo was chief designer. http://www.stoaintl.com/stoa/profile.htm
  3. Looks great! Try Steak-free Windex with a clean cotton cloth [old T's and terry towels work great.] Go with the grain and don't swirl. Also "Stainless Steel Majic." It's what we use to clean this Big Momma.
  4. Call 1-866-347-2423. They do not receive emails or written correspondence. He didn't ask for your uninformed crack. He asked for information.
  5. MSNBC just fired him so now all that's left is CBS. Maybe he'd be more comfortable at FOX...
  6. Maybe because a couple of white guys got caught doing what some white guys do: throw racial epitaths around because they think it's cool. This time they got caught on air. Oh wait, they've been caught before and that didn't change a bit. OK: pile on all your diverting BS big men. Here's a check list: It's Sharpton's fault. It's the player's fault. It's Jackson's fault. It's the liberal's fault. Ummm...well, that was just Imus being Imus over public airwaves. Etc,etc,etc... Oh yeah, my favorite: "Get over it." Feh.
  7. They appeared one time today on television to resond to just one of Imus's 7th grade slurs. That doesn't mean they won't go to the WNBA or any other professional-level sports team even though you hope they won't. On the other hand, Imus has a talk show to throw around racial epitaths at young women he clearly knows nothing about. Get over yourself.
  8. Jeebus=known trouble maker. nmainguy=known rabble rouser. My great x? Grandfather on my Mom's side arrived from Switzerland in the early 18th century before the US was established as a soverign nation. Since then her side of the family has been so affected by other ethnicities and races that I might need to be called a Caucasian/Swiss/Italian/British/French/Cajun/Negro American. On the other hand, My Daddy's father jumped ship in Boston from Ireland with his little brother in the early era of the 20th century. After serving in WWI in defense of the U.S. as an illegal alien he returned home and married my French Canadian Mohawk Grandma. BTW, I have to renew my passport. Should I list myself as a CSIBFCNICM American or just a Heinz 57 kind of guy? My point here is that so many of us are indeed Heinz 57's. But we are first and formost citizens of the United States. Not America. Not Canada. Not France. Not Mexico. Not Texas. (though I've aways been pumped being a Texan )
  9. Same here! Absolutly! See? No exploding heads or gun-play here.
  10. Was the sex of the driver identified? Wouldn't it be irresponsible journalism to neglect the public of that fact? Well no it wouldn't be irresponsible but you and I know i'm just funnin' with you BTW, you are spot-on: it is all about the girls and not about the legal status of the drunk. A drunk is a drunk is a drunk.
  11. I really can't vote as I haven't seen the video. Like I was telling my older sister this morning, I still don't make the time for nor have the inclination to watch trailer trash TV. However if anyone catches me doing it, feel free to employ Ralo to shoot me in the head with lockmat's gun.
  12. Are you implying straights like music and his "long term gay friends" are hypocrites? I find it more fullfilling to fight for equal rights. Continue to enjoy the company that you and your "long term gay friends" enjoy in the crowded darkness of your closet. Ewwwww!?!??? Is there really a Coca-Cola world? I thought the trailer only went as far as Disney...
  13. I'm not missing the point nor am I attempting to convince anyone that anything is "good." I leave that up to you and your "long term gay friends" whose attention seems to be focused not on their own self esteem and civil rights but on "more important things." Now maybe I'm in the minority but in my book standing up for equal rights and fairness under the Constitution trumps your straight and silent majority of straight and gay friends. So I'll just continue to stand up and speak out and if you benefit from my actions then that's great.
  14. The Garden of Eden by Hemingway-one of his last published works. It's a tough book to find so if you are really interested I will lend it to you but if you don't return it I'll have to send my Uncle Vito to retieve it. The Good Earth by Buck-and I know it's been mentioned before but it will never stop being a classic work. It will always make you think. American poetry: Robert Frost; Walt Whitman for starters. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. And of course Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Alot of people will scoff at my list and call it old-school. That's not OK because if it wasn't for "old school" you would never had known of Morrison, McCullough, Sontag and Twain, But it's always hard to make a list if I don't know what your intrest in classics is. I just love descriptive writers like Austin, Hemingway, Twain, Rand, Steinbeck, Morrison, Faulkner, McCullough, Sontag and Williams. It takes a rare skill to draw you into the narritive in a way most writers can't.
  15. I know. How dare the minority call out the majority on the pride they take in their prejustice. I can see why you are so appauled. Actually the majority of those that continue to spend their money on a positve long term earnings corporation like Disney are heterosexuals. While I find their product to be low-class, I realize it's attractiveness as a positive investment inspite of it's appeal to the lowest common denominator.
  16. Here's a link that works http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-ex-...-home-headlines
  17. If you really beieve that then you need the get the message out. As it stands now, the far right "christians" and politicians have the audience. Every two years gays are trotted out and put on display as demons with a "gay agenda" who want "special rights." So the next time that happens, maybe more mainstream Christian leaders should stop and ask them what a "gay agenda" is. (I've never seen it but you would have thought I would by now.) Another good question would be what "special rights" are you talking about? The ones straight people have because until gays have the same rights they will remain 2nd classs citizens. My point is we see alot of unwarrented demonizing by loud mouth "christian" leaders but not so much oppostition from the mainstream.
  18. Good call there, Marty! Now go share your six-pack of Stupid Lite with musicman while the grown-ups talk.
  19. A veritable gaggle of cranes!!! Cast iron at the corner of Dallas and Caroline; reads "City of Houston Electric Co."
  20. Before I was even into the second sentence, I knew part-time council member and full time radio talk show host Berry would slither out from under his rock to demonize the whole concept. Lucky for us he will soon be expunged from public life. But never fear! musicman and his faithfull side-kicks CDeb and aftonag will take up the anti METRO banner and keep us all educated with the assitance from our favorite little rhinestone! Could fun be any funner? I think not... Now I have to go and brow-beat my SO into taking out the compost. So many important jobs yet so few qualified to do them...perhaps our little scamp Mikey will be available in the near future?
  21. I guess because most people are too busy working while the lazy-ass right-wingnuts are kicking back worshiping their ex-welfare, serial divorcee, drug addicted, child predator enabeling poster child Limbaugh?
  22. Berry just chooses to break the law he swore to uphold. BTW. the penalty is anywhere from $300 to $500 per sign per day.
  23. John...John, John, John... You clearly are a trouble-maker. How dare you kick a poor defensive cripple like our delicate little Mikey? Now I suggest you call back and apologize to him and his other two listeners...
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