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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. Those are two different topics. Embyonic stem cells are derived from embryos-not aborted fetuses. The embryos from which human embryonic stem cells are derived are typically four or five days old and are a hollow microscopic ball of cells called the blastocyst
  2. It has been my personal experience that most people who are anti-choice are pro death penalty. I can never figure out how thet can justify it. Must be something in the koolaid.
  3. Then we'll just agree to disagree. I usualy don't discuss things like this with people like Cdeb as he seems to have the anti-choice at any cost talking points down pat. You on the other hand have obviously put some thought into what you believe. I just happen to disagree.
  4. ...apparently with yourself. Perhaps you could tell me what is your compulsion to tell one of my sisters what she can and cannot do with her body? Is it a Stalinistic upbringing? An uncontrolable urge to control another's life? A feeling of moralistic superiority? A need to "rescue" a woman you deem inadequate to make her own decisions in a city of over two million people and over 100 non-profit services to help her through her difficult decision? I'm really not confused because many people on the anti-choice side are adamant that the government should have complete control over a woman's right to choose whether to have a baby by rape, incest or to save her life. I would prefer you and the government to mind your own buisness and definatly keep out of mine. That is why I will continue to vote FOR pro-choice candidates like Guiliani, Clinton, Edwards, etc and AGAINST anti-choice blowhards who can't run their own lives much less mine. Oh wait...I won't be able to vote for Guliani because you guys won't let him be the nominee. Too bad. He would have had a good chance at winning in 2008. Now you're stuck with Brownback who was pro-choice before he was anti-choice. What a wacky world.
  5. And originally known as San Felipe Courts. More damaging still, in the early 1940s land north of San Felipe was cleared to build San Felipe Courts (now Allen Parkway Village), a housing development for white defense workers. My parents lived there from 1947-1949.
  6. As I said, you can't produce a source that states it is pro abortion. You tried the typical diversion tactic by aiming your bulletless gun at PP. It's not worked in the past and it doesn't work now. The logic is not fallacious. It factual. It's hard to have a discussion with one who denies the facts so I won't persue that with you any longer. Until you create the support system you advocate, stick to the facts and stop demonizing the majority of Americans who are PRO choice. You and music will be be more credible when you stop muddying the waters with false information or lame diversions towards school vouchers instead of sticking to the facts.
  7. Yo Yo! We're not off track...just offering up responses to posts. I've heard Sen. Clinton talk for years about safe and rare abortion. I've heard Brownback, Romney and McCain advocate basicly the same until now.The topic is about the 2008 election. One candidate's consistant position offered up beside three flip-flopping candidate's positions is a legitimate response to this thread. I can honestly say I havn't investigated Osamas' stand but I can definatly say many people haven't looked at Romney's, McCain's or Brownback's past positions. Perhaps a little digging into all the candidate's past stands would make for a better educated electorate.
  8. Could you document anyone that has said they are pro-abortion? I can't name a soul who has ever advocated abortion. I can document any number that have said they are pro-life AND pro-choice. The pro-choice side made a mistake when they didn't call the anti-choice advocates on their nomenclature. There has always been and will always be abortion. You can have it safe, rare and legal or illegal in the alley with a coat hanger as the anti-choicers have choosen. You would be well served to cease your advocacy of deadly back-alley abortions-whether you know what you are doing or not. You'll be better served by realizing abortion is never going away and no law will make it go away. Why aren't you advocating education to prevent abortion? Why are you advocating getting all up into a woman's womb to dictate a government policy?
  9. HISD did indeed neglect it on purpose. They gave away the funds to CyFair for a new football palace. BTW, my mom went to Reagan and they have a fine-ass new addition, parking garage and total restoration of the original structure. http://hs.houstonisd.org/ReaganHS/images/June2006Gallery.htm
  10. In the first place, Ricco requested we refrain from childish name calling. So far we've been able to honor his request. In the second place, would you care to expand on your point in a more civilized fashion?
  11. 77017 rarely explains her/himself. You've made a valid point.
  12. It was always a street and a rail line. When we were kids we would ride our bikes there and watch the cars squish our penney. The rail has been gone a long time-now it's to be a future bikeway. Here's the HAIF thread.
  13. They could always put in clear skylights-like the original. No pop-flys to worry about missing...
  14. You are killing me, Red! BtW, Vinnie is a bit too nelly for me.
  15. Does anyone know the balance of Carr's contract and/or what it might take to buy him out? Not being tacky or sarcastic-just curious.
  16. Floor Plan: http://www.archgh.org/cocathedral/tour/floorplan.htm
  17. It was built by Brown & Root mostly with funds raised by alumni wives.
  18. nmg lends Gary his troll stamp...you have my permission to stamp 713 at will http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n259/WatchCat/troll.jpg
  19. nmg hands TJ the valium and offers semi a one-way Greyhound ticket to Irving.
  20. In my OPINION I do have higher standards than the bishop so in my OPINION his standards don't stack up to mine. Does that simple it up enough for you? ME TOO!!!!
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