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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. Maybe your uncle's should take him out some night and beat up some queers so he can be scared straight? OTOH, maybe all you "guys" could just let him be what he is?
  2. What's wrong with looking in the mirror and saying: I'm still attractive to my partner-and myself at 54. Thank GOD my hair grew back! I love BB and soccer and know more about fashion than the average woman. I love the fact I grew up in a loving and supportive family that never denigrated me by trying to make me something I'm not. I realize I can be a pain but know deep down I am a soft-hearted mothering type. I thank god I'm not a woman (I love women, BTW) because there is too much plumbing, estrogen and those heels look like a torture device-even though they're kinda hot...on someone else.
  3. Exactly. After we fix Tim, Rock Hudson, Greg Louganis, Billy Bean, etc then we could get all the ex-gays to fix every straight man who doesn't fit someone's definition of masculine into...their definition of masculine? Then we'll take care of the lesbians > It's so...Hitleresque!!!
  4. Beside the fact I can't imagine CHOOSING to be a member of one the most maligned segments of society, do the baptists have a plan that locates the genes that will stop you from wearing mixed fibers or touching a football?
  5. Lock, Go to http://www.bowlluckystrike.com/ ;pick a location then choose "Bowling Rates" I didn't see anything that costs $100.
  6. If you're done with your spanish lesson and hijacking another thread, could we keep it on topic? ____________________________________________________________________________ http://www.planetizen.com/node/18129This is similar to what Walgreens was confronted with when they wanted to build at Heights and 20th. The Heights Association tried to work with them but they were intractable. So Walgreens lost and CVS won with a more site-sensitive design. From the April 2006 HHA Newsletter:
  7. To move forward may require going back a bit. Downtown (DT) used to be quite livable and walk able. DT was blanketed with covered sidewalks (ala The Rice; Foleys/Macys) that blocked out the harsh sun and heat. Downtown used to be connected to Allen Parkway and the bayou and what we now call Midtown. That was destroyed with 45 and the Pierce elevated. If Boston was able to wrangle the money for the Big Dig then surely we could wrangle a fraction of that to combine 45 with 10 in order to by-pass DT thus reconnecting it to our green space to the west and Midtown to the south. Couldn
  8. Not especially. We'll loose a corrupt corporation's HQ and keep the gravy here. I'll be happy to give David Lesar a lift to the airport or federal penn...which ever comes first.
  9. Current lottery funds are used as a replacement for education funds which are shifted to other areas of state spending-not as a suppliment. Therefore, there has been no enhancement to the education fund [as promised]. 60% goes to winnings. Almost 30% goes to the Foundation School Fund. Around 10% goes to vendors. In the last 10 years only 8 billion dollars has been deposited into the fund. I'm not arguing for or against...I just feel our elected officials should have their feet held to the fire until we are assured that where they say the profits will end up will actually end up there.
  10. YIKES!!! Another topic hijacked...but not by you. I'm not sure you can correct the lean but you may be able to halt it. If you have the means, I would suggest you hire a registered arborist to do an analysis and then prune what is a very magnificent tree. I have seen it and a tree like yours adds irreplaceable value to your property. A small investment can reap great rewards if you have the fore-sight and patience to act.
  11. Exactly. Whole Foods TWC is constantly packed with breakfast, lunch and dinner patrons in addition to afternoon commuters taking home a quality meal. This could be on a smaller yet similar and profitable scale at the San Felipie/Post Oak location.
  12. You don't have to imagine: Johnson did it with his BoA building to block the view of his Pennzoil building. He was such a kidder.
  13. [Phillip Johnson attempts to kick some sense into niche's head from the grave...but to no avail]
  14. More and more Europeans are now of Arabic decent...but I was speaking to your guy on the yacht. He is most likely a caucasian of Arabic decent. Not "white" or "black" or purple. If you choose to confuse ethnicity with race-go for it.
  15. Especially the Conservatives who rail against Big Government but have no problem with Big Government invading their private lives.
  16. ...and loose Someburger??? No way, Jose! I'm OK with a Walgreens there as long as the Tamales Factory relocates nearby-I'm just not sure there's enough room for a Walgreens unless they aquire the entire block from Studewood to Oak Ridge and from 11th to Davis Hardware. If they do build, it would be nice if they took a cue from CVS at Yale and 20th.
  17. I'm hoping for another Aggie designed, fake stucco strip mall with a dry cleaners and a cell phone shop! Actually I would like to see another Glass Wall type structure pulled closer to the street with parking in the back.
  18. Well the three tallest buildings built on land including their above sea level elevations would be Chase @ 1002" + 50' el. = 1052' Wells Fargo @ 992' + 50' el. = 1042' Williams Tower @ 901 + 99' el. = 1000' I am a font of useless information. :closedeyes:
  19. Encarta defines midrise as "moderately high: relating to or consisting of buildings that are of moderate height, about five to ten stories" I would more or less agree with that definition. I know of a few that meet this criteria but I don't know that I could rattle off 10. That aside, there are going to be quite a few new apartments, condos and tin cans in Midtown/Montrose in the next two years. I don't view this as a dilemma-more like another opportunity for city services to catch-up with new high density developement. While I welcome this, I'm not sure it's wise for the city to wait for it to be built and sold-out before they upgrade city services.
  20. Rebut what? Your fantasy scenario or the fact you are negligent in the subject of oil/gas economics and politics? I think this statement by you says it all regarding your comprehension of the topic: WOW! What an enlightened view! Did you get that from Limbaugh or Hannity or are you just blowing off a huge chunk of the "global market?"
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