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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. I'm not sure what the "gay community" is anymore but if you were a barfly you probably weren't coming into contact with guys like Puma and I. I always like your honesty and never see it as "unloading" as such-more like a free-form train of thought. BTW, raising your nephew is definatly accepting the facts of life.
  2. Now my time is up with you on this subject so you are clear to rant and rave to your heart's content.
  3. Go to www.2percent2buyer.com, click "view listings" then scroll all the way to the bottom. I'm not sure that's the one because that is north of Garden Oaks and the street may be Brinkman and not Brinman.http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formt...S&geodiff=1 http://har.com/cs_allproptype.htm
  4. Well, after reading through your's and Red's and Niche's posts, I realize it really is all about respecting another person's dignity. Now I agree with Red that no one forces PC on anyone. If someone chooses to practice PC (whatever that may be today) then that is their choice. But thankfully most of the people I choose to surround myself with don't need to be PC because for the most part they are decent, considerate and thoughtful of others. There's nothing wrong with exercising civility and respecting another's dignity-it's what makes it a better world for most of us. BTW, I WOULD NOT punch you in the mouth.
  5. Ah but you're wrong. Many people care about my dignity. That's a very human principle employed by most people I know as well as many here on HAIF. So there's no problem lying there. BTW, I'm never sure what you mean when you tell people to "get over yourself" unless it's just a lazy, generic response when one is not even required.
  6. Why would anyone be gracious to a group that promotes second class status for one group? As a straight man you have the power to provide for a loved one after you are gone by transference of any government benefits to your spouse. You also have the power to be a part of the decision making process regarding a spouse's illness should that spouse become incapacitated. Gay people aren't "getting away" with anything as long as you continue to have special rights that are not conveyed to me as a voting and taxpaying citizen. And before you come back with your regular anti-SS and government schtik, that's not relevant to most people. The issue isn't your opinion of marginal tax rates. The issue is a deeper one involving human rights and dignity.
  7. So by his "logic" there would be degrees of sin... Go for it, Nichy! Embrace your straight, white maleness! But how can you have a parade of one since all the other straight white males will be busy running the world?
  8. and bacon!! and HAM!! and FOOTBALL! and cotton/wool blends!!!! and my tomatos growing in my basil patch!!! Just based on the above and pork chops, I'm already damned to Hell 6 times over! Talk about over kill...
  9. I'm not about to tell a parent what to do with their unborn children. I'm just confused at the "logic" of this guy: So if the gift of life is from god and god made you gay, you would still be found to be a sinner if you followed your innate sexual orientation? The one god created in you? Maybe god makes mistakes so therefore he's not perfect? I think before the SBC gets around to tampering with genetics, they may want to tackle a few of their contridictions first.
  10. Looks like it took The Pedant ten lines of text to tell us it looks like two guys pressing their genetalia together-even though the shot is from the waste up. Who would have thought yet another of the topics he seems to think he has some expertise in is gay porn!
  11. ^^^...and that was an edit! I get you, Ralo...you just arn't up to the challange. Good luck.
  12. Ummm...the topic is gays and genetics. I just thought you could answer my questions with more than a tingle defense. Guess not. Should Trae remove his as well? Or is it OK because it's more oriented to straights...or lesbians?
  13. All six of METRO's chosen options have the line terminating at HTC via Westpark. http://www.metrosolutions.org/posted/1068/UNI_2.140138.pdf http://www.ctchouston.org/blogs/christof/2...-there-are-six/
  14. I was just assuming when you made the above broad and unsubstantiated statement you had the inside skinny on what everyone chooses. Again, I have never-ever-heard anyone say they choose their sexual orientation except Parrot-and she was vague as to the when and how, casual and nonchalant about what you would think would be a memorable event-and I've been around for more than half a century. You'd think I would have gotten a straight answer by now...
  15. So it was a tingling. Was that when you made a conscience decision that you were going to be straight or gay? Was that when you made your choice because as you have said we all choose to be hetero or not. Does an inate tingling or feeling count? If I had the same experience at that age about another boy, would that constitute a conscience decision to be gay?
  16. Well said. I find the "majority's attitude" cop out is a flimsy cover for bigotry-especially when those persons probably don't even know wht the "majoritys attitude" actually is.
  17. I'd like to know as well since the ony people I see getting special treatment are heterosexuals.
  18. http://www.sierranevadavirtualmuseum.com/d...ure/mexican.htm Ah...the plagerist is back.
  19. Oh, absolutly! I tend to concentrate on women and especially children worldwide but that doesn't mean I discount the needs of men worldwide.
  20. Get your head out of your ass. Spreading stereotypes as you have only makes it worse for the women and children who need treatment. Man, could you be any more less informed?
  21. You're not wrong. It was pure sarcasm...something some people can't grasp.
  22. In a sailing ship the bow is the front of a ship. Also known as fore or forward. Aft is the rear. Also known as stern. Starboard is on your right looking fore. Port is on your left looking fore. Broadway is a FABULOUS boulevard in Manhattan!!!! BTW, I also saw the musical "Titanic" on Broadway-one of the biggest wastes of money in my life.
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