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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. Who remembers the old club in the 1960's called The Gypsy Baron located at 7025 South Main Street?
  2. This has to be the funniest post of the day. Good one.
  3. I am more intolerant of suburban car dealerships, but that's a whole other topic.
  4. Well. at least those stations that are willing can still go forth with the original date. Think of it as a window with a deadline, rather than a transition date. I doubt many stations will wait until June. Isn't the cost to operate analog signals versus digital a huge difference.
  5. Why would we want to scare people away from HAIF posting photos of Dominique? Here's a picture, happy now?
  6. What about all the renovations and expansion, it just would not be as easy as one thinks.
  7. And with an estimated 2000 population count of 4691, that alone puts Hempstead at 21.3% unemployment alone. . . OUCH!
  8. Or we could just do the "less ugly" and "more expensive" solution and bury the bastards under ground. Uptown did it, and touted it as the reason they we up so soon after the hurricane. Burying the lines will pay for itself in the long term with less breakage, make the street scape nicer, and allow for trees to be planted.
  9. Fluff puff, so where are the 1/3 of the stores are they closing by March 28th? Can we have a store list here Allison Wollam. . . addresses? How many of the Houston 20 will shut down. Also, I like how she had to point out one-third and two-thirds in the same sentence, as if we could not deduced the obvious.
  10. Nice updates on the site since that last time. A little presentation for each corridor. I think these are new.
  11. I never managed to apply for the last one, but Season 15 application and eligibility are up. Due by February 17th, 2009 So, again, it would be my 6th time, if I can manage to find a partner. I have a few in mind, but have not asked them yet. Anyone else doing it this year?
  12. Here, have a cookie . . . Randall Davis will resurrect the Titan when the economy is good and ready. Damn how thing change in 6 months. . . so sad.
  13. Pop Music Muzik by M And boy is such a simple website laggy and slow.
  14. My name is Tubbs, and I am in your thread. I thought this post was about Tubbs. No? Here is a direct link to Swamplot. I tried.
  15. Just create a list on facebook and restrict their access with limits. Block your wall, photos, friends, status etc.
  16. Happy Caturday everyone, Almost the Weekend!
  17. I saw this too a while back, with and without sound effects. Both funny.
  18. This dog was also featured on The Soup last year whenever they reference The View. I love their running gags, "It's Miley", "Sanjaya", and this. I used to think BWE was superior, but since they went with Paul F. Tompkins only, it's gone downhill, whereas Joel McHale really does a stand up job for The Soup. He'll be in Houston in 2 weeks.
  19. And to think I was anti FB at one point. Now I don't look back, but I still hold on to 9 people on my MS that have not converted over. Not a bad overlap though.
  20. Facebook is the new MySpace, at least in terms of number of accounts.
  21. That's sounds like my "Google" goal, still not there though. I need a reality show appearance for that to happen. Seriously, I don't know if it is the same person, or some new "Murder She Wrote/Matlock" watching individual that just decide to go all "The Way" on us.
  22. And once the coupons program runs out of funds again, watch sub $40 converters arrive. I always found it fishy that you can't find some "Made in China" converter box for less than $40 right now. Just company's profiting from it now.
  23. Should I be keeping an eye on my grandmother, it seems that once a month I see signage of a poor old lady that owns an *insert old persons car* missing. What's going on. Are they senile, being kidnapped?
  24. Ha, I saw that over the weekend and LOL'd tons. Good stuff.
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