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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. When the say they will break ground, is that the ribbon ceremony or the first scoop of dirt with the shovel ceremony.
  2. Your looking at it buddy, you created a new thread yesterday with the same article you linked from uptown Houston. This is the thread, no if's, and's, or but's about it !
  3. Yay! and Awwww!. Good that they are starting to development the new T&C Lifestyle center. Sad to see such an old 80's icon leave.
  4. The checkered colors look great, better than the grafitti on it before.
  5. And maybe we can see less cigerette butts around town all over the floor That is disgusting, use the receptacles peeps, quit flicking it on the floor after your done!
  6. Ditto on that, but eventually all the smokers will die anyways so the ban will eventually be unnecessary .
  7. Someone feed her! Someone give him a shirt! These photos are seriously pixelated btw, very lame (word of the day for me! )
  8. and I'd like to see a mock up, they should have one by now.
  9. OMG OMG OMG, she is dumber than Paris Hilton. In that clip she compares herself to Belle (the chick from Beauty and the Beast), and she says that she and "Belle" have a lot in common, they both want to get out of their "world". Then she goes to say that Belle wanted to go on land. . . . Uh. . .last I check, that was Ariel dream. Such the blonde! Yay!, thank you Erica for representing Houston !
  10. well, you were both talking about erica rose. BTW, socialite is what they have as her "job". that is lame, does she not have anything else, like grad student, artist, talk show host, public speaker.
  11. I wish I knew her name, I am sure she is in one of those Paper City photo collages, I will search and see.
  12. The Suburban Nation is not liberal at all, just good neigborhood planning. There is nothing good about new suburban hoods. Developers cheap out on street cost, that is why they do not have grids. Why do you think all these grid neigborhoods in Rice Military, 4th Ward, and Midtown are going through redevelopment. And look at Katy, just sprawl after sprawl, especially in the NW. I digress.
  13. That will be a great NEW attraction in uptown. It is flooded with restuarant and stores. I bet the design will have GREAT curb appeal too.
  14. Why would Pappamia close? They Pappas Group does not have an italian restuarant in their portfolio now.
  15. I think it is just a novelty for teenagers to be seen with cell phones in use. They think they are cool and like adults. You can't avoid it.
  16. Very close, but no her, the one I am speaking of looks a lot like Olive Oyl
  17. I don't know here name, but she is old like Carolyn. shops at Nieman Marcus and Saks Fifth Ave at least 3 times a week. has jet black hair, (colored) and usually in a tight bun. porcelin white skin. like to wear animal patterns and gold colored clothing. high heels and skirts that show off the bottom of her legs. skinny framed and seems pretty fit soft spoken like I mentioned, i don't know her name, but she is always spending $$$ and I see he in those PAPER CITY fund raisers all the time.
  18. I am not sure how tall the Calpine Building and 5 Houston Center are, but I was refering to new construction in general that involves tall buildings (say 30 stories and above) Most have been around uptown of late and only been condos.
  19. I agree with the above except what do you do during inclement weather? Not shop, that is what enclosed malls offer when the town center can't be used.
  20. That is one HIGH end sales office, I am used to seeing those as trailers I guess. This one looks like it will be a permanent fixture, likely to be re-used as something else then. If not, that is a waste of money to frame a sales office only to be torn down after the highrise is built. Must be a "first impression" issue they are trying to convey.
  21. I am glad that they are embracing downtown occupancy. Once the vacancy rate gets smaller, maybe we can finally see a new office building instead of high rise condos for once.
  22. What ever it is they are building, they started framing this week. I just drove past it! How weird that no one here knows what the design looks like, yet it is currenty under construction in a highly visible spot!
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