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Everything posted by Pumapayam

  1. Is he a fairly young guy still, in terms of retirement? Like mid 50's? Update, answered my own question He's 54. Nice, I want to retire that early too.
  2. Please tell me the cat I adopted out to your girlfriend is still alive. . . . You have a twisted sense of humor man.
  3. It was a tinier TC location. It got all lot of riff-raff late at night. Einstein Bagels is a better choice.
  4. Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom So cute, it's annoying. Right click the above link for the .mp3 file. From Parry Gripp
  5. Yup, and I might add, very clever and kinda silly.
  6. It's now Brit 95.7. . . 100% Britney Spears music. It's just for today only.
  7. Ha, I was just listening too, it's a publicity stunt for today only I bet, since she is in concert tonight.
  8. The Wikipedia article on KKHH was updated to say that the PCD event at Hot 95.7 studios was canceled, no citation though to confirm.
  9. Something smells like Sam Malone. . . that'd be scary! I remember him saying that he has to wait a certain period of time before return to the air waves.
  10. We'll all find out 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. No one knows. Not even the current DJ's. Maybe soon to be former.
  11. Oh well. They lost the charm they once had. The location made the place. La Centerra is very cookie-cutter.
  12. Well, Here we go again On Thursday, March 26th, 2009 the station started running format change promos by the Station Manager. Dave Morales put the Station Manager on-air (unknown to him) to ask why...and what was going on. The station manager just passed the buck and blamed CBS management and could not provide further information. When he found out he was on-air he slammed down the phone. The changeover is supposed to take place at 6:00am Central time on Monday, March 30th, 2009. Although rumors say it will be an Urban station, similar to KBXX (97.9 The Box) and the defunct KPTY Party 93.3 (and if the change to an urban station comes true, most of the old staff at 93.3 will be working at 95.7), but many calls to the management or e-mails to the management are currently bilingual, hinting that they're pursuing a Latino format, although the new format is quite unknown, because The Pussycat Dolls are scheduled to appear in studio on Monday, the day the switch will be taking place.
  13. Still on schedule, but with a firmer date. July 30th, 2009.
  14. March 2009 METRO's newly approved contract with Parsons Transportation Group to build light rail includes plans for the Uptown light rail project. Uptown is one of the four rail alignments covered in this historic agreement which opens the door for construction activities to begin. In terms of timing, the East End, North and Southeast corridors are further along in development, therefore work will be seen in those areas ahead of Uptown. Additionally, in terms of interconnectivity, the Uptown alignment is linked to the University corridor which also lags behind the others. However, in the Parsons contract, the METRO Board allocated $3 million of the initial funds for the Uptown project.
  15. I wish i paid attention to this thread earlier. I am using the Yahoo! Fantasy Sport bracket online tournament with my co-workers. It is a very slick interface. I am doing well, 12 of the 16 correct so far. Not sure how the ESPN site compares the the Yahoo! Sports one, but wow, it makes tracking the NCAA finals that much more fun.
  16. Jack is getting deeper and deepter, I am sure he now has senator Blaine included in his murder spree. Weird that Tony finally appears again in next weeks episode. They are using that character so frugally this season. Why is he not around now? This hour by hour character use is silly. Tony should have at least talk to Jack last night.
  17. I agree, that's a pretty sorry place for a billboard.
  18. Actually, there is two groups, with about 700 people between them both. Again, it's just a bar people, take your money somewhere else that will gladly accept you.
  19. It's sounds like a gay ambush. I don't think that promotes tolerance, rather an infestation. Regardless if it was planned and coordinated ahead of time, or spontaneous. It was dumb to do it, and even dumber to be upset about it. It's a bar. . . get over it, go to another one. The owner has a right to refuse service to anyone. Why spend money and support a business that is SO anti-gay anyways? He should be thankful anyone (or 150 people) wants to spend money in this crappy economy. My thoughts exactly.
  20. I guess all of them were either feminine, wearing rainbow symbols, or saying "Miss Thing" You can pick those out easily.
  21. Old Navy was the Rusty Pelican, a seafood restaurant. I am 100% sure about this
  22. I found out about this via Facebook Sad I missed it this morning considering I was just blocks away.
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