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Everything posted by Moore713

  1. Good to know, I think that the last component is retail..it started green space which attractions residents, which attracted bars/restaurants, which attracted more residents which hopefully will attract retail
  2. Anybody else worried that the Dallas st section says street improvements but makes no reference to a retail district? In fact were the image once show the st with big bill boards it just black building now
  3. I think what really pisses me off about metro management. .is the leadership. ..after that buy America debacle. .Parker ignore a opportunity to go in and really clean house. .instead she just appointed the next person up leaving many of the Same senor leadership in place.
  4. This is not scaled back it basically steel beam holding up a glass covering.
  5. They are already reaching max..I ride the rail every day around 12.30 to work and 70%of the time it standing room only..even Sunday is packed but that because they use a one car system on sunday..a concert that has become out dated...since market square area is buzzing With people on Sunday thanks to honey moon cafe, batanga and even her say is open on Sunday afternoon They are already reaching max..I ride the rail every day around 12.30 to work and 70%of the time it standing room only..even Sunday is packed but that because they use a one car system on sunday..a concert that has become out dated...since market square area is buzzing With people on Sunday thanks to honey moon cafe, batanga and even her say is open on Sunday afternoon
  6. Not well during peak times the other platforms are maxed out and people are standing at tail ends of it..my prediction this will be PR mess with people complaining about there being nowhere to stand..I'm calling it now
  7. What erks me is they have a surplus they they will still go ahead with this crap...instead of just saying they will hold off on open this station because they had more money than they thought and want to carry out the original platform plan...given the choice I'm willing to bet the people would be willing to wait a few months more..instead given the logic of metro people they will wait till it has operational and people have become use to it before they say ooh were shutting it down for six months for renovations.
  8. Why would you have a ribbon cutting ceremony this crap..just open it...this thing will be the center nexus for the three line..and I can't see how well that will workout... on peak ridership times give it a very thin platform
  9. I'm hoping that since others are still going ahead with their plans, this will cause others to find their balls..yea I'm talking to you Camden
  10. See from someone who uses the bus and rail regular. .I can depart from Greenpoint at 1216..and still get to my job at Hermann buy 1.30...why because I know how ,when and we're to catch them.
  11. Wasn't doing away with that restrictions put of the retail task force recommendation
  12. Take it up with the GBR..they even have a chart list..showing where Houston ranks amongst the top convention centers in America. .
  13. Exactly Houston offens get left out of the huge conventions due largely to lack of Hotels space...The demand is there the space is not
  14. It looks like the Alex brother..People are going to think this is part of greensteet ( hmmm maybe that could work if they decide to expand green st one day
  15. I was addressing the concern that we have too many hotels going up and developers might not want to build more, by pointing out that even with the new hotels we lag behind cities that are peers
  16. Except Urban even with the new hotels Houston is still a mid tier Hotel space Downtown and is not even on the same footing as it tier cities. .Dallas, ATL, etc
  17. As far as the gfr goes..I think they want something big, but market my force them to go smaller..Corner store, mom and pop bakery, somebody yoga studio, etc
  18. It a damn shame when outsiders have more faith in Houston than a Houston bases company
  19. A small truck with a crane on property and another truck with a bed of steel beams parked on the lot..I'm no expert but I think skyhouse three is official a go
  20. In all our complaining (even mind) we forgot to think about what kind of retail this thing might pull
  21. Green fence is up, truck with fences still there and no cars on the lot this afternoon. .skyhouse move in silence and just starts
  22. Minimum:Translation we are going to do as little as possible but we will be charging your like a true luxury hotel. What is truly hilarious is how they talk about basic crap like it suppose to wow you. .. Holiday Inn has a freak conference room..smh
  23. We all know metro excuse..if we build the station now we will have to delay opening the new lines..blah blah
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