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Everything posted by Moore713

  1. Yea,why are they so obessed with that location, when there a dozen areas around there that would gladly welcome the development?
  2. See this is what I hate about so of thes3 companies, I think they never intended to build certain things, but they release certain works to get pass, then switch it up and go with designs they know would never had gotten approved in it intital stage..now they can scream about how much money they have already invested
  3. Not long before calls for landscaping renovations for the street themselves. ..to give it a legit neighborhood feel
  4. I travel the area every night for work and can tell you the new development is not a threat to the existing business quite the opposite, I remember the ghost town this area was after 5 pm ..now it does decent foot traffic on weekdays and actually looks live on the weekends. ..the increase in residential is benefiting the business there as people like the vibe and how it doesn't feel like another massed product hip spot created in some Corp board room...that has allowed it to have a natural urban vibe tjat I think people are responding to..I'm glad the developer reconized that and incorporated it into the building design
  5. I have always felt that sam Houston statue was being wasted and it would look great Downtown. ..there a gap between the highway along the buyou that would look great coming into downtown
  6. Oddly enough there are whole section of DT that could be converted to massive urban park..
  7. http://m.chron.com/neighborhood/memorial/news/article/Fashion-trucks-The-next-big-thing-4993536.php#photo-5484282
  8. Not surprising given the area explosion as a hot spot and parking shrinking in that area that for the time being they see a parking lot as more revenue potential than another building ..The beauty about Hines unlike other companies is that the moment they decided that a building is more profitable than a lot..they will most likely move ahead with it.
  9. What if the city tried to get them to move floors and give up the ground floor...it be more asking than trying to force I mean..of course some type of incentive would probably have to be involved. . Another thing that I was thinking about was those mobile trunks, like the ones that come downtown from time to time...at least in the interim to get people use to thinking it as a retail area
  10. Another key difference is the eras you mentioned were the height of what some deem "White flight ".WhIle the 2000,s have seen a near reverse with many young people and empty nesters opting to leave their big suburban homes for lofts and townhouses closer to city cores.
  11. Passed by burger theory this afternoon 1ish nice size crowd.. beats last week were it was dead. Think being a adjacent to the hotel will really help this place
  12. Good to hear..the area continues to expand. .
  13. Anybody know what going in at 312 main.. there a mix beverage permit tjat been posted on 12/31/15
  14. Anyone else get that bush crying about hobby vibe from this.
  15. The problem is as Houstonians we gave heard the it will only be a parking lot for a while excuse, that how we ended up with so many...because big plans for the lot fell thru...the 80,s spear head that so many building torn down for future building that never came to be
  16. I dint like the over head view till I saw it from first person, it growing on me.. I wish they had gone a little bolder with the art form the 1 dollar store front (to safe to conservative ) The one that caught my attention is the swartz building, they seem to be saying some sort of video screen (think Chicago ) which will project people faces as they pass by....intresting
  17. Just when I think Houston has finally pulled it head out of it ass
  18. Fair enough if ypu say ypu know the people personally and they may have misread the vibe..but it smacks of the 90,s when downtown houston had a bunch of off put one and done shops
  19. The historic board trying to get it down but it seems auto direct found a loop hole..that probably going to make this a battle. . I hate companys like auto direct...they know the area is trying to do something, but instead only give a damn about themselves
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