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Everything posted by Moore713

  1. Did you ever think that we would be on the verge of saying " The Montroes skyline " ?
  2. I will say one key difference...the increase in population downtown.. which means even if a business closes...something else is likely to pop up in it place. Because there is now a night crowd to serve.
  3. Hate to see it... downtown Houston worked so hard to build up it core and just when it seems like it will finally start to explode... something comes along to set it back... seems to always happen
  4. So they can get some pretentious overly priced store in there...duh.
  5. If this is true, this could be a even bigger boom for the area. How long before other businesses start to pop up to support. Stores, restaurants etc etc.... If all hold stead ... in 5 to 7 years this could be a booming corridor
  6. Remember when people said downtown and medical center would never connect ? Now you can stand downtown look straight down main street and swear it all one long corridor.
  7. I'm all for it if the last decade has taught Houston anything, it that we have to further diversify our economy. We can not continue to see oil and gas as a viable anchor, going foward. We have to actively push for our major sectors to grow , while craving a path into new ones. Why i would like to see our space port grow and our medical .. Hell i laughed when the spaceforce was proposed but if they really are looking for a new headquarters in the next 10 year. I Think we should do everything in our power to sell Houston to them.
  8. Notice that yesterday. Made me start wondering how long before more some mid rises start dotting Eado skyline
  9. What the hell ever happened with the Ashby?
  10. Don't think that it at all, it seems Developers have a habit of dragging their feet till Houston falls right back into another Boom and Bust cycle. Seems like by the time they actually put shovels to ground it when the city runs into a economic downturn
  11. A " Mall " might not be such a bad thing.. because trying to retail off in downtown Houston has for the most part been a object failure.
  12. I dont known ...I think 20 years for a concept that was played out 19 years ago...can be considered successful
  13. Still wish these kind of places would go for a little more architectural diversity. They are all starting to look alike.
  14. The whole statement from rice seems absolutely stupid. That corridor is from end to end is 20 mins with stop.. that downtown to midtown to medical center. 12 by car ..I have rode this route hundreds of times if you factor in the years I had to ride the rail to work.
  15. Ohh I really hope so.. this and the other one off main...it no offense against them just feel the area has evolved past these places and could be put to better use...like restate
  16. Cities need to take more control anyway..Txdox doesn't give a damn about who has to live in these areas
  17. Half a block up the road are apts that 99.9 of residents of third ward cant afford... but this is the line in the sand they want to draw? A project that would transform a dead, abandoned area that become nothing more than a camp site for the homeless and drug dealers?!
  18. Active? I use to have to go there multiple times at any given time maybe s dozen cars in the lot...I think they will be alright
  19. Drove by last week and saw people working inside, outside of that ...nothing
  20. They pushed so hard for this... That you would think they will only accept something signature. I glad we are getting infill but when do we get to the part where they want their buildings to standout?
  21. Rappers Chamillionaire and E-40 plan to line a lucky entrepreneur's pockets with $100,000 to fund their start-up. On Instagram, the pair announced a competition that'll benefit a "minority or woman founded startup," calling for video submissions that details promising pitches. This is what we should be expending our energy on. I would be trying to figure out how to get them to partner with Rice so that there already a place for young black start ups .For those who dont know they are very into Tech startups having already invested millions overs thr years
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