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Republicans are scum!


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Are you and your Republican friends finally admitting that the Bush Administration has FUBARed Iraq? I'll offer my 2 cents if you are admitting they blew it and we need new ideas.

I'll admit, the Bush administration has been able to handle Iraq better than any Democrat solution could have produced. Prove me wrong by offering some "fresh" ideas.

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Well said? A totally factless rant? :lol:

BTW, don't forget to throw in self-loathing, hypocritical homosexual, child predator enabeling, psuedo christians in the Republican sentence:

Haggard on meth before man-sex but after his White House conference call


These evangelical christian nutjobs are no different than the Sunni-Shiite fundamentalists. They only use a different book. After all, the root word for fundamentalist is fundament, which is defined by Webster as the anus, ie. asshole.

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Sure the Iraqis may be a little more free, just free to hide in their homes so that the religious maniacs won't kill them.

[Or we could have stayed out of Iraq and let them be killed by their now their ousted Dictator, huh gto

If all those folks in the service in Iraq wanted to help this country they could be doing it here and do alot more good. Instead of following orders from a bunch of misguided politicians.

Here's an idea Gto, why don't you join up and go over there to Iraq to show your fellow brothers in arms what they should be doing. I'll have a recruiter call you, What's your number ? :ph34r:

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Whats wrong? can't stand to hear the truth?

The only reason you don't see teargas in the streets these days is because there are no young people faced with getting killed in Iraq, except those whose choose to go.

If all those folks choose to go for their own misguided reasons, so be it.

If you think that it is such a noble cause, why don't you go?

After all the Army has dramatically lowered the standards just so they can meet the recruiting goals. In other words, nobody in their right mind wants to go. They have also doubled the bounty. That's it, make it more attractive to those who are motivated by $24,000. The US proved in Vietnam that it cannot fight and win a political war and Iraq is no different.

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These evangelical christian nutjobs are no different than the Sunni-Shiite fundamentalists. They only use a different book. After all, the root word for fundamentalist is fundament, which is defined by Webster as the anus, ie. asshole.

Really GTO ? How many bombs have these, "christian nutjobs" followers , strapped to themsleves and ran into a pizza parlor in downtown Manhattan ? Where do you come up with your conclusions ? :lol::wacko: Cuckoo !

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Really GTO ? How many bombs have these, "christian nutjobs" followers , strapped to themsleves and ran into a pizza parlor in downtown Manhattan ? Where do you come up with your conclusions ? :lol::wacko: Cuckoo !

I guess you are right. The nutjobs here spend their time trolling for queers.

OH by the way. From 1989 to 2004 there were 179 bombings or attempted bombings of abortion clinics in the US plus 24 murders or attempted murders at abortion clinics.

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Blah, blah, blah...Rosie BAD!!! Christians BAD too...zzzzzzzzz...it's all reflexive deflection from the topic. We've had a borrow and spend-like-drunken-sailors party in power who has botched a war, botched Katrina relief, preached "family values" by bashing gays for votes while they cover up for their very own child predators in Congress and consult and confer with closeted evangelicals who preach hate towards gays; we have Republican congressmen indicted, in jail and on their way to jail for corruption; we have a totally inept and incompetent President who can't seem to keep his story straight on anything anymore; and all they have to throw back is Nancy Pelosi is the devil and look out because she's goig to tax you to death! [while we're only going to bleed you to death behind your backs].

So if you like things the way they are; if you like having a President whose main goal is to keep you afraid; if you like having a Speaker who covers for child predator trolls just to stay in power; if you like being duped into some kind of "family values" scam run by closeted gay meth addicts and if you like having a two-tiered economy that divides Americans more and more every day, vote Republican.

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I guess you are right. The nutjobs here spend their time trolling for queers.

I think your own statements show who is a "christian nutjob".

btw, your time period for the 179 incidents is a bit off. At least according to this source.


The incidents also usually occur when people aren't actually in the buildings. Not saying it hasn't happened, but the comparison is pretty poor as it is probably a difference of a few thousand in number of acts performed between the two groups. GTO, yours is definately one of THE poorest analogies ever scripted on this forum.

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Blah, blah, blah...Rosie BAD!!! Christians BAD too...zzzzzzzzz...it's all reflexive deflection from the topic. We've had a borrow and spend-like-drunken-sailors party in power who has botched a war, botched Katrina relief, preached "family values" by bashing gays for votes while they cover up for their very own child predators in Congress and consult and confer with closeted evangelicals who preach hate towards gays; we have Republican congressmen indicted, in jail and on their way to jail for corruption; we have a totally inept and incompetent President who can't seem to keep his story straight on anything anymore; and all they have to throw back is Nancy Pelosi is the devil and look out because she's goig to tax you to death! [while we're only going to bleed you to death behind your backs].

So if you like things the way they are; if you like having a President whose main goal is to keep you afraid; if you like having a Speaker who covers for child predator trolls just to stay in power; if you like being duped into some kind of "family values" scam run by closeted gay meth addicts and if you like having a two-tiered economy that divides Americans more and more every day, vote Republican.

Hey, you just talked me into voting republican, thanks!!!

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The only thing that Kerry and Haggard have in common is that they both knew from experience of what they spoke...

Kerry actually fought in a war and was an active member of the U.S. military while Haggard knew first hand, mouth, and orifice of the gay sex he so passionately preached against.

Kudos to both men for only speaking about things in which they had personal experience.

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The only thing that Kerry and Haggard have in common is that they both knew from experience of what they spoke...

Kerry actually fought in a war and was an active member of the U.S. military while Haggard knew first hand, mouth, and orifice of the gay sex he so passionately preached against.

Kudos to both men for only speaking about things in which they had personal experience.

Haggard has also admitted to buying crystal meth, but, like Bill Clinton, he didn't "inhale".

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The only thing that Kerry and Haggard have in common is that they both knew from experience of what they spoke...

Kerry actually fought in a war and was an active member of the U.S. military while Haggard knew first hand, mouth, and orifice of the gay sex he so passionately preached against.

Kudos to both men for only speaking about things in which they had personal experience.

Everyone is putting the cart before the horse on the preacherman. He denies any "gay sex" , he apparently confesses to what his peers would consider other "wrongdoings", but hasn't made mention of what they are.

Although I know it has happened in the past where men of power have looked the American Public dead in the eye and said "They DID NOT have sex....." with certain individuals, and were caught in a lie. Everyone thought the accuser was lying, and then the accused fess's up, and everyone goes "DAMMMIT, he lied, but he was just lyin' about sex. So, no big deal." We'll see if that goes the same way this time.

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Everyone is putting the cart before the horse on the preacherman. He denies any "gay sex" , he apparently confesses to what his peers would consider other "wrongdoings", but hasn't made mention of what they are.

Although I know it has happened in the past where men of power have looked the American Public dead in the eye and said "They DID NOT have sex....." with certain individuals, and were caught in a lie. Everyone thought the accuser was lying, and then the accused fess's up, and everyone goes "DAMMMIT, he lied, but he was just lyin' about sex. So, no big deal." We'll see if that goes the same way this time.

Well he has officially admitted to buying meth from the escort. Hmmmmmm.....how did he get hooked up with a male prostitute in the first place? Trying to save his soul? This shows how truly warped his thinking is. "Yeah I'm a drug addict but gay? NO WAY. "

Just couldn't resist throwing Clinton out there could you? Either everything is Clinton's fault or what he did excuses all the sleazy things right wingers will ever do from now to eternity. And a historical note: Clinton never did a little "toot" before he got his hummer.

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Well he has officially admitted to buying meth from the escort. Hmmmmmm.....how did he get hooked up with a male prostitute in the first place? Trying to save his soul? This shows how truly warped his thinking is. "Yeah I'm a drug addict but gay? NO WAY. "

Just couldn't resist throwing Clinton out there could you? Either everything is Clinton's fault or what he did excuses all the sleazy things right wingers will ever do from now to eternity.

I may have been referring to the Dem. Sen. that was shacked up with a male prostitue and running an escort service out of his Condo ? ;) Maybe not though.

The preacher has admitted to wrongdoing, just not all the accused wrongdoings. Maybe he was doing some background work for a sermon ?

How do you know Clinton never "tooted" just because he claimed he never "inhaled" ?

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Hey, you just talked me into voting republican, thanks!!!

You are absolutely welcome. And thank YOU for letting us know you stand behind hate filled, hypocritical, bigoted, closeted gay child predator enablers.

Well he has officially admitted to buying meth from the escort. Hmmmmmm.....how did he get hooked up with a male prostitute in the first place? Trying to save his soul? This shows how truly warped his thinking is. "Yeah I'm a drug addict but gay? NO WAY. "

You listen here, westy-you commie! All he did was buy meth off a guy he found on a gay escort service website who gave him a "massage" because he couldn't find one masseuse in his entire 50,000 member congregation.

YOU should be ashamed I say, ASHAMED! :lol:

Now. Get on your knees and give me 20-prayers that is. :P


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You are absolutely welcome. And thank YOU for letting us know you stand behind hate filled, hypocritical, bigoted, closeted gay child predator enablers.

You listen here, westy-you commie! All he did was buy meth off a guy he found on a gay escort service website who gave him a "massage" because he couldn't find one masseuse in his entire 50,000 member congregation.

YOU should be ashamed I say, ASHAMED! :lol:

Now. Get on your knees and give me 20-prayers that is. :P


This just in: Haggert has admitted to getting a massage but he's still NOT GAY!. Well you know how tense "tina" can make you. Good Lord, I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type. "You want massage? With sensations? Cost you extra!" :D:o:lol::lol::o:D

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This just in: Haggert has admitted to getting a massage but he's still NOT GAY!. Well you know how tense "tina" can make you. Good Lord, I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type. "You want massage? With sensations? Cost you extra!" :D:o:lol::lol::o:D

Was that a massage with a happy ending? :lol:

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This just in: Haggert has admitted to getting a massage but he's still NOT GAY!. Well you know how tense "tina" can make you. Good Lord, I'm laughing so hard I can hardly type. "You want massage? With sensations? Cost you extra!" :D:o:lol::lol::o:D

Maybe getting the Meth, AFTER the massage was the "Happy ending" ? :(:wacko:

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:lol::lol: Good one. You'll have to change your name from TJones to TSnow. :lol::lol:

Well, we both shop at Brooks Brothers. Maybe you can throw that info. into gto's new Red and Blue state polling question ? Sorry, didn't mean to make reference to anyhting relating to polls or poles. It might turn out the preacherman has been getting plenty of both.

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