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Republicans are scum!


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Iraq was in economic threat? How do you come up with that conclusion?

Invasion of Kuwait and destabilization of a major oil-producing region.

As far as Iraq descending into a sectarian mess. So what, all we need to do is drop a few daisy cutters every once in a awhile.

No, you need well-trained, well-equipped, and salty-as-hell troops on the ground to retain some semblance of order and to supress organization of streetgangs into militias. Scattered bomb blasts are one thing, but rampaging mobs and organized militias freely roaming the streets would be another.

No I don't buy it that we are better off now than we were in late 2001, as far as Iraq is concerned. I agree with what was done in Afghaniland but we are far from finished there. The tons of money that is going to Iraq would be much better spent in this county.

I didn't say we were better off. Honestly, I can't figure out why we're there, although I suspect that declassified documents in fifty years will make us look at least somewhat less inept. Nothing makes sense, though, at present. There is no plausible motive.

But we've got to live in the present. Costs are sunk. If you pull out of Iraq and wipe your hands of the whole business, Iraq will just become a pre-2001 Afghanistan of sorts. That's the conundrum.

Hell, we could take a tenth of what we are spending and flood N. Korea with TVs and cell phone so that those folks can find out how the rest of the world lives. That is the place that really is a threat to the US.

I know. There are a lot of good things that could be done with the money. The only redeeming point is that the cost of Iraq is actually pretty moderate, as wars go.

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While you contemplate Bush's War, here's a nifty little clip of one classey Republican lady...

aaaargh. That shrill old witch definitely has her hair pulled back too tight. Is her race tight? I hope she gets her bony little ass bounced out of congress!

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While you contemplate Bush's War, here's a nifty little clip of one classey Republican lady...

Wow, she needs to spend some time with Bill Clinton in the Oval office cloak room. That would loosen her up some. That marine she was speaking of had no choice. He pretty much had to do what he was told.

What percentage of those killed or maimed in Iraq had no idea that they would end up over there and joined the service only because it was the only place to get a decent job?

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What percentage of those killed or maimed in Iraq had no idea that they would end up over there and joined the service only because it was the only place to get a decent job?

So you're asking how many of our military are just helpless dummies suckling at the government teets?

Now for my John Kerry moment: If that's all our soldiers are doing, then perhaps its best that we stay in Iraq if for no other reason than to thin out the herd a bit.

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So you're asking how many of our military are just helpless dummies suckling at the government teets?

Now for my John Kerry moment: If that's all our soldiers are doing, then perhaps its best that we stay in Iraq if for no other reason than to thin out the herd a bit.

Uh oh. There goes your political career. :P

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aaaargh. That shrill old witch definitely has her hair pulled back too tight. Is her race tight? I hope she gets her bony little ass bounced out of congress!

Apparently she was doing OK until she suggested her district might be a good place to store...NUCLEAR WASTE :wacko:

Her Democratic opponent has now taken the lead.


Schmidt is clearly a lunatic on the loose-I suspect she is hanging with Shelley Sekula-Greenberg-Rodriguez-Gibbs-try writing THAT in!!! :lol:

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So you're asking how many of our military are just helpless dummies suckling at the government teets?

Now for my John Kerry moment: If that's all our soldiers are doing, then perhaps its best that we stay in Iraq if for no other reason than to thin out the herd a bit.


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Why don't you ask our fellow brothers in Iraq if they support if they think the war is worth it? I have a dozen friends either in Iraq now or going back soon. All of them tell me we better thank god we are over their. If we had a democrat in office they would still be hiding under their bed and we havce been attacked again. Why don't we ask the girls and women about the war that have schools and running water now? How about the mass graves of 10's of thousands of people that were found or the tons of mustard gas that has been found?

Seriously what do the democrats stand for or what is their "plan"? We never hear one... You got dem. candidates stating they are for abortion and a strict Catholic in the same breath. I try to ignore politcal discussions because everyone just spins their wheels but I got to rant. Democrat suppoorters can't stand on issues, they can just throw crap at the wall hoping something sticks. You already got an attorney for Nick Lampson claiming Gibbs was at polling places illegally. You got Bill White offering free flu shots only in democrat areas polling sites. Try to win an election on issues.

Bottom line is this country has not been attacked since 9/11 because my fellow brothers are kicking the terrorist ass. Also our FBI and CIA are doing their job, stopping threats, because they are allowed to now unlike under Clinton they were shut down twice. How dare the piece of garbage Kerry insult me and our brothers because we are volunterring our selves in doing something we beleive strongly in our heart. Dems are the garbage who appoint judges that let child molestors off because they weren't hug enough.

A strong majority of small buisness owners, military persons, college educated, strong family valued households are Republicans.

A strong majority of welfare recipeints, criminals, under educated, broken households are democrats.

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Why don't you ask our fellow brothers in Iraq if they support if they think the war is worth it? I have a dozen friends either in Iraq now or going back soon. All of them tell me we better thank god we are over their. If we had a democrat in office they would still be hiding under their bed and we havce been attacked again. Why don't we ask the girls and women about the war that have schools and running water now? How about the mass graves of 10's of thousands of people that were found or the tons of mustard gas that has been found?

Seriously what do the democrats stand for or what is their "plan"? We never hear one... You got dem. candidates stating they are for abortion and a strict Catholic in the same breath. I try to ignore politcal discussions because everyone just spins their wheels but I got to rant. Democrat suppoorters can't stand on issues, they can just throw crap at the wall hoping something sticks. You already got an attorney for Nick Lampson claiming Gibbs was at polling places illegally. You got Bill White offering free flu shots only in democrat areas polling sites. Try to win an election on issues.

Bottom line is this country has not been attacked since 9/11 because my fellow brothers are kicking the terrorist ass. Also our FBI and CIA are doing their job, stopping threats, because they are allowed to now unlike under Clinton they were shut down twice. How dare the piece of garbage Kerry insult me and our brothers because we are volunterring our selves in doing something we beleive strongly in our heart. Dems are the garbage who appoint judges that let child molestors off because they weren't hug enough.

A strong majority of small buisness owners, military persons, college educated, strong family valued households are Republicans.

A strong majority of welfare recipeints, criminals, under educated, broken households are democrats.

Well that sounds like a whole lot of camel crap to me. We have not been attacked since 9/11 because we went to Afghaniland not Iraq. If we spent as much effort in Afghaniland as we put into Iraq, that place would be cleaned-up by now and Iraq would be no more of a threat than is was before we went.

No, it sounds like your buds in Iraq are brainwashed. Sure the Iraqis may be a little more free, just free to hide in their homes so that the religious maniacs won't kill them.

If all those folks in the service in Iraq wanted to help this country they could be doing it here and do alot more good. Instead of following orders from a bunch of misguided politicians.

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Why don't you ask our fellow brothers in Iraq if they support if they think the war is worth it? I have a dozen friends either in Iraq now or going back soon. All of them tell me we better thank god we are over their.

Some don't: http://www.thespectrum.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...EWS01/611020315

If we had a democrat in office they would still be hiding under their bed and we havce been attacked again.

Like we were when in 2001 when a republican was in charge?

Why don't we ask the girls and women about the war that have schools and running water now? How about the mass graves of 10's of thousands of people that were found or the tons of mustard gas that has been found?

Do you mean the gas we were OK with at the time?


Seriously what do the democrats stand for or what is their "plan"? We never hear one...

See Congressman Murtha's plan in post #174

You got dem. candidates stating they are for abortion and a strict Catholic in the same breath.

Who have you EVER heard say "I'm for abortion?"

I try to ignore politcal discussions because everyone just spins their wheels but I got to rant. Democrat suppoorters can't stand on issues, they can just throw crap at the wall hoping something sticks.

Like you are clearly doing here-except yours really ISN'T sticking-so far.

You already got an attorney for Nick Lampson claiming Gibbs was at polling places illegally.

According to Texas Election Code, a candidate may not be present in a polling place unless they are voting or conducting official business, but Sekula-Gibbs, who votes in Harris County, was doing neither. [Texas Election Code, Sec. 61.001]

You got Bill White offering free flu shots only in democrat areas polling sites.

He has withdrawn the shots. Are you happy now that many who can't afford flu shots are not getting them?

Try to win an election on issues.

It appears the Democrats are on the way to doing just that.

Bottom line is this country has not been attacked since 9/11 because my fellow brothers are kicking the terrorist ass.

As opposed to the 104 US soldiers who had their asses kicked to death in October? We are fueling terrorism in Iraq. Our government has already admitted that.

Also our FBI and CIA are doing their job, stopping threats, because they are allowed to now unlike under Clinton they were shut down twice.

Like when they failed to certify that Osama was responsible for the Cole bombing until Bush was inaugurated? The same Bush who never bothered to retaliate once he was certified?

How dare the piece of garbage Kerry insult me and our brothers because we are volunterring our selves in doing something we beleive strongly in our heart.

Kerry made a clumsy attempt at a joke aimed at Bush. Your attempt to twist into something else is somewhat pathetic.

Dems are the garbage who appoint judges that let child molestors off because they weren't hug enough.

Do you mean Vermont Judge Edward Cashman appointed by Republican Governor Richard Snelling?

A strong majority of small buisness owners, military persons, college educated, strong family valued households are Republicans.

The same Republicans that cover for child predators in their midst's in order to retain power? Those "Family Value" Republicans?

A strong majority of welfare recipeints, criminals, under educated, broken households are democrats.

Could you offer up some stats to back that up? republican vs. Democrats? Or has your blind hatred of all things Democratic and Clinton left you completely incapable of composing a factual post?

Edited by nmainguy
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No prob, great rant. Your right about Lampsom. If he throws this gift away I'll SCREAM!!!! They let the Cunningham seat get away and now this. The fact that it is even close is pretty discouraging.

I'm hoping all the dumbass straight-ticket voters cast without doing a write-in. That's all they are in District 22.

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I'm hoping all the dumbass straight-ticket voters cast without doing a write-in. That's all they are in District 22.

I wanna see how many people mispells the write-in candidate :lol: Watch, some girl named Shelby Shenaenae-Gibson's gonna win without even running!

For now, I'm calling District 22 "District F*ck-Up". Tom Delay f*cked up. If Lampson loses to a write-in candidate that according to him is full of scandal, he's a F*ck-Up. Shelly Sekula-Gibbs's grill is f*cked up. Where does it end there?...

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Why don't you ask our fellow brothers in Iraq if they support if they think the war is worth it? I have a dozen friends either in Iraq now or going back soon. All of them tell me we better thank god we are over their. If we had a democrat in office they would still be hiding under their bed and we havce been attacked again. Why don't we ask the girls and women about the war that have schools and running water now? How about the mass graves of 10's of thousands of people that were found or the tons of mustard gas that has been found?

Seriously what do the democrats stand for or what is their "plan"? We never hear one... You got dem. candidates stating they are for abortion and a strict Catholic in the same breath. I try to ignore politcal discussions because everyone just spins their wheels but I got to rant. Democrat suppoorters can't stand on issues, they can just throw crap at the wall hoping something sticks. You already got an attorney for Nick Lampson claiming Gibbs was at polling places illegally. You got Bill White offering free flu shots only in democrat areas polling sites. Try to win an election on issues.

Bottom line is this country has not been attacked since 9/11 because my fellow brothers are kicking the terrorist ass. Also our FBI and CIA are doing their job, stopping threats, because they are allowed to now unlike under Clinton they were shut down twice. How dare the piece of garbage Kerry insult me and our brothers because we are volunterring our selves in doing something we beleive strongly in our heart. Dems are the garbage who appoint judges that let child molestors off because they weren't hug enough.

A strong majority of small buisness owners, military persons, college educated, strong family valued households are Republicans.

A strong majority of welfare recipeints, criminals, under educated, broken households are democrats.

And, apparently, a lot of closeted &*#% suckers are Republicans. What's your point?

You live in Texas and you want to complain about the Democratic activist judges? That makes about as much sense as claiming you are the followers of Jesus but God forbid you allow a program to provide flu shots for the poor. I am certain that I remember the point in the Bible in which Jesus cast aside the poor in the name of attaining political power. Amen!

Edited by KinkaidAlum
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And, apparently, a lot of closeted &*#% suckers are Republicans. What's your point?

I'm guessing hypocrisy on Haggert's part. Although, in the Haggert case everyone should reserve judgement until the escort releases his evidence (voice mails etc.).

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How ironic that, on the same day that this leading evangelical is stepping down due to morals issues, Rick Perry is telling ministers that it is the job of government to legislate morality.


Gov. Rick Perry in a closed meeting Thursday told African-American ministers in Houston that government has an important function in promoting strong moral values and saving children from a "culture of godlessness."

"It's a ridiculous notion to say you cannot legislate morality," Perry told the ministers.

Why is it that government thinks they should be telling us how to live when they are the most immoral creatures on the planet? The LAST person I am going to take morality lessons from is Rick Perry!

BTW, since I quit the Republican Party in 1994, I wasn't aware of the change to the party platform to MORE government intrusion into our lives...and bragging about it. Could someone tell me when the GOP threw that last shovel full of dirt on Barry Goldwater's party?

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Just becuase you are against gay marriage does not mean you don't like to suck a little @&*# now and then.

The PNP scene is where it's at.

According to the article he also enjoyed a little tweek before his romp in the hay. :o:o Such behaviour from a moral leader :o:o . What's PNP?

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Why don't you ask our fellow brothers in Iraq if they support if they think the war is worth it? I have a dozen friends either in Iraq now or going back soon. All of them tell me we better thank god we are over their. If we had a democrat in office they would still be hiding under their bed and we havce been attacked again. Why don't we ask the girls and women about the war that have schools and running water now? How about the mass graves of 10's of thousands of people that were found or the tons of mustard gas that has been found?

Seriously what do the democrats stand for or what is their "plan"? We never hear one... You got dem. candidates stating they are for abortion and a strict Catholic in the same breath. I try to ignore politcal discussions because everyone just spins their wheels but I got to rant. Democrat suppoorters can't stand on issues, they can just throw crap at the wall hoping something sticks. You already got an attorney for Nick Lampson claiming Gibbs was at polling places illegally. You got Bill White offering free flu shots only in democrat areas polling sites. Try to win an election on issues.

Bottom line is this country has not been attacked since 9/11 because my fellow brothers are kicking the terrorist ass. Also our FBI and CIA are doing their job, stopping threats, because they are allowed to now unlike under Clinton they were shut down twice. How dare the piece of garbage Kerry insult me and our brothers because we are volunterring our selves in doing something we beleive strongly in our heart. Dems are the garbage who appoint judges that let child molestors off because they weren't hug enough.

A strong majority of small buisness owners, military persons, college educated, strong family valued households are Republicans.

A strong majority of welfare recipeints, criminals, under educated, broken households are democrats.

Well said, however, I don't equate the lack of terroist acts against the U.S. in the last five years to our presence in the middle east as easily as you and others do though.

The last two sentances are my favorite part and so telling how people overlook this.

I would through in colored people too in the democrats camp

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uhhhhhh...well, I kinda did SOMETHING...


Yeah, it was kind of strange the way he parsed his words. "I have never had a relationship with another man" instead of "I've never had sex with another man".

I would through in colored people too in the democrats camp

:wacko::wacko: Did John Kerry's speech writer post this for you? :wacko::wacko:

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Well said, however, I don't equate the lack of terroist acts against the U.S. in the last five years to our presence in the middle east as easily as you and others do though.

The last two sentances are my favorite part and so telling how people overlook this.

I would through in colored people too in the democrats camp

I suppose I would have to throw rascists, white supremascists, hypocritical christians, trailer park residents, corporate thieves, and draft dodging politicians in the republican camp....not because I want to, mind you, just because I have to.

EDIT: Whoops, left out homophobes and xenophobes. How could I forget them? :)

Edited by RedScare
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Well said, however, I don't equate the lack of terroist acts against the U.S. in the last five years to our presence in the middle east as easily as you and others do though.

The last two sentances are my favorite part and so telling how people overlook this.

I would through in colored people too in the democrats camp

Well said? A totally factless rant? :lol:

BTW, don't forget to throw in self-loathing, hypocritical homosexual, child predator enabeling, psuedo christians in the Republican sentence:

Haggard on meth before man-sex but after his White House conference call


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