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Republicans are scum!


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I'd have to disagree with you that the majority. I still have faith that those who would write this off as a "petty sex scandal" are in the minority. The polls show it and common decency demands it. The world is full of problems and callous individuals with seemingly no regard for the welfare of kids. That's fine, I suppose-I don't have to live in their skin.

It's disgusting just the same.

Well I have to counter that with the number of registered pedophiles walking the streets of Harris county for example. The Majority of these are on Probation (68%) not parole, meaning they never spent a day in prison, they were given another chance to commit the crime again, which happens more times than not, (7 out of ever ten are multiple offenders). Then they get locked up for a couple of years maybe and they are back on the street again, on parole this time, able to commit this same crime again. (Same stats apply). In the meantime, the DA's office is handing out 50 years to crack dealers, and life sentences to meth lab cooks. Don't get me wrong i am not advocating either, it's just the conditioning that society has taken. Three strikes your out if you can't quit stealing cars, but you rape a child and you are done, stick a fork in you, you are toast. Plain and Simple.

And Buc I was not focusing solely on Foley, just the attitude in general, because in my opinion this is what happens everyday in America all over the nation. They will tie themselves to a tree, or picket the refineries, or camp out for 7 years outside the President's ranch in Waco. But who is screaming for the kids that are raped everyday across the United States. They will bomb an abortion clinic in Birmingham Ala. but has anyone spoke out for the kids being victimized? How many picket lines do you see outside the DA's office every time he hands out probation to a convicted pedophile? NONE. EVERYTIME they put down a murderer in Huntsville there are ALWAYS a few protesters outside, unless there is some media forum to entertain then there are hundreds if not thousands.

It's not just the Foley thing, it's Pedophiles and the victims of pedophiles I am addressing. And it is the "no big deal" attitude that bothers me, it's plain scary.

Edited by Mark F. Barnes
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And Buc I was not focusing solely on Foley, just the attitude in general, because in my opinion this is what happens everyday in America all over the nation. They will tie themselves to a tree, or picket the refineries, or camp out for 7 years outside the President's ranch in Waco. But who is screaming for the kids that are raped everyday across the United States. They will bomb an abortion clinic in Birmingham Ala. but has anyone spoke out for the kids being victimized? How many picket lines do you see outside the DA's office every time he hands out probation to a convicted pedophile? NONE. EVERYTIME they put down a murderer in Huntsville there are ALWAYS a few protesters outside, unless there is some media forum to entertain then there are hundreds if not thousands.

i agree. as a society we are not adequately addressing the issues of sexual deviancy, or addiction, or the proper way to help those victimized by others. -Bach

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And Buc I was not focusing solely on Foley, just the attitude in general, because in my opinion this is what happens everyday in America all over the nation. They will tie themselves to a tree, or picket the refineries, or camp out for 7 years outside the President's ranch in Waco. But who is screaming for the kids that are raped everyday across the United States. They will bomb an abortion clinic in Birmingham Ala. but has anyone spoke out for the kids being victimized? How many picket lines do you see outside the DA's office every time he hands out probation to a convicted pedophile? NONE. EVERYTIME they put down a murderer in Huntsville there are ALWAYS a few protesters outside, unless there is some media forum to entertain then there are hundreds if not thousands.

It's not just the Foley thing, it's Pedophiles and the victims of pedophiles I am addressing. And it is the "no big deal" attitude that bothers me, it's plain scary.

Pedophilia is unique to no nation. It is already illegal in nearly every place in the world. Yet people (including our elected officials) continue to do it. It is a crime, just like murder, just like robbery, just like rape. All are despicable, but none are defeatable. Try as we might, it will continue to happen. And if history is any indicator, no amount of public attention or grief brought to the subject of this petty sex scandal is going to change that, either on the streets or on the Hill.

Given these circumstances, it is my opinion that media coverage should focus more on those issues which can be influenced and changed in such a way as to make for a better world for all of the billions of people that live on it today...victims or not.

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Well I have to counter that with the number of registered pedophiles walking the streets of Harris county for example.

I get where you're coming from and in the end I think we'd be on the same side of the table.

All that aside, the immediate issue is what happens with the enabelers that allowed Foley to continue his practices. Foley stopped being the issue the day he resigned. The leadership could have nipped this "petty sex scandal" in the bud long ago if they had not put power above the well-being of the kids-which is clearly what happened.

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Great post, Mark.

I'd have to disagree with you about the majority. I still have faith that those who would write this off as a "petty sex scandal" are in the minority. The polls show it and common decency demands it. The world is full of problems and callous individuals with seemingly no regard for the welfare of kids. I'm just happy not to be living in their skin.

Bear in mind that those who call it a "petty sex scandal" are only saying so to try to quell the uproar over the scandal and subsequent coverup. It is unlikely that these people would believe that in an apolitical situation.

There are two issues at play here, neither of them pedophilia. Abuse of power, and a coverup. If there were no uproar over the coverup, the perpetrators and others would consider covering up other scandals. It is incumbent on the populace to make the coverup worse than the crime, to insure that coverups are discouraged in the future. I recognize that Republicans are not too happy to see their elected officials getting thrown under the bus, but better to sacrifice a couple of politicians than to encourage more scandalous behavior.

This is good for the political process. Democrats, even as they join the mob in the streets, are looking for skeletons in their own closets.

Edited by RedScare
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Bear in mind that those who call it a "petty sex scandal" are only saying so to try to quell the uproar over the scandal and subsequent coverup. It is unlikely that these people would believe that in an apolitical situation.

There are two issues at play here, neither of them pedophilia. Abuse of power, and a coverup. If there were no uproar over the coverup, the perpetrators and others would consider covering up other scandals. It is incumbent on the populace to make the coverup worse than the crime, to insure that coverups are discouraged in the future. I recognize that Republicans are not too happy to see their elected officials getting thrown under the bus, but better to sacrifice a couple of politicians than to encourage more scandalous behavior.

This is good for the political process. Democrats, even as they join the mob in the streets, are looking for skeletons in their own closets.

i can get my brain around that. great insight, red.

Edited by bachanon
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Bear in mind that those who call it a "petty sex scandal" are only saying so to try to quell the uproar over the scandal and subsequent coverup. It is unlikely that these people would believe that in an apolitical situation.

There are two issues at play here, neither of them pedophilia. Abuse of power, and a coverup.

This is good for the political process. Democrats, even as they join the mob in the streets, are looking for skeletons in their own closets.

I trust fully that skeletons exist in the closets of all political parties. I have full faith that if the same thing had happened on the Democrat side, as has happened in the past, the same kinds of accusations would be flung at them by Republicans. Neither party is at all innocent of scandal or corruption, so it is a moot point insofar as I am concerned.

Is it worthy of coverage? Sure. Is it worthy of this much coverage? Not even close. In the grand scheme of things, its just a petty sex scandal.

My ultimatum to CNN and Fox News: cover the big issues that really matter or I'll change the channel.

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To what? MSNBC?

MSNBC has pretty much fallen out of that league (if they ever really were in that league). Jim Kramer, Suze Orman, Donnie Deutche, and the daytime business news just don't cut it. The business reporting is terrible, at that. Way too much focus on the short term indicators and commentators are often idiots.

A week or so ago they had a commentator on that was asked how he felt about the Dow Jones having hit an all-time high. He responded that he wasn't very optimistic, "because after all, you're supposed to buy low and sell high, not the other way around."

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I trust fully that skeletons exist in the closets of all political parties. I have full faith that if the same thing had happened on the Democrat side, as has happened in the past, the same kinds of accusations would be flung at them by Republicans. Neither party is at all innocent of scandal or corruption, so it is a moot point insofar as I am concerned.

Is it worthy of coverage? Sure. Is it worthy of this much coverage? Not even close. In the grand scheme of things, its just a petty sex scandal.

My ultimatum to CNN and Fox News: cover the big issues that really matter or I'll change the channel.

Niche, you are absolutely correct, it HAS happened, in the past, and it HAS happened on the Dem. side, and the Reps. DID throw stones, but there wasn't nearly the amount of media help that there has been on this one. You can check a previous post of mine in this thread for a little more on this story.

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I trust fully that skeletons exist in the closets of all political parties. I have full faith that if the same thing had happened on the Democrat side, as has happened in the past, the same kinds of accusations would be flung at them by Republicans. Neither party is at all innocent of scandal or corruption, so it is a moot point insofar as I am concerned.

Is it worthy of coverage? Sure. Is it worthy of this much coverage? Not even close. In the grand scheme of things, its just a petty sex scandal.

My ultimatum to CNN and Fox News: cover the big issues that really matter or I'll change the channel.

I'm sure there are skeletons in the closet of most politicians...most human beings! But, for the "family values" party to be so imbattled with a sex scandal involving a homosexual man and children...well, that just makes for lively discussion. Everyone knows Democrats and all non-Republicans are sinners, but to have a REPUBLICAN, a CHOSEN ONE, that is a gay pedophile??? Well. Tell me it aint so grandpa!

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I'm sure there are skeletons in the closet of most politicians...most human beings! But, for the "family values" party to be so imbattled with a sex scandal involving a homosexual man and children...well, that just makes for lively discussion. Everyone knows Democrats and all non-Republicans are sinners, but to have a REPUBLICAN, a CHOSEN ONE, that is a gay pedophile??? Well. Tell me it aint so grandpa!

The discussion is about one person not an entire group. Do you get the National Enquirer delivered at home by chance?

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Mark Foley was more of a Democrat than a Republican. Just because you got a R or a D before your name doesnt mean diddly squat. open your eyes Tom ;)

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TJones, I hear you screaming, grasping for anything to differ attention from your party's pathetic recent track record. It's ok, so's your party:


"Foley Scandal Continues While Republicans....Blame Clinton"


"Hastert losing control of his team?"


"Don't look now, but suddenly a new batch of GOP seats in the House is up for grabs"


"But in the end, Republicans have no one to blame but themselves. As this campaign season now goes from bad to worse, the GOP might soon be running campaign ads that will basically say:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still don't care much for the title of this thread but my advice to you Republicans would be to put a muzzle on your buddy Limbaugh. Once again today he dug himself deeper on the MJ Fox ad. Regardless what you think about MJ, Limbaugh has dragged scum to a new low.

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I still don't care much for the title of this thread but my advice to you Republicans would be to put a muzzle on your buddy Limbaugh. Once again today he dug himself deeper on the MJ Fox ad. Regardless what you think about MJ, Limbaugh has dragged scum to a new low.

I was actually listening to his show the other day when he made all these comments. I could tell right about the moment that he started to realize that he'd ****ed up. He started backing off and using a lot of qualifying statements. He went nuts on the qualifyers.

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regardless of limbaugh, using parkinson's or aborted fetuses to win an election is low brow. sorry about mj fox's affliction, my dad has it. he (my dad) will not vote "pro-stem cell research" because he knows that it is not a "sure fire" cure all. it is a small possibility. fox's motive is to use his affliction to promote his political views. it is sad. we (our family) live with parkinson's every day. we will not vote for candidates who's sole claim to fame is the determination to fund or allow stem cell research. there are other technologies and methods. the hype, and it is HYPE, that stem cell research will cure parkinson's is naive. this is hyperbole that feeds on the needs and hopes of an uneducated populace.

like the foley issue, this is small fries compared to the immediate concerns before our country.

yet another distraction takes hold of our collective mentality. so freakin' sad. :(

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It's awful strange he appears on the Apprentice 5 June 2006, none of the radical ticks are noticeable, but he appears on Dateline NBC: Episode dated 16 April 2006 and he's pushing Stem Cell research and he can't sit still. Then you see him on Boston Legal: "Can't We All Get a Lung? " dated 19 September 2006 and he shows none of this radical ticks and appears on Boston Legal weekly, same thing. You can see he struggles with it a lot, keeps his hands in his pockets. But tonight appears on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric and he's all over the place, can barely sit in the chair, knocks his mic off and she's doting over him to enhance the level of his infliction.

That my friends is exploitation. He can seem to control it until he needs it to sell his political views. Rush has diarrhea of the mouth, but he wasn't far off on this point. Rush has a lot of his own demons to deal with, as do we all. But after I saw that interview with Couric this evening, I can see the angle.

Don't get me wrong, Parkinson's is a horrible thing to deal with it. I have personal experience with it, with close relatives. But what he is doing is BS. At least Ali tries to maintain some sort of dignity himself, and he's a lot worse off that MJF. Michael, I'm sincerely sorry you got this horrible disease. But if you make the conscious decision to exploit it for a cause then you will reap the whirlwind. Skipping your meds for a few hours so you can add a few extra tics and shakes to cynically make the viewing audience more sympathetic to your plight is pathetic...I really liked you on Family Ties, Back to the Future, and Spin City, as I'm sure millions of others did as well...but you crossed the line into exploitation...now I feel nothing but contempt. I just don't know why he'd waste his time lobbying for a liberal candidate in Missouri. Missouri is still stuck in the 1950's politically. they don't know what a stem cell is. he's wasting efforts that could be put to better use elsewhere. why get involved with the shady, unprofessional, and dishonest system that American politics have become anyway? there are no winners in American politics, only losers. I think he's a talented guy with a horrible disease. I'm not for stem cell research. I'm not against it, either -- I have looked into it enough to make a decision, but really could care less either way.

And yes, I do believe that Fox knew, when he stepped into the fray, that he'd be fair game for criticism. But I think it's fair to expect the criticism to be fair. And if it's not, Limbaugh is smart enough -- did I say smart enough? -- to know that he'll be criticized when he shoots his mouth off irresponsibly.

Mike himself admitted that he had not taken his drugs prior to speaking before Congress. He now says that he took more for the purposes of ad in question.

Regardless of whether Mike had taken more drugs than recommended or fewer than recommended, or exactly what was recommended, the fact is that the ad was deceitful:

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I made the above post to illustrate how some Republican mouth pieces have no problem swimming with the scum.

I did not post it to debate stem-cell research or so some could come on here and twist another man's sincere words.

If you would like to read the entire 23 minute interview so you can discuss it intelligently and accurately in another thread, here it is: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/10/26/...in2129702.shtml

Edited by nmainguy
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