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Republicans are scum!


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:lol: I'm not advocating "beating up cripples". I just don't think they are off-limits if they want to throw their hat in the ring.

Where is it written that someone in a wheelchair gets a pass on personal behavior? Does their disability give them immunity to being held responsible for what they say? I say if a person in a wheelchair deserves to be slapped, then he or she should be slapped and the devil take the hindmost.

In the matter of Michael J. Fox, this broohaha over Rush Limbaugh's alleged "mocking" of his disability is now being used as an excuse to ignore the point Limbaugh was making -- which was that everything -- EVERYTHING -- Fox said in that campaign spot was a lie. A LIE. Nothing he said was true. Nobody is talking about that. Doesn't the truth matter anymore?

Stem Cell Research is legal in every state. There are no prohibitions on it anywhere. EMBRYONIC Stem Cell research is the only form of this research that the federal government will not fund. Nothing prevents states or privately funded research centers that don't get federal money from doing it on their own with their own money. California is doing it.

None of this harangue makes any sense because not one -- NOT ONE -- reputable research center in this country has found any sign that embryonic stem cells can be used for anything. On the other hand, a number of research centers -- including Baylor College of Medicine right here in Houston -- have found a lot of promise in Adult Stem Cells, which by the way, can be obtained from adults -- not aborted fetuses. Why is the Democratic Party so married to the use of cells that can only come from aborted unborn babies? They act like it will be the end of the world if they can't kill some babies to get what they want.

And worse, why are people like MJ Fox so willing to take something as important as stem cell research and turn it into a political weapon? That's the most despicable thing of all, and I think he deserves to be slapped down. Figuratively and literally.

Edited by FilioScotia
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...........and Filio Scotia the lanky rightfielder from Kucamunga hits a long fly ball to centerfield, the fielder is on his horse, he's goin' back, way waaaaaaayyy back to the wall........ It is out of here folks. HOMERUN ! ! !

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Where is it written that someone in a wheelchair gets a pass on personal behavior?

No where.

Does their disability give them immunity to being held responsible for what they say?


I say if a person in a wheelchair deserves to be slapped, then he or she should be slapped and the devil take the hindmost.

Right on!!! :wacko:

In the matter of Michael J. Fox, this broohaha over Rush Limbaugh's alleged "mocking" of his disability is now being used as an excuse to ignore the point Limbaugh was making -- which was that everything -- EVERYTHING -- Fox said in that campaign spot was a lie. A LIE. Nothing he said was true.

EVERYTHING? Could you break that down for us word for word?

Nobody is talking about that.

Actually it seems everyone is talking about it.

Doesn't the truth matter anymore?

It matters to some.

Stem Cell Research is legal in every state.

Of course it is.

There are no prohibitions on it anywhere.

I'm can't speak to that. I could see it being illegal in a theocracy like Iran.

EMBRYONIC Stem Cell research is the only form of this research that the federal government will not fund.

Actually the US is funding limited lines at this time.

Nothing prevents states or privately funded research centers that don't get federal money from doing it on their own with their own money.

Not yet...at least until Missouri decides to or not.

California is doing it.

Yes they are.

None of this harangue makes any sense because not one -- NOT ONE -- reputable research center in this country has found any sign that embryonic stem cells can be used for anything.

Other than for research its self. Without scientific research you'd have no penicillin. Without scientific research AZT would have been left in the bottom of a freezer, leaving hopeless millions of AIDS sufferers. Are you proposing we abandon scientific research on a possible cure for diseases?

On the other hand, a number of research centers -- including Baylor College of Medicine right here in Houston -- have found a lot of promise in Adult Stem Cells, which by the way, can be obtained from adults

Yes, adult stem cell research has shown promise-just as embryonic stem cell research has.

-- not aborted fetuses.

Ah Ha! Now we see we're you're really going. Blastocysts-not aborted fetuses are the source for embryonic stem cells. The same blastocysts that are discarded daily without a whimper or whine from the anti-choice gang.

Why is the Democratic Party so married to the use of cells that can only come from aborted unborn babies?

They are not because blastocysts-not aborted fetuses are the source for embryonic stem cells. BTW, Orin Hatch, Arlen Specter and many of their Republican pals are in on this too.

They act like it will be the end of the world if they can't kill some babies to get what they want.

Now you're just being shrill.

And worse, why are people like MJ Fox so willing to take something as important as stem cell research and turn it into a political weapon?

He's not. He's on the same side of science most Dems, Reps and Indies are on.

That's the most despicable thing of all, and I think he deserves to be slapped down. Figuratively and literally.

Go for it.

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Federal Policy

The President's Criteria

On August 9th, 2001, President George W. Bush announced that federal funds may be awarded for research using human embryonic stem cells if the following criteria are met:

  1. The derivation process (which begins with the destruction of the embryo) was initiated prior to 9:00 P.M. EDT on August 9, 2001.

  2. The stem cells must have been derived from an embryo that was created for reproductive purposes and was no longer needed.

  3. Informed consent must have been obtained for the donation of the embryo and that donation must not have involved financial inducements.


Have human embryonic stem cells successfully treated any human diseases?

Scientists have been able to do experiments with human
stem cells (hESC) only since 1998, when a group led by Dr. James Thompson at the University of Wisconsin developed a technique to isolate and grow the cells. Moreover, Federal funds to support hESC research have been available since only August 9, 2001, when President Bush announced his decision on Federal funding for hESC research. Because many academic researchers rely on Federal funds to support their laboratories, they are just beginning to learn how to grow and use the cells. Thus, although hESC are thought to offer potential cures and therapies for many devastating diseases, research using them is still in its early stages.

Adult stem cells, such as blood-forming stem cells in bone marrow (called hematopoietic stem cells, or HSCs), are currently the only type of stem cell commonly used to treat human diseases. Doctors have been transferring HSCs in bone marrow transplants for over 40 years. More advanced techniques of collecting, or "harvesting," HSCs are now used in order to treat leukemia, lymphoma and several inherited blood disorders.

The clinical potential of adult stem cells has also been demonstrated in the treatment of other human diseases that include diabetes and advanced kidney cancer. However, these newer uses have involved studies with a very limited number of patients.


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And worse, why are people like MJ Fox so willing to take something as important as stem cell research and turn it into a political weapon? That's the most despicable thing of all, and I think he deserves to be slapped down. Figuratively and literally.

Good point. In fact, I will personally go slap down Michael J. Fox, just as soon as you slap down those that FIRST turned embryonic stem cell research into a political weapon......you DO know who first turned this into a political weapon, don't you.....DON'T YOU?

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Where is it written that someone in a wheelchair gets a pass on personal behavior? Does their disability give them immunity to being held responsible for what they say? I say if a person in a wheelchair deserves to be slapped, then he or she should be slapped and the devil take the hindmost.

In the matter of Michael J. Fox, this broohaha over Rush Limbaugh's alleged "mocking" of his disability is now being used as an excuse to ignore the point Limbaugh was making -- which was that everything -- EVERYTHING -- Fox said in that campaign spot was a lie. A LIE. Nothing he said was true. Nobody is talking about that. Doesn't the truth matter anymore?

Stem Cell Research is legal in every state. There are no prohibitions on it anywhere. EMBRYONIC Stem Cell research is the only form of this research that the federal government will not fund. Nothing prevents states or privately funded research centers that don't get federal money from doing it on their own with their own money. California is doing it.

None of this harangue makes any sense because not one -- NOT ONE -- reputable research center in this country has found any sign that embryonic stem cells can be used for anything. On the other hand, a number of research centers -- including Baylor College of Medicine right here in Houston -- have found a lot of promise in Adult Stem Cells, which by the way, can be obtained from adults -- not aborted fetuses. Why is the Democratic Party so married to the use of cells that can only come from aborted unborn babies? They act like it will be the end of the world if they can't kill some babies to get what they want.

And worse, why are people like MJ Fox so willing to take something as important as stem cell research and turn it into a political weapon? That's the most despicable thing of all, and I think he deserves to be slapped down. Figuratively and literally.

Um, when politicians talk and debate about stem cell research, and pass laws that directly effects stem-cell research, then I would say that the subject has become a political issue. Where you assumed that MJ Fox's personal testimony in the recent commercial Rush Limbaugh was referring to is beyond me. I thought what Limbaugh said and did was completely insensitive and confusing to me because obviously Limbaugh has no clue as to what Parkinson's can do. It's also been known that MJ Fox has been on tv and in congress without his medication from time to time to show people like Limbaugh exactly what his illness does to so many Americans.

What exactly do you expect MJ Fox to do? Shut up? He's trying to get research money, yo, not run for President. Hell, if President Bush can come to Sugarland and endorse a person that's not on a ballot, why isn't MJ Fox allowed to come on TV and endorse whoever he wants? That's why I don't like hypocrits like Limbaugh. I bet you if MJ Fox were endorsing Republicans, Limbaugh would be kissing Fox's ass. But since Fox was endorsing the Democrats, Limbaugh thinks he needs to make fun of him.

In terms of Fox's illness, I think Fox knows a little more about the subject than any of us on HAIF. You're gonna sit here and tell me that Fox was lying about what he said on the political ad, and was overexaggerating his body movements on the ad. Who do you think I'm gonna believe between you and Fox? Have a coke and a smile, dude... <_<

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And worse, why are people like MJ Fox so willing to take something as important as stem cell research and turn it into a political weapon? That's the most despicable thing of all, and I think he deserves to be slapped down. Figuratively and literally.

And I suppose this is different than Bush telling people yesterday that a vote for the Democrats is a vote for the terrorists?

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And I suppose this is different than Bush telling people yesterday that a vote for the Democrats is a vote for the terrorists?

I guess you can throw both ideas in the realm of speculatory. MJ thinks the bill he is promoting is for the greater good, MJ thinks its for stemcell research for cures when it is nothing but a thin veil to make human cloning legalized. The Bush adminstration's fear that if Dems. get back into power that they will most certainly "cut and run" in Iraq, that is the current Admin. belief, and it is what I believe to be a true statement, as the Dems. have said time and time again, that they want a "timetable" to leave, so, it isn't just hearsay that that will be exactly what the Dems would do and what terrorists would want, is for us to "cut and run" and leave the country in Chaos for them to take over after all or for Iran to swoop down and gobble them up.

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that will be exactly what the Dems would do and what terrorists would want, is for us to "cut and run" and leave the country in Chaos for them to take over after all or for Iran to swoop down and gobble them up.

Well, as you very own party head, that gay hypocrite Ken "Helen" Mehlman sez:


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I guess you can throw both ideas in the realm of speculatory. MJ thinks the bill he is promoting is for the greater good, MJ thinks its for stemcell research for cures when it is nothing but a thin veil to make human cloning legalized. The Bush adminstration's fear that if Dems. get back into power that they will most certainly "cut and run" in Iraq, that is the current Admin. belief, and it is what I believe to be a true statement, as the Dems. have said time and time again, that they want a "timetable" to leave, so, it isn't just hearsay that that will be exactly what the Dems would do and what terrorists would want, is for us to "cut and run" and leave the country in Chaos for them to take over after all or for Iran to swoop down and gobble them up.

I think there is a big difference in the statements. Michael J Fox is campaigning on a belief, an issue, which right now happens to be in line with the Dems. I don't think anyone knows his political persuasion, and I believe he would campaign for the other side if the sides were reversed on the issue. Bush's statement, however, is nothing more than political scare tactics.

Besides, you actually believe the Dems on Iraq? They were the inventors of nation building. The US isn't going to pull up stakes on 11/8/06 if the Dems win back Congress. They will, however, at least have fresh ideas and a better slogan than stay the course.

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I think there is a big difference in the statements. Michael J Fox is campaigning on a belief, an issue, which right now happens to be in line with the Dems. I don't think anyone knows his political persuasion, and I believe he would campaign for the other side if the sides were reversed on the issue. Bush's statement, however, is nothing more than political scare tactics.

Besides, you actually believe the Dems on Iraq? They were the inventors of nation building. The US isn't going to pull up stakes on 11/8/06 if the Dems win back Congress. They will, however, at least have fresh ideas and a better slogan than stay the course.

Then why not let the rest of us in on their "fresh ideas" about Iraq, why not speak up now, and maybe they could sway some Republicans if the ideas are soooooo great.

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I guess you can throw both ideas in the realm of speculatory. MJ thinks the bill he is promoting is for the greater good, MJ thinks its for stemcell research for cures when it is nothing but a thin veil to make human cloning legalized. The Bush adminstration's fear that if Dems. get back into power that they will most certainly "cut and run" in Iraq, that is the current Admin. belief, and it is what I believe to be a true statement, as the Dems. have said time and time again, that they want a "timetable" to leave, so, it isn't just hearsay that that will be exactly what the Dems would do and what terrorists would want, is for us to "cut and run" and leave the country in Chaos for them to take over after all or for Iran to swoop down and gobble them up.

I think MJ Fox thinks there's a chance that the cure for Parkinson's and other diseases could be found in Stem Cell Research, though we all know it's not a guarantee that would happen. I don't think MJ Fox is into this because of cloning, yo.

In terms of the Democrats, my problem is that we don't know what they clearly want. I'll take Nick Lampson for example. I've seen ONE commercial with his name. On that ad, instead of discussing why he'd be a good candidate for the election, and what he would do once he was voted into office, he spent it bashing Shelly Sekula Gibbs. C'mon, man. What do YOU stand for? You're not impressing me dissing some person that's not even on the ballot, yo <_< What a waste of money.

From what I've seen, I've heard Congressional Democrats in a broad sense saying that an immediate pullout out of Iraq would be suicide, but they didn't agree that the war in Iraq was initially just. Saying that a Democrat vote is what the terrorist want is just stupid. I don't think Osama Bin Laden's a Democrat. He and Al Qaida probably started plotting September 11th while a Democrat was President, so they really could care less who's in power. A timetable for an Iraq pullout is not what I've heard proposed from the Dems or Reps. What I think the Democrats and some Reps are calling for is clarity in the overall mission, and timetables for certain missions and certain events to take place (with U.S. assistance), which sounds reasonable. In other words, a warplan. "We would like to take over a certain area within this time period." "We'd like to see the Iraqi government in control within this time-period regardless of what the terrorists or insurgents tried to do within this time-period." The current warplan and idea sounds too broad. There needs to be specific goals, and specific checkpoints in the plan that says "okay, if we're here at this certain time-period, we're in the right direction, and if we're not, something needs to change." I haven't heard anyone say "we want a total troop withdrawl before (insert date here)".

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I think MJ Fox thinks there's a chance that the cure for Parkinson's and other diseases could be found in Stem Cell Research, though we all know it's not a guarantee that would happen. I don't think MJ Fox is into this because of cloning, yo.

That's just it DJ, I don't think he has actually read the proposition, and he obviously is disregarding the research already done by top Labs. that embryonic cell research is not delivering ANY results at all, whereas Adult cells seem to be the key, and all the scientists are pointing towards this also. The Republicans agree that possible cures can be found using stem cell research, just not Embryonic, so they won't support it. Filio's take is a little on the extreme right side, and though I agree with most of his post, I don't think it is the Dems intentions to blatantly kill fetuses at all in order to harvest cells. Most people just aren't inheritently EVIL like that, even though they are in the Democrat party. :P;)

Well, as you very own party head, that gay hypocrite Ken "Helen" Mehlman sez:


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That's just it DJ, I don't think he has actually read the proposition, and he obviously is disregarding the research already done by top Labs. that embryonic cell research is not delivering ANY results at all, whereas Adult cells seem to be the key, and all the scientists are pointing towards this also. The Republicans agree that possible cures can be found using stem cell research, just not Embryonic, so they won't support it. Filio's take is a little on the extreme right side, and though I agree with most of his post, I don't think it is the Dems intentions to blatantly kill fetuses at all in order to harvest cells. Most people just aren't inheritently EVIL like that, even though they are in the Democrat party. :P;)

I haven't seen MJ Fox's ad. The first I saw of any of this was last night on the Cobert Report (or as Steven says, "The Cobert Repooorrr). I was surprised at Limbaugh. Filio was right when mentioned that Limbaugh's actions overclouded what Fox's ad was all about. I probably would have never been aware of that ad if it weren't for Limbaugh.

I have to admit that I know very little about the subject of stem cell research, and I have no clue as to what MJ Fox knows, or what research papers he's referring to. I understand where you're coming from, TJones, but I don't have that much info on the debate of Limbaugh/Fox other than from what I saw on the trustworthy news that is of Comedy Central, if that makes any sense. And if what you're saying is a fact, I don't understand why MJ Fox would make an ad that promoted what he promoted. But I don't know what Fox has read or what got him to come to the conclusion as to why this style of stem cell research is the way to go. Perhaps those papers are available online somewhere.

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That's just it DJ, I don't think he has actually read the proposition, and he obviously is disregarding the research already done by top Labs. that embryonic cell research is not delivering ANY results at all, whereas Adult cells seem to be the key, and all the scientists are pointing towards this also. The Republicans agree that possible cures can be found using stem cell research, just not Embryonic, so they won't support it. Filio's take is a little on the extreme right side, and though I agree with most of his post, I don't think it is the Dems intentions to blatantly kill fetuses at all in order to harvest cells. Most people just aren't inheritently EVIL like that, even though they are in the Democrat party. :P;)

I think Mr./Mrs. Mehlman was referring to the Russian conflict in Afghanistan, not our own involvement.

There is not one damn thing in Iraq that is worth one American life and Bush has now killed more than 2785 young Americans in crippled another 20,000.

We need tear-gas in the streets of America before this outrage will end. We need to bring all troops home NOW and let the Iraqis live in a ____hole if that is what they want. If the US wants to kill Iraqis, drop bombs on them.

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The Republicans agree that possible cures can be found using stem cell research, just not Embryonic, so they won't support it.

Except for Nancy Reagan and the following senators:

Alexander (R-TN),

Bennett (R-UT)

Burr (R-NC)

Chafee (R-RI)

Cochran (R-MS)

Collins (R-ME)

Frist (R-TN)

Gregg (R-NH)

Hatch (R-UT)

Hutchison (R-TX)

Lott (R-MS)

Lugar (R-IN)

McCain (R-AZ)

Murkowski (R-AK)

Smith (R-OR)

Snowe (R-ME)

Specter (R-PA)

Stevens (R-AK)

Warner (R-VA)

I'd post the 50 congress members who voted FOR embyonic stem cell research funding but I think you get where I'm going.

However you are right about one Republican, Tom DeLay, the indicted former congressman and head of the Republican Scum Machine is staunchly against it! Go Tom! Go!!!!

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Except for Nancy Reagan and the following senators:

Alexander (R-TN),

Bennett (R-UT)

Burr (R-NC)

Chafee (R-RI)

Cochran (R-MS)

Collins (R-ME)

Frist (R-TN)

Gregg (R-NH)

Hatch (R-UT)

Hutchison (R-TX)

Lott (R-MS)

Lugar (R-IN)

McCain (R-AZ)

Murkowski (R-AK)

Smith (R-OR)

Snowe (R-ME)

Specter (R-PA)

Stevens (R-AK)

Warner (R-VA)

I'd post the 50 congress members who voted FOR embyonic stem cell research funding but I think you get where I'm going.

However you are right about one Republican, Tom DeLay, the indicted former congressman and head of the Republican Scum Machine is staunchly against it! Go Tom! Go!!!!

Source ?

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Good work detective, did you happen to see the stipulations, you can't use aborted fetuses, and that is what the majority of the Reps. are worried about. I agree with this bill also. I am not worried myself. This is what the Missouri bill debate is about though.


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Good work detective, did you happen to see the stipulations, you can't use aborted fetuses, and that is what the majority of the Reps. are worried about. I agree with this bill also. I am not worried myself. This is what the Missouri bill debate is about though.


TJ, your suggestion that a majority of Republicans are worried about the stipulations is a bit off. Polls show widespread support for stem cell research, including majorities among Republicans. The entire dustup is concentrated among a group of Republican POLITICIANS, including the president, who used his only veto on this bill, to curry favor among evangelicals. Interestingly, 50% of evangelicals also support the research.

It would be easy to tailor a bill for federal funding of stem cell research to outlaw actual human cloning. Those making hay on the issue do not want to do so, as the fear of cloning sounds better. Frankly, after reading the vitriolic posts of the last several days, I am no longer troubled by Fox's ad. Clearly, the only problem anyone seems to have with it is that it may be too effective in painting some Republicans as anti-science. If Republicans do not wish to be seen as anti-science, they should not speak and vote against science.

I hope the ad has its intended effect. We'll know on Tuesday.

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Good work detective, did you happen to see the stipulations, you can't use aborted fetuses, and that is what the majority of the Reps. are worried about. I agree with this bill also. I am not worried myself. This is what the Missouri bill debate is about though.


...ummmmm...except embyonic stem cells aren't derived from fetuses-aborted or otherwise so the stipulations are moot, IMUO. Embryonic stem cells are derived from blastocysts.

To derive stem cells, researchers begin with a 4- to 5-day-old
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I think there is a big difference in the statements. Michael J Fox is campaigning on a belief, an issue, which right now happens to be in line with the Dems. I don't think anyone knows his political persuasion, and I believe he would campaign for the other side if the sides were reversed on the issue. Bush's statement, however, is nothing more than political scare tactics.

Besides, you actually believe the Dems on Iraq? They were the inventors of nation building. The US isn't going to pull up stakes on 11/8/06 if the Dems win back Congress. They will, however, at least have fresh ideas and a better slogan than stay the course.

I watched Family Ties growing up. MJF is a Republican.

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