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Republicans are scum!


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God, who knows. He's done so much damage to himself and the Republican party that I find it best to keep my mouth shut, sit back and watch him self-destruct.

You really think Rush is gonna self-destruct ? C'mon man ! 20 million on both sides of the aisle can't wait for what he will say next. The only talk-radio that is self destructing is Air America. :lol:

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The only people dumber than Kerry are the morons out of the Whitehouse who keep the war front and center by playing into it. Please! Tell us more how much better Iraq is going Mr. Cheney! What's that? It's what? A complete failure? You mean you lied? On purpose?

DAMN that Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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God, who knows. He's done so much damage to himself and the Republican party that I find it best to keep my mouth shut, sit back and watch him self-destruct.

I thought that EIB gold mic of his was indestructible? Maybe its just the vicodin talking...

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Bush is not overly endowed in smarts category, so how was it that he didn't end up in Vietnam?

Oh, yeah I remember, he had a Daddy who could help.

Maybe because he was pulling National Guard duty already for the Air Force ? Oh yeah, and he was in College before that and passing his classes, so he wouldn't have been eligible for the draft. He got a deferment.

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So what is the Demorat solution to this new problem ? What would the Dems. do, if they were in office ?

How about "anything would be better than what the Congressional Republicans are doing" as an answer?

I know Clinton is universally hated by you guys, but was this such a bad idea?:

General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina

It's crazy to continue to speak in terms of sectarian violence in Iraq. This thing crossed over into civil war months ago. Now that we're here there is no going back, and no amount of stay the course will stop it from escalating. I think the only solution that saves time and lives at this point is to carve the country up like we did the former Yugoslavia. Don't be surprised if The Iraq Study Group comes to the very same conclusion in their report that will be out in another month.

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So what is the Demorat solution to this new problem ? What would the Dems. do, if they were in office ?

New Problem? Frankly, the Dems won't be doing anything. As commander in chief, Bush runs the war. The Congress only gives permission to attack, which was done 4 years ago. Any "solution" to this "new" problem will be Bush's.

Since Bush ignored the civil war for far too long, there is no solution. These groups will continue to kill each other regardless whether the US stays or goes. The only choice to make is how many troops he wants to sacrifice before he leaves. The real concern now is to keep the war in Iraq, and not let it spread to other countries. But, Iraq is cooked. Bush's legacy is clear.

If I was the Dems, I would not run a candidate in 2008. Let the Republicans get swallowed whole by Iraq. No one can fix it now. Like an oil field fire, they can only wait for it to burn itself out.

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New Problem? Frankly, the Dems won't be doing anything. As commander in chief, Bush runs the war. The Congress only gives permission to attack, which was done 4 years ago. Any "solution" to this "new" problem will be Bush's.

Since Bush ignored the civil war for far too long, there is no solution. These groups will continue to kill each other regardless whether the US stays or goes. The only choice to make is how many troops he wants to sacrifice before he leaves. The real concern now is to keep the war in Iraq, and not let it spread to other countries. But, Iraq is cooked. Bush's legacy is clear.

If I was the Dems, I would not run a candidate in 2008. Let the Republicans get swallowed whole by Iraq. No one can fix it now. Like an oil field fire, they can only wait for it to burn itself out.

As usual, Dems. skirt the question because they have no answers. Let's try again, this is a hypethetical, let's say you really had a chance to win the 2004 election, and you hold office, What would you do ?

There are ways to put out Oil field fires though, and cap them off.

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As usual, Dems. skirt the question because they have no answers. Let's try again, this is a hypethetical, let's say you really had a chance to win the 2004 election, and you hold office, What would you do ?

There are ways to put out Oil field fires though, and cap them off.

Are you and your Republican friends finally admitting that the Bush Administration has FUBARed Iraq? I'll offer my 2 cents if you are admitting they blew it and we need new ideas.

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As usual, Dems. skirt the question because they have no answers.

Maybe because the war (the aftermath after the fall of Sadaam) has been so totally mis-managed there are no longer any good answers.

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Maybe because the war (the aftermath after the fall of Sadaam) has been so totally mis-managed there are no longer any good answers.

I'll tell you what the Dems will do. Pull out of Iraq NOW. It is pointless to allow any more Americans to be murdered for the sake of setting up a Democratic government in a country that does not want one and doesn't know what to do with one if they had it.

Iraq was NEVER a threat to the US and never will be. The only reason that there are terrorists there now is because we are there.

A war against terrorism cannot, and will never be won. It can only be contained. It's like saying that we will wage a war on Kamakazi of Blitzkrieg. Terrorism is not an enemy, only a means of warfare that our enemies use. The Republicans can't even verbalize their damn war properly.

There is nothing in Iraq that is worth dying for, but plenty worth dying for right here in the US. Perhaps congress would see things differently if more of them were dying.

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So what is the Demorat solution to this new problem ? What would the Dems. do, if they were in office ?

It's Bush's civil war. What do you suggest he do? "Stay the course?" Well Bush said-in a most telling state of denial-"we've never been stay the course" then Snow job said he said it only 8 times but Olbermann stopped showing the footage after the 23rd time. So maybe "the course" hasn't worked out so well because it was always a slogan and never a strategy.

So, what IS Bush's strategey? Does he have one? Did he ever have one? Was it to send his swift-boating hyenas after Murtha offered up a responsible alternative by redeploying across the border to remove our guys from harms way? To stand ready if we need to go back in?

There's one Democrat's strategy for you.

Where's Bush's?

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I'll tell you what the Dems will do. Pull out of Iraq NOW. It is pointless to allow any more Americans to be murdered for the sake of setting up a Democratic government in a country that does not want one and doesn't know what to do with one if they had it.

No they won't. Two reasons: 1) it'd continue a repeating trend with respect to our international policy that we act like sexual predators (i.e. we get involved when it suits us, get entangled in all of that country's business, and then drop them when things either get tough or the next domestic hotbutton issue comes up, leaving our former protectorate to degrade into an even worse mess than what we'd left behind). And 2) the Republicans would smear them for it. You'll notice that most of the Democratic opposition tries to focus on the "Bush lied" argument, and explains how we made mistakes (in past tense). Most mainstream Democrats aren't saying anything much about the present, except to let us know when there are three zeros behind a death count, and even then, they just use it as an excuse to remind us about the folly of having gotten into Iraq (past tense).

Iraq was NEVER a threat to the US and never will be. The only reason that there are terrorists there now is because we are there.

It was a threat to our economic interests in 1990-1991, and whether they had WMDs or not, Saddam sure was going out of his way to make it look like they did. Matters within Iraq are certainly a threat at present...otherwise why would our body count continue to mount? And if we drop the country completely, you can be sure that it will degrade into a sectarian mess not unlike pre-2001 Afghanistan...that is, a wartorn place with extremely weak government(s) that would be the perfect petri dish in which for terrorist groups like Al Quaeda to flourish.

A war against terrorism cannot, and will never be won. It can only be contained. It's like saying that we will wage a war on Kamakazi of Blitzkrieg. Terrorism is not an enemy, only a means of warfare that our enemies use. The Republicans can't even verbalize their damn war properly.

Agreed...not that it really matters.

There is nothing in Iraq that is worth dying for, but plenty worth dying for right here in the US. Perhaps congress would see things differently if more of them were dying.

So...what exactly are you proposing? :huh:

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Iraq was in economic threat? How do you come up with that conclusion?

Here is the only thing that Iraq could export to this county.


As far as Iraq descending into a sectarian mess. So what, all we need to do is drop a few daisy cutters every once in a awhile.

No I don't buy it that we are better off now than we were in late 2001, as far as Iraq is concerned. I agree with what was done in Afghaniland but we are far from finished there. The tons of money that is going to Iraq would be much better spent in this county.

Hell, we could take a tenth of what we are spending and flood N. Korea with TVs and cell phone so that those folks can find out how the rest of the world lives. That is the place that really is a threat to the US.

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So what is the Demorat solution to this new problem ? What would the Dems. do, if they were in office ?

That's my problem with both parties:

Republicans 2006: Don't know how to run Washington without multiple scandals, without public approval, with no answers to the problems created since Iraq has began (such as how we would know the war in Iraq has ended with America being safer than before), and still have time to bash John Kerry about his comments as if IT were a scandal? NOBODY IN IRAQ GIVE A %$#@ ABOUT KERRY! HE'S NOT THE PRESIDENT!!! Tell me what you want to do to turn things around that have gone wrong since your party's been leading office. And don't tell me that this is the wrong time to vote Democrat, because I have no clue what the Democrats want. And don't try to impress me with laws that don't do anything to solve the problem, like that damn 700-mile border fence. How's that supposed to turn the 11 million illegal immigrants into legal citizens? Is it a magical wall? When the wall sees a hot girl, will it erect sideways so the other 1400 miles of border are covered as well? <_<<_<<_< F*ckin' A, man...

Democrats 2006: Don't know how to run for public office. Nick Lampson, for example, has put himself in position to lose to a write-in candidate who's name can't even be spelt by our President. How? In his commercials, instead of telling us what he wants to do in Washington and how he wants to vote, he spends it bashing a person who's not even on the ballot? You stupid f*ck! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!!! If Shelly Sekula-Gibbs can bring in the President, who will you bring to YOUR campaign, and what common goal do you two have in Washington? Bring in Clinton (either one of them), or some Hollywood star. Hell, bring in Howard Dean and make him scream again. Bring in a monkey to entertain us. SOMETHING. Oh, and Democrats, don't bring in some dude like John Kerry again to run for president. Bring in candidates that we've HEARD OF BEFORE and have MOMENTUM if you EVER want a chance at the presidency. Hilary Clinton/Obama as President/Vice President is probably the only chance you'll ever get. So do it. Anyone else will fail like a North Korean missile. My question is this, Dems: IF WASHINGTON'S A BAD PLACE NOW, WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO FIX IT? IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WITHDRAW THE TROOPS IMMEDIATELY, WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO TO MAKE THE IRAQ SITUATION WORK???!! If the answer is "I don't know", then you're just as incompitant as you claim Bush to be.

What I'm saying is this: IMPRESS ME BY BEING SMART!!! And stop calling yourselves "parties". I'm the DJ! I know what a party is when I see one, and this is just stupidity running rampant! I want to see a Republican smart enough to win on Jeopardy, and a Democrat that's charasmatic enough to win American Idol before I die. Until then, no prejudice. They both are equally sucking in 2006, and I've NEVER said that before in any other year except 2004 when it was Bush vs. Kerry.

I apologize 4 the rant, but it had to be said.

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I apologize 4 the rant, but it had to be said.

No prob, great rant. Your right about Lampsom. If he throws this gift away I'll SCREAM!!!! They let the Cunningham seat get away and now this. The fact that it is even close is pretty discouraging.

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