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Not sure if I follow you. How does one determine whether there's a consensus among the neighbors?

the organization who brought the complaint against Weingarten's variance request (www.stopshepherdnoise.org) met with the company and they came up with the compromise.

The headline of their website now reads Weingarten modifies its variance request with support of neighbors; Commission approves modified building

Maybe not every neighbor was pleased is the compromise, but it seems that the group in question is.

Edited by diggity
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  • 2 weeks later...
Or Three Brothers...too bad all that money spent to rebuild (plus the already high rents) will price out most everyone.

I remember a few years ago when someone at Weingarten talked about how those of us in the neighborhood should be grateful and excited that we would be getting a Barnes & Noble there, along with other nationally known anchor stores. Yippee. Maybe they can put an Applebee's there.

I'm sorry to hear that it won't be a Vallone restaurant. I think Tony and Jeff working together would have produced a great place and I was looking forward to getting tanked on the controversial balcony. The bummer here is that whatever replaces it will probably not be as good, and may not be local. I suppose we could always use another Taqueria though...

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I'm betting we lost my favorite Black-eyed Pea for what will turn out to be an empty strip mall.

Don't be so gloomy. They'll have the bookstore to anchor it, and I heard Lawry's Prime Rib might take the restaurant spot. They could add some huge video screens and they'll have a "Lids" and maybe "American Apparel" will finally take that spot across the street.... Oh wait, wrong strip mall.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think the entire River Oaks Shopping Center should be replaced with nuts-to-butts Starbucks, like Limehouse opium dens in Victorian London. ^_^

Heck, forget the Starbucks and line the center with opium dens! Think of all the hipsters slouching around in a daze, drooling on their messenger bags.......

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Didn't I hear Starbucks were cutting jobs - something like 1000 nationwide? I guess Houston must be one of their better markets if they are piling in here with more stores, and that intersection must have some of the highest concentration of disposable income in the city. Why wouldn't they fill their boots? Personally I don't see what all the fuss ius about - gimme a decent cuppa tea any day.

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  • 1 month later...
I heard that the wine bar slot is now going to be a Starbucks. Also, the Landmark River Oaks Theater is going to be ousted and replaced with, you guessed it, a Starbucks.

Is this true? Where did you hear it?

What about the Bookstop on Alabama? Anyone know its fate?

Chronicle links are SO lame.


OH, they are! What is the deal with the Chronicle??? NONE of the other Texas papers have this problem. Why can't they name a link instead of number it? I'm guessing they re-use the numbers for some weird reason? I really don't get it. Don't they realize it hurts readership not being able to read a link after it expires? And it expires pretty quickly, so they direct you to find it ih the archives, but their search NEVER works, so you have to go to the cached page. It's crazy!!! I think I'm going to write a strongly worded letter!

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  • 2 months later...

^ What a bunch of crap...and I mean just that! This new building lacks cohesion in its exterior design, rather it looks like a jumble of over-used and unrelated design cliches plastered onto a retail shell. The design is unnecessarily busy, and the building appears cluttered before any signage has been put up. It's a shame, since the beauty of the original buildings lied in their sleek and uncomplicated aesthetic.

Edit: Upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that there wasn't too much thought put into these buildings. What's with the stucco control joint going through the middle of the can light on the second floor balcony?

Edited by Dan the Man
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why wouldn't they keep with the B&W theme of the rest of the block? what's with the tan and browns?

I know. I mean things have to get bigger, I expect that, but what was wrong with the black and white thematic elements throughout the shopping center? I liked that.

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I know. I mean things have to get bigger, I expect that, but what was wrong with the black and white thematic elements throughout the shopping center? I liked that.

Disappointing to say the least. I understand things get replaced, but it's polite to replace them with something that is as interesting as what was there. This fails. It has nail salon/day spa tenant all over it and ought to have one of those terrible names like "Vaguely Tuscan Unincorporated Harris County Style Strip Mall at River Oaks." 3 to 1 says the dry cleaner is on a downstairs corner.

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Even though this is technically North Montrose (NoMo :P ) it's got the River Oaks name. Judging from this design, I guess we can refer to River Oaks as a suburb of Houston once again. Weingarten should have come up with something a little more unique for this location.

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