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One Market Square: Proposed Office Tower At 800 Preston St.


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I was on board, but now that I hear that Frank is a pretentious a-hole, I'm not so sure I can enjoy the pizza anymore.  Though, I reserve the right to be won back by that epic beer garden he's working on.

Edited by Nate99
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yes. we are a bunch of pretentious assholes for having an opinion about architecture, on an architecture website... :rolleyes: i guess we just have different opinions of "monumental"? when i think monumental i think of city defining structure. the Empire State Building, Gateway Arch, Eiffel Tower, ect.. International Tower wouldn't be that defining of a structure.

i think the flashy rendering and color changing LEDs down the side alter peoples perceptions of an otherwise fairly simple design?

All of the examples you have are of classic architecture. Houston is Uber modern. A modern city can't be defined by an eiffle tower or a gateway arch.

If anything, a city like houston will be defined by a huge shiny glass box. International tower fits they bill perfectly.

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Come off it you sound like an insufferable know it all. I said it was all classic I never said it was classical. Two different words.

And I was joking earlier, lighten up jeez this is a more peacefull forum, not the flame wars that go on other websites so no need to get overheated. All I meant is that we have gotten so much in so short of a time that we have come to expect so much. It's not that you can't have an opinion, it's that your opinion is based on being spoiled

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Now BOA could be described as a city defining structure. The only reason IT looks "monumental" there is because it's the freaking focus of the rendering. Front and center, all glossed up. Notice practically every other building is washed out or in the shadows? You think this is more "monumental" than Pennzoil? Btw, as much as some of you are in love with this shiny LED curve, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Market Square Tower will all but block that view...

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I agree with you when you say BoA is distinctly Houston. There are a few unique towers that are recognized by everyday people that can't distinguish skylines or architecture as much as we can, that can identify Houston with buildings like BoA. One Market Square Tower is not that way. This tower could easily blend into any skyline, as it's not a ground breaking or extremely unique design. For this city, yes, in the same way 601 Main is, very sleek and modern, something we don't get too often. It's a cool looking tower, but it's pretty run of the mill in contemporary design.

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moo, as much as i would of liked to of seen this get built, i don't think it did fit in well with the atmosphere of Market Square. hopefully someone else is able to scoop up the property and develop something that fits in better with the historical surroundings. id like to see a high end hotel there..

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I say it's on life support. Not dead yet. We still have hope people! :)


I agree, this and many others are on life support. 


I was thinking, why not market this tower (and the whole city really) as the place that oil built but couldn't use (because it crashed) and now others in different industries can just step in and reap the benefits of what was laid out.  There will be plenty of office space to choose from, and a vast amount of great professionals (who are unemployed) to hire.  All of it at a discount too!!!

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I honestly thought this tower was too tall for this area and the glass facade would have been in stark contrast with the rest of the historical district. I would rather see something that is much lower like a 20-25 or even 30. The 2 story HEB or another grocer would be a good idea.

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HEB Market Square. It already has a catchy name.


Is Central Market Square too confusing? A little more upscale grocery experience for the high end residential units that sit above.

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Is Central Market Square too confusing? A little more upscale grocery experience for the high end residential units that sit above.


It's a bit confusing.  But Central Market, Market Square is a bit repetitive and redundant.  :ph34r:

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