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Everything posted by BEES?!

  1. not to get too off-topic, but the most recent proposal for days inn is mixed-income housing, as of feb 2021. I believe it’ll have market rate units.
  2. For real. Galleria area needs some trail action. There’s a ton of people living there, too, so I’m sure the demand is there. (not to mention- the easy access to memorial park!)
  3. It would certainly make a statement. not to mention the fabric would help shade the windows during the summer heat.
  4. I’ll defend this dumb thing proudly lol. I really like the exterior with the mismatched colors of glass. It’s weird and fun and feels like a focal point for the area- IMO it’s one of the most unique and interesting buildings that’s gone up in a while. It’s certainly a conversation starter. I’m interested to see what the high rise will wind up looking like. Will they go for a more subdued color scheme on the glass, or let their freaky flag fly and go all-in on the weird colors?
  5. Is the food park leaving a temporary development while they’re redoing the building? Did they relocate somewhere?
  6. Metro posted the PDF for the May 4th virtual meeting.
  7. I’ve seen that they’re offering them. They aren’t too expensive, are they? I may have to give one a go sometime!
  8. Beautiful shots! I especially like the second one- was that taken from the bayou trails?
  9. r/Houston is a trashfire of stupid takes. Much of reddit is in general, but this is extra-true for local subreddits lol
  10. Woaaah! This is fantastic news! Can’t wait to see what they’ll do!
  11. I’m totally for this. I’ve also never had an issue with toll roads/toll lanes, either (provided there were alternatives for people that prefer not to pay, like feeders or non-tolled lanes). I think it’s a great use of surplus money and will really help in building out the trail network around town.
  12. I like the render, it looks really good. Very classic-looking building. It’d be neat if we could get some more of these!
  13. This’ll be an eclectic marriage of styles, for sure. I’m digging the East Asian rooftiles on that wall.
  14. Nice renders. It’s definitely a unique building. I think the only one here in Houston it immediately reminds me of is one of the HQs on 10 in the Energy Corridor,. (Dunno which one though off the top of my head. Maybe it’s BP?)
  15. Honestly, you could count me in too, if you want someone to help out with things here and there. This project is so cool, and is super useful when I want to show someone a new project going up.
  16. Wow, Galleria area is gonna have a little building boom. This project, M-Square (not sure when that’s going up though), plus the 3(?) residential towers…am I missing anything else! There’ll be quite a lot of towers popping up here! 🙌
  17. I guess we’ll know for sure in June what the cost and scheduling estimates look like- at least that’s what I took away from the PDF. I think I like the below-grade BRT concept, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the most exensive of the three alternatives, though.
  18. So is it looking like Meow Wolf is going in here?
  19. Yup. I said in the thread for this, but it’s really not a bad walk at all from there to Midtown. It’d be nice to see more residential on the south side of DT.
  20. I believe it’s damaged and was leaking into the garage it was built on…I may be wrong. So there’ll have to be quite a bit of structural work on the garage underneath. I know the planned rehab of the site was grouped alongside the Bagby Street redo in the Master Plan PDF, but there hasn’t been a whole lot else said about it. All I could find was this KHOU article from 2019, claiming there is a funding issue.
  21. So this will be I guess technically “mixed-income” housing? (Since looking at the presentation it sounds like some will be market rate) It’s nice they’ll be saving those buildings and they’ll be getting new life as housing.
  22. Nice cars in that rendering. Got some real ballers working there
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