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Texasota last won the day on October 21 2012

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  1. That one skylight looks like it's sliding off the roof. Otherwise looks good.
  2. I like how they eliminated the cornice (the only interesting part of the building). Good work everyone.
  3. So the mayor who's so concerned about the budget chooses the most expensive possible option. Exacerbated by delays. That puts *two* libraries in a relatively wealthy neighborhood.
  4. I think the more naturalistic style (especially the wings) makes it pretty different.
  5. Blech such a giant parking lot on lower westheimer.
  6. I don't know that the issue was her views so much as her interpersonal reputation. She treats people absolutely horribly and that's the last thing you want in a mayor. Whitmire isn't turning out much better in that regard either though.
  7. Given how much Amazon has driven Whole Foods into the ground I would no longer consider them competition for HEB.
  8. Ha ok fair. To me she's just an inherent part of an architectural rendering at this point. I'd be confused and scared if she *wasn't* there.
  9. ? Looks like pretty standard architect's copy to me... maybe even a bit more thought through and site specific than normal.
  10. No, the problem is the archdiocese. This garbage is 100% in line with their other projects.
  11. Permit procurement is not difficult in Houston compared to peer cities in other parts of the country. Not to say it couldn't or shouldn't be better, but pulling permits is an issue in *every* big city and Houston is absolutely faster than most.
  12. More units under 500sf is a good thing. They don't work for everyone, but 350-500 sf is sometimes exactly the right size (depending on where you are in your life) and will help with affordability.
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