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Everything posted by Amlaham

  1. Even though these new buildings are nice, why is this view still ugly? Maybe the lack of landscape?
  2. Oh ok, I was just confused by the second to the last slide that said off street parking would eventually be replaced by additional landscape
  3. Is the off street parking just for the construction crew? Then they'll remove it?
  4. Based off of the conversations I've had with my group of friends (mostly married in their late 20s/ early 30s), most of them lived in suburbs their whole life and were traumatized by the drive into the city. The suburbs is a nice place to raise a family, but lets face it, you can't do everything you want in the suburbs. Odds are you're going to have to drive into the city for school/ work/ fine dinning/ shopping/ entertainment/ etc. The other day, I drove from Hillcroft to Katy off of Westpark Tollway & 99..... it took 1 hour. Honestly, from what I've been hearing, my generation is sick of traffic. Living in these high-rises/ closer to the city is becoming more appealing IMO. Also, am I crazy or does traffic on local street around the loop not compare to death traffic on the highways? I feel like driving local in the loop during rush hour doesn't feel as bad as being stuck on a 12 lane highway bumper to bumper traffic for an hour straight. :)
  5. I loved when it had actual vines on the building, why on earth did they put that cheap looking artificial turf on the building?
  6. For those likes me, I'm definitely most excited about not having to see a giant M driving down the freeway :) Our Skyline just got more beautiful :) For those that don't understand my view, these giant Ms on a stick are sooo FUGLY. These and the Starbucks ones 🤢. I'm sooo glad Houston took the steps to prevent these types of sticks to appear along our freeways.
  7. Is that a railing....on the roof. Also, the exposed exterior vent on the left is.....interesting.
  8. 25 year old trees are pretty mature. The trees were HUGE, I just value trees more than the average person. IMO, every tree cut down is a loss, whether 10 years old or 100 years old.
  9. Sooooo they tore up those 50+ mature trees for that tiny extension?
  10. Imagine in 10 years, when the buildings in Downtown- Montrose- Greenway-Galleria start to connect 😩 I'm honestly starting to picture it
  11. Not a lot of new Cadence banks so not much for reference. However, there is an older Cadence bank across the street on almost the same amount of land, so I'm not sure whats the point? Maybe that land is planning on getting redeveloped?
  12. YAY more La La Land! Their coffee is soo good imo
  13. My post literally doesn't even mention the highway 😂 I thought I was clear, I'm talking about the billboards/ excessive signs all ALONG the highway. Let's admit it, the i45 corridor is an EYESORE, its legit flat out UGLY. Honestly, if the highway was kept how it is, but trees/ landscape were planted, have some kind of organization of signs/ billboards, I wouldn't mind it one bit. I understand that more could be done with that amount of money, but at this point we have to look at the very bright side, the area around the highway is going to look aesthetically prettier. I'm always going to go for beautification of any area! We desperately need it 😂
  14. I can't WAIT for them to start by removing the billboard infested corridor 🤩
  15. https://abc13.com/deadly-police-chases-city-of-houston-lawsuit-three-families-file-civil-rights-hpd-chase-with-black-drivers/12592052/ https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-dangerous-countries . this is so dumb, I'm honestly sick of the crime in the US and the normalization that its "not that bad" Now it's a problem when criminals are being chased? I understand that police brutality exists but I'm sick of the "cops are out to get us" act. UH is within these boundaries and when I was attending there a few years ago, EVERY SINGLE DAY there was an alert that a student was robbed, pulled a gun on, and pistol whipped. So what now, cops aren't allowed to chase a suspect? And specifically chase a suspect in a black neighborhood??? I've been overseas in Qatar, UAE, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Germany, Japan.. I can go on, and every single country felt WAY safer than the US. Why is that? Instead we're obsessed with abortion, religious freedom, and election integrity?? Is THAT really our main concerns? Numbers don't lie, America is dangerous, and this affects ALL of us. Whether we've been targeted by criminals or not. Are we supposed to only care when we ourselves have become a victim??
  16. I honestly don't understand how Westheimer is still the way it is. I feel like it should be the priority in this city. Don't get me wrong, I love this project for Montrose Blvd, but I feel like at this point, Westheimer is WAYYY worse and needs to be prioritized.
  17. This building is already looking great, I can't imagine how well its going to look when its completed! That Tundra garage needs some serious TLC though 🤢
  18. . really bad quality maps picture, but we have a rendering! Nothing special though, looks like a garage wrapped building ..
  19. It looks like incomplete or like its missing something. Regardless, I think this is still good because now that the store itself is built out, it can always be redeveloped into something better!
  20. They're moving fast on this development! It's interesting that half the building will be parking . 😅 is anyone else curious how traffic will play out. This area is getting pretty dense for what seems like a pretty narrow street? Also, I doubt the street can be widen anymore. Maybe, the city needs to start on that trail sooner than later. I know "the average employee wont be biking/ walking to work," but even if it's only 10 people out of 100, it's still less cars on the road. Imagine living at Lenox Oaks/ West U/ Bellaire near the tracks and biking for 10-15 minutes instead of a 30 minute drive during rush hour 🤷‍♂️ Biking from the Heights seems like a stretch unless it's for exercise. However, I feel like most of our traffic is West/East instead of North/South, so we definitely need to discuss a bike route from Westchase to the Galleria area. I remember reading somewhere that TxDOT was planning a bike route on the Westpark utility row?
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